abstractchartpatternsLibrary "abstractchartpatterns"
Library having abstract types and methods for chart pattern implementations
checkBarRatio(p1, p2, p3, properties)
checks if three zigzag pivot points are having uniform bar ratios
p1 (chart.point) : First pivot point
p2 (chart.point) : Second pivot point
p3 (chart.point) : Third pivot point
properties (ScanProperties)
Returns: true if points are having uniform bar ratio
getRatioDiff(p1, p2, p3)
gets ratio difference between 3 pivot combinations
p1 (chart.point)
p2 (chart.point)
p3 (chart.point)
Returns: returns the ratio difference between pivot2/pivot1 ratio and pivot3/pivot2 ratio
method inspect(points, stratingBar, endingBar, direction, ohlcArray)
Creates a trend line between 2 or 3 points and validates and selects best combination
Namespace types: chart.point
points (chart.point ) : Array of chart.point objects used for drawing trend line
stratingBar (int) : starting bar of the trend line
endingBar (int) : ending bar of the trend line
direction (float) : direction of the last pivot. Tells whether the line is joining upper pivots or the lower pivots
ohlcArray (OHLC type from Trendoscope/ohlc/1) : Array of OHLC values
Returns: boolean flag indicating if the trend line is valid and the trend line object as tuple
method draw(this)
draws pattern on the chart
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern) : Pattern object that needs to be drawn
Returns: Current Pattern object
method erase(this)
erase the given pattern on the chart
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern) : Pattern object that needs to be erased
Returns: Current Pattern object
method push(this, p, maxItems)
push Pattern object to the array by keeping maxItems limit
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern ) : array of Pattern objects
p (Pattern) : Pattern object to be added to array
@oaram maxItems Max number of items the array can hold
maxItems (int)
Returns: Current Pattern array
method deepcopy(this)
Perform deep copy of a chart point array
Namespace types: chart.point
this (chart.point ) : array of chart.point objects
Returns: deep copy array
Object containing properties for pattern drawing
patternLineWidth (series int) : Line width of the pattern trend lines
showZigzag (series bool) : show zigzag associated with pattern
zigzagLineWidth (series int) : line width of the zigzag lines. Used only when showZigzag is set to true
zigzagLineColor (series color) : color of the zigzag lines. Used only when showZigzag is set to true
showPatternLabel (series bool) : display pattern label containing the name
patternLabelSize (series string) : size of the pattern label. Used only when showPatternLabel is set to true
showPivotLabels (series bool) : Display pivot labels of the patterns marking 1-6
pivotLabelSize (series string) : size of the pivot label. Used only when showPivotLabels is set to true
pivotLabelColor (series color) : color of the pivot label outline. chart.bg_color or chart.fg_color are the appropriate values.
deleteOnPop (series bool) : delete the pattern when popping out from the array of Patterns.
Object containing Individual Pattern data
points (chart.point )
originalPoints (chart.point )
trendLine1 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1) : First trend line joining pivots 1, 3, 5
trendLine2 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1) : Second trend line joining pivots 2, 4 (, 6)
properties (DrawingProperties) : DrawingProperties Object carrying common properties
patternColor (series color) : Individual pattern color. Lines and labels will be using this color.
ratioDiff (series float) : Difference between trendLine1 and trendLine2 ratios
zigzagLine (series polyline) : Internal zigzag line drawing Object
pivotLabels (label ) : array containning Pivot labels
patternLabel (series label) : pattern label Object
patternType (series int) : integer representing the pattern type
patternName (series string) : Type of pattern in string
Object containing properties for pattern scanning
offset (series int) : Zigzag pivot offset. Set it to 1 for non repainting scan.
numberOfPivots (series int) : Number of pivots to be used in pattern search. Can be either 5 or 6
errorRatio (series float) : Error Threshold to be considered for comparing the slope of lines
flatRatio (series float) : Retracement ratio threshold used to determine if the lines are flat
checkBarRatio (series bool) : Also check bar ratio are within the limits while scanning the patterns
barRatioLimit (series float) : Bar ratio limit used for checking the bars. Used only when checkBarRatio is set to true
avoidOverlap (series bool) : avoid overlapping patterns.
allowedPatterns (bool ) : array of bool encoding the allowed pattern types.
allowedLastPivotDirections (int ) : array of int representing allowed last pivot direction for each pattern types
themeColors (color ) : color array of themes to be used.
Индикаторы и стратегии
series_collectionLibrary "series_collection"
A personal collection of commonly used series types like moving averages that are supported directly by
the pinescript library ('ALMA', 'DEMA', 'EMA', 'HMA', 'RMA', 'SMA', 'SWMA', 'VWMA', 'WMA'), highest and lowest source,
median and pivots. One single function (with overloads) that can be configured easily by the user input and can be
used as a core piece of functionality for many user cases. This library was created to abstract away and re-use this
commonly used functionality in my "Two MA Signal Indicator" script and the "Template Trailing Strategy" script. Both
of them use the "two_ma_logic" for defining entry and exit signals. While this piece of work does not contain any
novel mathematical expressions and just adds a convinient (and configurable) way to do things, I hope that might add
value to other scripts as well and future projects.
cust_series(length, seriesType, source)
cust_series - Calculate the custom series of the given source for the given length and type
length (simple int) : - The length of the custom series
seriesType (simple string) : - The type of the custom series
source (float) : - The source of the values
Returns: - The resulting value of the calculations of the custom series
cust_series(length, seriesType, source)
cust_series - Calculate the custom series of the given source for the given length and type
length (simple float) : - The length of the custom series (ceiled)
seriesType (simple string) : - The type of the custom series
source (float) : - The source of the values
Returns: - The resulting value of the calculations of the custom series
TimeSeriesClassificationActivationFunctionsLibrary "TimeSeriesClassificationActivationFunctions"
Provides some activation functions useful in time series classification.
method scale(dist, weights)
Activate values by a normalized scale.
Namespace types: map
dist (map) : Source distribution map.
weights (map) : Weights distribution map.
Returns: Normalized distribution map.
method softmax(dist, weights)
Activate values with a softmax algorithm.
Namespace types: map
dist (map) : Source distribution map.
weights (map) : Weights distribution map.
Returns: Normalized distribution map.
method argmax(dist, weights)
Activate values with a argmax algorithm.
Namespace types: map
dist (map) : Source distribution map.
weights (map) : Weights distribution map.
Returns: first key of argmax value of the transformed distribution.
MatrixScaleDownLibrary "MatrixScaleDown"
Provides a function to scale down a matrix into a smaller square format were its values are averaged to mantain matrix topology.
method scale_down(mat, size)
scale a matrix to a new smaller square size.
Namespace types: matrix
mat (matrix) : Source matrix.
size (int) : New matrix size.
Returns: New matrix with scaled down size. Source values will be averaged together.
FunctionsLibrary "Functions"
Half Candles
Returns: half candles (difference between open and close)
super_smoother(source, len)
Ehlers Super Smoother
source (float) : Source
len (int)
Returns: super smoothed moving average
quotient(length, K)
Ehlers early onset trend
length (int) : Length (default = 1)
K (float) : Factor (default = 0.8)
Returns: Ehlers early onset trend
butterworth_2Pole(src, length)
Ehlers 2 Pole Butterworth Filter
src (float) : Source
length (int) : Length
Returns: Ehlers 2 Pole Butterworth Filter
hann_ma(src, length)
Ehler's Hann Moving Average
src (float) : Source
length (int) : Length
Returns: Ehler's Hann Moving Average
Ehlers Optimum Elliptic Filter
src (float) : Source
Returns: Ehlers Optimum Elliptic Filter
Ehlers Modified Optimum Elliptic Filter
src (float) : Source
Returns: Ehlers Modified Optimum Elliptic Filter
arsi(src, length)
Advanced RSI
src (float) : Source
length (simple int) : Length (default = 14)
Returns: ARSI
smoothrng(src, length, multi)
Smooth Range
src (float) : Source
length (simple int) : Length
multi (float) : Multiplikator (default 3.0)
Returns: Smooth Range
ottlibLibrary "ottlib"
This library contains functions for the calculation of the OTT (Optimized Trend Tracker) and its variants, originally created by Anıl Özekşi (Anil_Ozeksi). Special thanks to him for the concept and to Kıvanç Özbilgiç (KivancOzbilgic) and dg_factor (dg_factor) for adapting them to Pine Script.
The OTT (Optimized Trend Tracker) is a highly customizable and very effective trend-following indicator that relies on moving averages and a trailing stop at its core. Moving averages help reduce noise by smoothing out sudden price movements in the markets, while trailing stops assist in detecting trend reversals with precision. Initially developed as a noise-free trailing stop, the current variants of OTT range from rapid trend reversal detection to long-term trend confirmation, thanks to its extensive customizability.
It's well-known variants are:
OTT (Optimized Trend Tracker).
TOTT (Twin OTT).
OTT Channels.
SOTT (Stochastic OTT).
HOTT & LOTT (Highest & Lowest OTT)
ROTT (Relative OTT)
FT (Original name is Fırsatçı Trend in Turkish which translates to Opportunist Trend)
This library has been prepared in accordance with the style, coding, and annotation standards of Pine Script version 5. As a result, explanations and examples will appear when users hover over functions or enter function parameters in the editor.
Usage of this library is very simple. Just import it to your script with the code below and use its functions.
import ismailcarlik/ottlib/1 as ottlib
• f_vidya(source, length, cmoLength)
Short Definition: Chande's Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA).
Details: This function computes Chande's Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA), which serves as the original moving average for OTT. The 'length' parameter determines the number of bars used to calculate the average of the given source. Lower values result in less smoothing of prices, while higher values lead to greater smoothing. While primarily used internally in this library, it has been made available for users who wish to utilize it as a moving average or use in custom OTT implementations.
source (float) : (series float) Series of values to process.
length (simple int) : (simple int) Number of bars to lookback.
cmoLength (simple int) : (simple int) Number of bars to lookback for calculating CMO. Default value is `9`.
Returns: (float) Calculated average of `source` for `length` bars back.
vidyaValue = ottlib.f_vidya(source = close, length = 20)
plot(vidyaValue, color = color.blue)
• f_mostTrail(source, multiplier)
Short Definition: Calculates trailing stop value.
Details: This function calculates the trailing stop value for a given source and the percentage. The 'multiplier' parameter defines the percentage of the trailing stop. Lower values are beneficial for catching short-term reversals, while higher values aid in identifying long-term trends. Although only used once internally in this library, it has been made available for users who wish to utilize it as a traditional trailing stop or use in custom OTT implementations.
source (float) : (series int/float) Series of values to process.
multiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Percent of trailing stop.
Returns: (float) Calculated value of trailing stop.
emaValue = ta.ema(source = close, length = 14)
mostValue = ottlib.f_mostTrail(source = emaValue, multiplier = 2.0)
plot(mostValue, color = emaValue >= mostValue ? color.green : color.red)
• f_ottTrail(source, multiplier)
Short Definition: Calculates OTT-specific trailing stop value.
Details: This function calculates the trailing stop value for a given source in the manner used in OTT. Unlike a traditional trailing stop, this function modifies the traditional trailing stop value from two bars prior by adjusting it further with half the specified percentage. The 'multiplier' parameter defines the percentage of the trailing stop. Lower values are beneficial for catching short-term reversals, while higher values aid in identifying long-term trends. Although primarily used internally in this library, it has been made available for users who wish to utilize it as a trailing stop or use in custom OTT implementations.
source (float) : (series int/float) Series of values to process.
multiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Percent of trailing stop.
Returns: (float) Calculated value of OTT-specific trailing stop.
vidyaValue = ottlib.f_vidya(source = close, length = 20)
ottValue = ottlib.f_ottTrail(source = vidyaValue, multiplier = 1.5)
plot(ottValue, color = vidyaValue >= ottValue ? color.green : color.red)
• ott(source, length, multiplier)
Short Definition: Calculates OTT (Optimized Trend Tracker).
Details: The OTT consists of two lines. The first, known as the "Support Line", is the VIDYA of the given source. The second, called the "OTT Line", is the trailing stop based on the Support Line. The market is considered to be in an uptrend when the Support Line is above the OTT Line, and in a downtrend when it is below.
source (float) : (series float) Series of values to process. Default value is `close`.
length (simple int) : (simple int) Number of bars to lookback. Default value is `2`.
multiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Percent of trailing stop. Default value is `1.4`.
Returns: ( [ float, float ]) Tuple of `supportLine` and `ottLine`.
= ottlib.ott(source = close, length = 2, multiplier = 1.4)
longCondition = ta.crossover(supportLine, ottLine)
shortCondition = ta.crossunder(supportLine, ottLine)
• tott(source, length, multiplier, bandsMultiplier)
Short Definition: Calculates TOTT (Twin OTT).
Details: TOTT consists of three lines: the "Support Line," which is the VIDYA of the given source; the "Upper Line," a trailing stop of the Support Line adjusted with an added multiplier; and the "Lower Line," another trailing stop of the Support Line, adjusted with a reduced multiplier. The market is considered in an uptrend if the Support Line is above the Upper Line and in a downtrend if it is below the Lower Line.
source (float) : (series float) Series of values to process. Default value is `close`.
length (simple int) : (simple int) Number of bars to lookback. Default value is `40`.
multiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Percent of trailing stop. Default value is `0.6`.
bandsMultiplier (simple float) : Multiplier for bands. Default value is `0.0006`.
Returns: ( [ float, float, float ]) Tuple of `supportLine`, `upperLine` and `lowerLine`.
= ottlib.tott(source = close, length = 40, multiplier = 0.6, bandsMultiplier = 0.0006)
longCondition = ta.crossover(supportLine, upperLine)
shortCondition = ta.crossunder(supportLine, lowerLine)
• ott_channel(source, length, multiplier, ulMultiplier, llMultiplier)
Short Definition: Calculates OTT Channels.
Details: OTT Channels comprise nine lines. The central line, known as the "Mid Line," is the OTT of the given source's VIDYA. The remaining lines are positioned above and below the Mid Line, shifted by specified multipliers.
source (float) : (series float) Series of values to process. Default value is `close`
length (simple int) : (simple int) Number of bars to lookback. Default value is `2`
multiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Percent of trailing stop. Default value is `1.4`
ulMultiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Multiplier for upper line. Default value is `0.01`
llMultiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Multiplier for lower line. Default value is `0.01`
Returns: ( [ float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float ]) Tuple of `ul4`, `ul3`, `ul2`, `ul1`, `midLine`, `ll1`, `ll2`, `ll3`, `ll4`.
= ottlib.ott_channel(source = close, length = 2, multiplier = 1.4, ulMultiplier = 0.01, llMultiplier = 0.01)
• risotto(source, length, rsiLength, multiplier)
Short Definition: Calculates RISOTTO (RSI OTT).
Details: RISOTTO comprised of two lines: the "Support Line," which is the VIDYA of the given source's RSI value, calculated based on the length parameter, and the "RISOTTO Line," a trailing stop of the Support Line. The market is considered in an uptrend when the Support Line is above the RISOTTO Line, and in a downtrend if it is below.
source (float) : (series float) Series of values to process. Default value is `close`.
length (simple int) : (simple int) Number of bars to lookback. Default value is `50`.
rsiLength (simple int) : (simple int) Number of bars used for RSI calculation. Default value is `100`.
multiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Percent of trailing stop. Default value is `0.2`.
Returns: ( [ float, float ]) Tuple of `supportLine` and `risottoLine`.
= ottlib.risotto(source = close, length = 50, rsiLength = 100, multiplier = 0.2)
longCondition = ta.crossover(supportLine, risottoLine)
shortCondition = ta.crossunder(supportLine, risottoLine)
• sott(source, kLength, dLength, multiplier)
Short Definition: Calculates SOTT (Stochastic OTT).
Details: SOTT is comprised of two lines: the "Support Line," which is the VIDYA of the given source's Stochastic value, based on the %K and %D lengths, and the "SOTT Line," serving as the trailing stop of the Support Line. The market is considered in an uptrend when the Support Line is above the SOTT Line, and in a downtrend when it is below.
source (float) : (series float) Series of values to process. Default value is `close`.
kLength (simple int) : (simple int) Stochastic %K length. Default value is `500`.
dLength (simple int) : (simple int) Stochastic %D length. Default value is `200`.
multiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Percent of trailing stop. Default value is `0.5`.
Returns: ( [ float, float ]) Tuple of `supportLine` and `sottLine`.
= ottlib.sott(source = close, kLength = 500, dLength = 200, multiplier = 0.5)
longCondition = ta.crossover(supportLine, sottLine)
shortCondition = ta.crossunder(supportLine, sottLine)
• hottlott(length, multiplier)
Short Definition: Calculates HOTT & LOTT (Highest & Lowest OTT).
Details: HOTT & LOTT are composed of two lines: the "HOTT Line", which is the OTT of the highest price's VIDYA, and the "LOTT Line", the OTT of the lowest price's VIDYA. A high price surpassing the HOTT Line can be considered a long signal, while a low price dropping below the LOTT Line may indicate a short signal.
length (simple int) : (simple int) Number of bars to lookback. Default value is `20`.
multiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Percent of trailing stop. Default value is `0.6`.
Returns: ( [ float, float ]) Tuple of `hottLine` and `lottLine`.
= ottlib.hottlott(length = 20, multiplier = 0.6)
longCondition = ta.crossover(high, hottLine)
shortCondition = ta.crossunder(low, lottLine)
• rott(source, length, multiplier)
Short Definition: Calculates ROTT (Relative OTT).
Details: ROTT comprises two lines: the "Support Line", which is the VIDYA of the given source, and the "ROTT Line", the OTT of the Support Line's VIDYA. The market is considered in an uptrend if the Support Line is above the ROTT Line, and in a downtrend if it is below. ROTT is similar to OTT, but the key difference is that the ROTT Line is derived from the VIDYA of two bars of Support Line, not directly from it.
source (float) : (series float) Series of values to process. Default value is `close`.
length (simple int) : (simple int) Number of bars to lookback. Default value is `200`.
multiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Percent of trailing stop. Default value is `0.1`.
Returns: ( [ float, float ]) Tuple of `supportLine` and `rottLine`.
= ottlib.rott(source = close, length = 200, multiplier = 0.1)
isUpTrend = supportLine > rottLine
isDownTrend = supportLine < rottLine
• ft(source, length, majorMultiplier, minorMultiplier)
Short Definition: Calculates Fırsatçı Trend (Opportunist Trend).
Details: FT is comprised of two lines: the "Support Line", which is the VIDYA of the given source, and the "FT Line", a trailing stop of the Support Line calculated using both minor and major trend values. The market is considered in an uptrend when the Support Line is above the FT Line, and in a downtrend when it is below.
source (float) : (series float) Series of values to process. Default value is `close`.
length (simple int) : (simple int) Number of bars to lookback. Default value is `30`.
majorMultiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Percent of major trend. Default value is `3.6`.
minorMultiplier (simple float) : (simple float) Percent of minor trend. Default value is `1.8`.
Returns: ( [ float, float ]) Tuple of `supportLine` and `ftLine`.
= ottlib.ft(source = close, length = 30, majorMultiplier = 3.6, minorMultiplier = 1.8)
longCondition = ta.crossover(supportLine, ftLine)
shortCondition = ta.crossunder(supportLine, ftLine)
Users can create custom OTT implementations using f_ottTrail function in this library. The example code which uses EMA of 7 period as moving average and calculates OTT based of it is below.
Source Code:
indicator("Custom OTT", shorttitle = "COTT", overlay = true)
import ismailcarlik/ottlib/1 as ottlib
src = input.source(close, title = "Source")
length = input.int(7, title = "Length", minval = 1)
multiplier = input.float(2.0, title = "Multiplier", minval = 0.1)
support = ta.ema(source = src, length = length)
ott = ottlib.f_ottTrail(source = support, multiplier = multiplier)
pSupport = plot(support, title = "Moving Average Line (Support)", color = color.blue)
pOtt = plot(ott, title = "Custom OTT Line", color = color.orange)
fillColor = support >= ott ? color.new(color.green, 60) : color.new(color.red, 60)
fill(pSupport, pOtt, color = fillColor, title = "Direction")
Trading is risky and most of the day traders lose money eventually. This library and its functions are only for educational purposes and should not be construed as financial advice. Past performances does not guarantee future results.
ohlcLibrary "ohlc"
Library having OHLC and Indicator type and method implementations.
getOhlcArray(o, h, l, c, barindex, bartime, indicators)
get array of OHLC values when called on every bar
o (float) : Open price
h (float) : High Price
l (float) : Low Price
c (float) : Close Price
barindex (int) : bar_index of OHLC data
bartime (int) : time of OHLC cata
indicators (Indicator ) : array containing indicator
Returns: Array of OHLC objects
push(this, item, maxItems)
Push items to OHLC array with maxItems limit
this (OHLC )
item (OHLC) : OHLC Item to be pushed to the array
maxItems (int) : max Items the array can hold at a time
Returns: current object
push(this, item, maxItems)
Push items to Indicator array with maxItems limit
this (Indicator )
item (Indicator) : Indicator Item to be pushed to the array
maxItems (int) : max Items the array can hold at a time
Returns: current object
unshift(this, item, maxItems)
Unshift items to OHLC array with maxItems limit
this (OHLC )
item (OHLC) : OHLC Item to be unshifted to the array
maxItems (int) : max Items the array can hold at a time
Returns: current object
unshift(this, item, maxItems)
Unshift items to Indicator array with maxItems limit
this (Indicator )
item (Indicator) : Indicator Item to be unshifted to the array
maxItems (int) : max Items the array can hold at a time
Returns: current object
method getPoints(indicators)
get array of points based on array of indicator values
Namespace types: Indicator
indicators (Indicator ) : Array containing indicator objects
Returns: array of indicator points
method plot(indicator, xloc, line_color, line_style, line_width)
plots an array of Indicator using polyline
Namespace types: Indicator
indicator (Indicator ) : Array containing indicator objects
xloc (string) : can have values xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time. Used for drawing the line based on either bars or time.
line_color (color) : color in which the plots need to be printed on chart.
line_style (string) : line style line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_both
line_width (int) : width of the plot line
Returns: array of plot polyline
Object containing Indicator name and value
name (series string) : Indicator Name
value (chart.point) : Indicator Value as a chart point
Object containing OHLC and indicator values
o (series float) : Open price
h (series float) : High Price
l (series float) : Low Price
c (series float) : Close Price
barindex (series int) : bar_index of OHLC data
bartime (series int) : time of OHLC cata
indicators (Indicator ) : array containing indicator
forex_factory_decodingLibrary "forex_factory_decoding"
Supporting Utility Library for the Live Economic Calendar by toodegrees Indicator; responsible for formatting and saving Forex Factory News events.
Finds if it's currently a leap year or not.
Returns: Returns True if the current year is a leap year.
Provides the days in a given month of the year, adjusted during leap years.
M (int) : Month in numerical integer format (i.e. Jan=1).
Returns: Days in the provided month.
Converts a month from a numerical integer format to a MMM format (i.e. 'Jan').
M (int) : Month in numerical integer format (i.e. Jan=1).
Returns: Month in MMM format (i.e. 'Jan').
array2string(S, FWD)
Converts a string array to a simple string, concatenating its elements.
S (string ) : String array, or string array slice, to turn into a simple string.
FWD (bool) : Boolean defaulted to True. If True the array will be concatenated from head to tail, reversed order if False.
Returns: Returns the simple string equivalent of the provided string array.
Converts a month string in 'MMM' format to its integer equivalent.
M (string) : Month string, in 'MMM' format.
Returns: Returns the integer equivalent of the provided Month string in 'MMM' format.
Shifts forward the current Date by N days.
D (int) : Number of days to forward-shift, default is 7.
Returns: Returns the forward-shifted date in 'MMM %D' format (i.e. Jan 8, Sep 12).
Converts a numbered day of the week string in format to 'DDD' format (i.e. "1" = Sun).
D (string) : Numbered day of the week from 1 to 7, starting on Sunday.
Returns: Returns the day of the week in 'DDD' format (i.e. "Fri").
Converts a numbered currency string in format to 'CCC' format (i.e. "1" = AUD).
C (string) : Numbered currency, where "1" = "AUD", "2" = "CAD", "3" = "CHF", "4" = "CNY", "5" = "EUR", "6" = "GBP", "7" = "JPY", "8" = "NZD", "9" = "USD".
Returns: Returns the currency in 'CCC' format (i.e. "USD").
Converts a time of the day in 'hhmm' format into an intger.
T (string) : Time of the day string in 'hhmm' format.
Returns: Returns the time of the day integer in 'hhmm' format, or -1 if all day.
Converts a time of the day from an integer 'hhmm' format into 'hh:mm' format.
T (int)
Returns: Returns the N Forex Factory News array with time of the day string in 'hh:mm' format, or 'All Day'.
Converts a number from 1 to 4 to a relative color based on Forex Factory Impact types.
I (string) : Impact number string from 1 to 4, where "1" = Holiday, "2" = Low Impact, "3" = Medium Impact, "4" = High Impact.
Returns: Returns the color associated to the impact number based on Forex Factory Impact types.
ff_tmst(D, T)
D (string)
T (string)
Decodes TOODEGREES_FOREX_FACTORY_SLOT_n Symbols' Pine Seeds data into Forex Factory News Events.
ID (int) : Identifier of the Forex Factory News Event, in "DCHHMMI%T" format (D = day of the week from 1 to 7, C = currency from 1 to 9, HHMM = hour:minute in 24h, I = impact from 1 to 4, %T = event title ID) .
Returns: Returns the Forex Factory News Event.
method pullNews(N, n)
Decodes the Forex Factory News Event and adds it to the Forex Factory News array.
Namespace types: ffUtil.News
N (News type from toodegrees/forex_factory_utility/1) : Forex Factory News array.
n (float) : imported data from custom feed.
Returns: void
method readNews(N, S)
Pulls the individual Forex Factory News Event from the custom data feed format (joint News string), decodes them and adds them to the Forex Factory News array.
Namespace types: ffUtil.News
N (News type from toodegrees/forex_factory_utility/1) : Forex Factory News array.
S (string) : joint string of the imported data from custom feed.
Returns: void
marketClosed(N, S, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9)
If the current ticker's market is closed, Pine Seeds data will be pushed twice upon new day. This function saves the data pushed from the missing day.
N (News type from toodegrees/forex_factory_utility/1) : Forex Factory News array.
S (string ) : String array containing the Pine Seeds daya from the missing day.
S1 (string) : Data coming from TOODEGREES_FOREX_FACTORY_SLOT_1.
S2 (string) : Data coming from TOODEGREES_FOREX_FACTORY_SLOT_2.
S3 (string) : Data coming from TOODEGREES_FOREX_FACTORY_SLOT_3.
S4 (string) : Data coming from TOODEGREES_FOREX_FACTORY_SLOT_4.
S5 (string) : Data coming from TOODEGREES_FOREX_FACTORY_SLOT_5.
S6 (string) : Data coming from TOODEGREES_FOREX_FACTORY_SLOT_6.
S7 (string) : Data coming from TOODEGREES_FOREX_FACTORY_SLOT_7.
S8 (string) : Data coming from TOODEGREES_FOREX_FACTORY_SLOT_8.
S9 (string) : Data coming from TOODEGREES_FOREX_FACTORY_SLOT_9.
Returns: Updated string array containing the Pine Seeds daya from the missing day.
forex_factory_events_id_BLibrary "forex_factory_events_id_B"
Supporting Utility Library for the Live Economic Calendar by toodegrees Indicator; database with the second 500 Forex Factory News Event types.
Converts a number to Forex Factory News title (second 500).
ID (string) : Identifier of the Forex Factory News Event. Please see the library for more information.
Returns: Returns the title of the Forex Factory News Event.
forex_factory_events_id_ALibrary "forex_factory_events_id_A"
Supporting Utility Library for the Live Economic Calendar by toodegrees Indicator; database with the first 500 Forex Factory News Event types.
Converts a number to Forex Factory News title (first 500).
ID (string) : Identifier of the Forex Factory News Event. Please see the library for more information.
Returns: Returns the title of the Forex Factory News Event.
forex_factory_utilityLibrary "forex_factory_utility"
Supporting Utility Library for the Live Economic Calendar by toodegrees Indicator; responsible for data handling, and plotting news event data.
Finds if it's currently a leap year or not.
Returns: Returns True if the current year is a leap year.
Provides the days in a given month of the year, adjusted during leap years.
M (int) : Month in numerical integer format (i.e. Jan=1).
Returns: Days in the provided month.
size(S, N)
Converts a size string into the corresponding Pine Script v5 format, or N times smaller/bigger.
S (string) : Size string: "Tiny", "Small", "Normal", "Large", or "Huge".
N (int) : Size variation, can be positive (larger than S), or negative (smaller than S).
Returns: Size string in Pine Script v5 format.
Converts a line style string into the corresponding Pine Script v5 format.
S (string) : Line style string: "Dashed", "Dotted" or "Solid".
Returns: Line style string in Pine Script v5 format.
Converts a transparency style string into the corresponding integer value.
S (string) : Line style string: "Light", "Medium" or "Heavy".
Returns: Transparency integer.
boxLoc(X, Y)
Converts position strings of X and Y into a table position in Pine Script v5 format.
X (string) : X-axis string: "Left", "Center", or "Right".
Y (string) : Y-axis string: "Top", "Middle", or "Bottom".
Returns: Table location string in Pine Script v5 format.
method bubbleSort_NewsTOD(N)
Performs bubble sort on a Forex Factory News array of all news from the same date, ordering them in ascending order based on the time of the day.
Namespace types: News
N (News ) : Forex Factory News array.
Returns: void
Performs bubble sort on a Forex Factory News array, ordering them in ascending order based on the time of the day, and date.
N (News ) : Forex Factory News array.
Returns: Sorted Forex Factory News array.
weekNews(N, C, I)
Creates a Forex Factory News array containing the current week's Forex Factory News.
N (News ) : Forex Factory News array containing this week's unfiltered Forex Factory News.
C (string ) : Currency filter array (string array).
I (color ) : Impact filter array (color array).
Returns: Forex Factory News array containing the current week's Forex Factory News.
todayNews(W, D, M)
Creates a Forex Factory News array containing the current day's Forex Factory News.
W (News ) : Forex Factory News array containing this week's Forex Factory News.
D (News ) : Forex Factory News array for the current day's Forex Factory News.
M (bool) : Boolean that marks whether the current chart has a Day candle-switch at Midnight New York Time.
Returns: Forex Factory News array containing the current day's Forex Factory News.
impFilter(X, L, M, H)
Creates a filter array from the User's desired Forex Facory News to be shown based on Impact.
X (bool) : Boolean - if True Holidays listed on Forex Factory will be shown.
L (bool) : Boolean - if True Low Impact listed on Forex Factory News will be shown.
M (bool) : Boolean - if True Medium Impact listed on Forex Factory News will be shown.
H (bool) : Boolean - if True High Impact listed on Forex Factory News will be shown.
Returns: Color array with the colors corresponding to the Forex Factory News to be shown.
curFilter(A, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9)
Creates a filter array from the User's desired Forex Facory News to be shown based on Currency.
A (bool) : Boolean - if True News related to the current Chart's symbol listed on Forex Factory will be shown.
C1 (bool) : Boolean - if True News related to the Australian Dollar listed on Forex Factory will be shown.
C2 (bool) : Boolean - if True News related to the Canadian Dollar listed on Forex Factory will be shown.
C3 (bool) : Boolean - if True News related to the Swiss Franc listed on Forex Factory will be shown.
C4 (bool) : Boolean - if True News related to the Chinese Yuan listed on Forex Factory will be shown.
C5 (bool) : Boolean - if True News related to the Euro listed on Forex Factory will be shown.
C6 (bool) : Boolean - if True News related to the British Pound listed on Forex Factory will be shown.
C7 (bool) : Boolean - if True News related to the Japanese Yen listed on Forex Factory will be shown.
C8 (bool) : Boolean - if True News related to the New Zealand Dollar listed on Forex Factory will be shown.
C9 (bool) : Boolean - if True News related to the US Dollar listed on Forex Factory will be shown.
Returns: String array with the currencies corresponding to the Forex Factory News to be shown.
FF_OnChartLine(N, T, S)
Plots vertical lines where a Forex Factory News event will occur, or has already occurred.
N (News ) : News-type array containing all the Forex Factory News.
T (int) : Transparency integer value (0-100) for the lines.
S (string) : Line style in Pine Script v5 format.
Returns: void
method updateStringMatrix(M, P, V)
Namespace types: matrix
M (matrix)
P (int)
V (string)
FF_OnChartLabel(N, Y, S)
Plots labels where a Forex Factory News has already occurred based on its/their impact.
N (News ) : News-type array containing all the Forex Factory News.
Y (string) : String that gives direction on where to plot the label (options= "Above", "Below", "Auto").
S (string) : Label size in Pine Script v5 format.
Returns: void
historical(T, D, W, X)
Deletes Forex Factory News drawings which are ourside a specific Time window.
T (int) : Number of days input used for Forex Factory News drawings' history.
D (bool) : Boolean that when true will only display Forex Factory News drawings of the current day.
W (bool) : Boolean that when true will only display Forex Factory News drawings of the current week.
X (string) : String that gives direction on what lines to plot based on Time (options= "Past", "Future", "Both").
Returns: void
Creates a new Table object with parameters tailored to the Forex Factory News Table.
P (string) : Position string for the Table, in Pine Script v5 format.
Returns: Empty Forex Factory News Table.
resetTable(P, S, headTextC, headBgC)
Resets a Table object with parameters and headers tailored to the Forex Factory News Table.
P (string) : Position string for the Table, in Pine Script v5 format.
S (string) : Size string for the Table's text, in Pine Script v5 format.
headTextC (color)
headBgC (color)
Returns: Empty Forex Factory News Table.
logNews(N, TBL, R, S, rowTextC, rowBgC)
Adds an event to the Forex Factory News Table.
N (News) : News-type object.
TBL (table) : Forex Factory News Table object to add the News to.
R (int) : Row to add the event to in the Forex Factory News Table.
S (string) : Size string for the event's text, in Pine Script v5 format.
rowTextC (color)
rowBgC (color)
Returns: void
FF_Table(N, P, S, headTextC, headBgC, rowTextC, rowBgC)
Creates the Forex Factory News Table.
N (News ) : News-type array containing all the Forex Factory News.
P (string) : Position string for the Table, in Pine Script v5 format.
S (string) : Size string for the Table's text, in Pine Script v5 format.
headTextC (color)
headBgC (color)
rowTextC (color)
rowBgC (color)
Returns: Forex Factory News Table.
timeline(N, T, F, D)
Shades Forex Factory News events in the Forex Factory News Table after they occur.
N (News ) : News-type array containing all the Forex Factory News.
T (table) : Forex Facory News table object.
F (color) : Color used as shading once the Forex Factory News has occurred.
D (bool) : Daily Forex Factory News flag.
Returns: Forex Factory News Table.
Custom News type which contains informatino about a Forex Factory News Event.
dow (series string) : Day of the week, in DDD format (i.e. 'Mon').
dat (series string) : Date, in MMM D format (i.e. 'Jan 1').
_t (series int)
tod (series string) : Time of the day, in hh:mm 24-Hour format (i.e 17:10).
cur (series string) : Currency, in CCC format (i.e. "USD").
imp (series color) : Impact, the respective impact color for Forex Factory News Events.
ttl (series string) : Title, encoded in a custom number mapping (see the toodegrees/toodegrees_forex_factory library to learn more).
tmst (series int)
ln (series line)
chartpatternsLibrary "chartpatterns"
Library having complete chart pattern implementation
method draw(this)
draws pattern on the chart
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern) : Pattern object that needs to be drawn
Returns: Current Pattern object
method erase(this)
erase the given pattern on the chart
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern) : Pattern object that needs to be erased
Returns: Current Pattern object
method findPattern(this, properties, patterns)
Find patterns based on the currect zigzag object and store them in the patterns array
Namespace types: zg.Zigzag
this (Zigzag type from Trendoscope/ZigzagLite/2) : Zigzag object containing pivots
properties (PatternProperties) : PatternProperties object
patterns (Pattern ) : Array of Pattern objects
Returns: Current Pattern object
Object containing properties for pattern scanning
offset (series int) : Zigzag pivot offset. Set it to 1 for non repainting scan.
numberOfPivots (series int) : Number of pivots to be used in pattern search. Can be either 5 or 6
errorRatio (series float) : Error Threshold to be considered for comparing the slope of lines
flatRatio (series float) : Retracement ratio threshold used to determine if the lines are flat
checkBarRatio (series bool) : Also check bar ratio are within the limits while scanning the patterns
barRatioLimit (series float) : Bar ratio limit used for checking the bars. Used only when checkBarRatio is set to true
avoidOverlap (series bool)
patternLineWidth (series int) : Line width of the pattern trend lines
showZigzag (series bool) : show zigzag associated with pattern
zigzagLineWidth (series int) : line width of the zigzag lines. Used only when showZigzag is set to true
zigzagLineColor (series color) : color of the zigzag lines. Used only when showZigzag is set to true
showPatternLabel (series bool) : display pattern label containing the name
patternLabelSize (series string) : size of the pattern label. Used only when showPatternLabel is set to true
showPivotLabels (series bool) : Display pivot labels of the patterns marking 1-6
pivotLabelSize (series string) : size of the pivot label. Used only when showPivotLabels is set to true
pivotLabelColor (series color) : color of the pivot label outline. chart.bg_color or chart.fg_color are the appropriate values.
allowedPatterns (bool ) : array of bool encoding the allowed pattern types.
themeColors (color ) : color array of themes to be used.
Object containing Individual Pattern data
pivots (Pivot type from Trendoscope/ZigzagLite/2) : array of Zigzag Pivot points
trendLine1 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1) : First trend line joining pivots 1, 3, 5
trendLine2 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1) : Second trend line joining pivots 2, 4 (, 6)
properties (PatternProperties) : PatternProperties Object carrying common properties
patternColor (series color) : Individual pattern color. Lines and labels will be using this color.
ratioDiff (series float) : Difference between trendLine1 and trendLine2 ratios
zigzagLine (series polyline) : Internal zigzag line drawing Object
pivotLabels (label ) : array containning Pivot labels
patternLabel (series label) : pattern label Object
patternType (series int) : integer representing the pattern type
patternName (series string) : Type of pattern in string
LineWrapperLibrary "LineWrapper"
Wrapper Type for Line. Useful when you want to store the line details without drawing them. Can also be used in scnearios where you collect lines to be drawn and draw together towards the end.
method draw(this)
draws line as per the wrapper object contents
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: current Line object
method draw(this)
draws lines as per the wrapper object array
Namespace types: Line
this (Line ) : (series array) Array of Line object.
Returns: current Array of Line objects
method update(this)
updates or redraws line as per the wrapper object contents
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: current Line object
method update(this)
updates or redraws lines as per the wrapper object array
Namespace types: Line
this (Line ) : (series array) Array of Line object.
Returns: current Array of Line objects
method delete(this)
Deletes the underlying line drawing object
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: Current Line object
method get_price(this, bar)
get line price based on bar
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : (series Line) Line object.
bar (int) : (series/int) bar at which line price need to be calculated
Returns: line price at given bar.
Line Wrapper object
p1 (chart.point)
p2 (chart.point)
xloc (series string) : (series string) See description of x1 argument. Possible values: xloc.bar_index and xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index.
extend (series string) : (series string) If extend=extend.none, draws segment starting at point (x1, y1) and ending at point (x2, y2). If extend is equal to extend.right or extend.left, draws a ray starting at point (x1, y1) or (x2, y2), respectively. If extend=extend.both, draws a straight line that goes through these points. Default value is extend.none.
color (series color) : (series color) Line color.
style (series string) : (series string) Line style. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both.
width (series int) : (series int) Line width in pixels.
obj (series line) : line object
lib_fvgLibrary "lib_fvg"
further expansion of my object oriented library toolkit. This lib detects Fair Value Gaps and returns them as objects.
Drawing them is a separate step so the lib can be used with securities. It also allows for usage of current/close price to detect fill/invalidation of a gap and to adjust the fill level dynamically. FVGs can be detected while forming and extended indefinitely while they're unfilled.
method draw(this)
Namespace types: FVG
this (FVG)
method draw(fvgs)
Namespace types: FVG
fvgs (FVG )
is_fvg(mode, precondition, filter_insignificant, filter_insignificant_atr_factor, live)
mode (int) : switch for detection 1 for bullish FVGs, -1 for bearish FVGs
precondition (bool) : allows for other confluences to block/enable detection
filter_insignificant (bool) : allows to ignore small gaps
filter_insignificant_atr_factor (float) : allows to adjust how small (compared to a 50 period ATR)
live (bool) : allows to detect FVGs while the third bar is forming -> will cause repainting
Returns: a tuple of (bar_index of gap bar, gap top, gap bottom)
create_fvg(mode, idx, top, btm, filled_at_pc, config)
mode (int) : switch for detection 1 for bullish FVGs, -1 for bearish FVGs
idx (int) : the bar_index of the FVG gap bar
top (float) : the top level of the FVG
btm (float) : the bottom level of the FVG
filled_at_pc (float) : the ratio (0-1) that the fill source needs to retrace into the gap to consider it filled/invalidated/ready for removal
config (FVGConfig) : the plot configuration/styles for the FVG
Returns: a new FVG object if there was a new FVG, else na
detect_fvg(mode, filled_at_pc, precondition, filter_insignificant, filter_insignificant_atr_factor, live, config)
mode (int) : switch for detection 1 for bullish FVGs, -1 for bearish FVGs
filled_at_pc (float)
precondition (bool) : allows for other confluences to block/enable detection
filter_insignificant (bool) : allows to ignore small gaps
filter_insignificant_atr_factor (float) : allows to adjust how small (compared to a 50 period ATR)
live (bool) : allows to detect FVGs while the third bar is forming -> will cause repainting
config (FVGConfig)
Returns: a new FVG object if there was a new FVG, else na
method update(this, fill_src)
Namespace types: FVG
this (FVG)
fill_src (float) : allows for usage of different fill source series, e.g. high for bearish FVGs, low vor bullish FVGs or close for both
method update(all, fill_src)
Namespace types: FVG
all (FVG )
fill_src (float)
method remove_filled(unfilled_fvgs)
Namespace types: FVG
unfilled_fvgs (FVG )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: FVG
this (FVG)
method delete_filled_fvgs_buffered(filled_fvgs, max_keep)
Namespace types: FVG
filled_fvgs (FVG )
max_keep (int) : the number of filled, latest FVGs to retain on the chart.
box_args (|robbatt/lib_plot_objects/36;BoxArgs|#OBJ)
line_args (|robbatt/lib_plot_objects/36;LineArgs|#OBJ)
box_show (series__bool)
line_show (series__bool)
keep_filled (series__bool)
extend (series__bool)
config (|FVGConfig|#OBJ)
startbar (series__integer)
mode (series__integer)
top (series__float)
btm (series__float)
center (series__float)
size (series__float)
fill_size (series__float)
fill_lvl_target (series__float)
fill_lvl_current (series__float)
fillbar (series__integer)
filled (series__bool)
_fvg_box (|robbatt/lib_plot_objects/36;Box|#OBJ)
_fill_line (|robbatt/lib_plot_objects/36;Line|#OBJ)
ZigzagLiteLibrary "ZigzagLite"
Lighter version of the Zigzag Library. Without indicators and sub-component divisions
method getPrices(pivots)
Gets the array of prices from array of Pivots
Namespace types: Pivot
pivots (Pivot ) : array array of Pivot objects
Returns: array array of pivot prices
method getBars(pivots)
Gets the array of bars from array of Pivots
Namespace types: Pivot
pivots (Pivot ) : array array of Pivot objects
Returns: array array of pivot bar indices
method getPoints(pivots)
Gets the array of chart.point from array of Pivots
Namespace types: Pivot
pivots (Pivot ) : array array of Pivot objects
Returns: array array of pivot points
method getPoints(this)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
method calculate(this, ohlc, ltfHighTime, ltfLowTime)
Calculate zigzag based on input values and indicator values
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : Zigzag object
ohlc (float ) : Array containing OHLC values. Can also have custom values for which zigzag to be calculated
ltfHighTime (int) : Used for multi timeframe zigzags when called within request.security. Default value is current timeframe open time.
ltfLowTime (int) : Used for multi timeframe zigzags when called within request.security. Default value is current timeframe open time.
Returns: current Zigzag object
method calculate(this)
Calculate zigzag based on properties embedded within Zigzag object
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : Zigzag object
Returns: current Zigzag object
method nextlevel(this)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
method clear(this)
Clears zigzag drawings array
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing ) : array
Returns: void
method clear(this)
Clears zigzag drawings array
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawingPL
this (ZigzagDrawingPL ) : array
Returns: void
method drawplain(this)
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawing object without trying to calculate
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
Returns: ZigzagDrawing object
method drawplain(this)
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawingPL object without trying to calculate
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawingPL
this (ZigzagDrawingPL) : ZigzagDrawingPL object
Returns: ZigzagDrawingPL object
method drawfresh(this, ohlc)
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawing object
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
ohlc (float ) : values on which the zigzag needs to be calculated and drawn. If not set will use regular OHLC
Returns: ZigzagDrawing object
method drawcontinuous(this, ohlc)
draws zigzag based on the zigzagmatrix input
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
ohlc (float ) : values on which the zigzag needs to be calculated and drawn. If not set will use regular OHLC
PivotCandle represents data of the candle which forms either pivot High or pivot low or both
_high (series float) : High price of candle forming the pivot
_low (series float) : Low price of candle forming the pivot
length (series int) : Pivot length
pHighBar (series int) : represents number of bar back the pivot High occurred.
pLowBar (series int) : represents number of bar back the pivot Low occurred.
pHigh (series float) : Pivot High Price
pLow (series float) : Pivot Low Price
Pivot refers to zigzag pivot. Each pivot can contain various data
point (chart.point) : pivot point coordinates
dir (series int) : direction of the pivot. Valid values are 1, -1, 2, -2
level (series int) : is used for multi level zigzags. For single level, it will always be 0
ratio (series float) : Price Ratio based on previous two pivots
sizeRatio (series float)
Flags required for drawing zigzag. Only used internally in zigzag calculation. Should not set the values explicitly
newPivot (series bool) : true if the calculation resulted in new pivot
doublePivot (series bool) : true if the calculation resulted in two pivots on same bar
updateLastPivot (series bool) : true if new pivot calculated replaces the old one.
Zigzag object which contains whole zigzag calculation parameters and pivots
length (series int) : Zigzag length. Default value is 5
numberOfPivots (series int) : max number of pivots to hold in the calculation. Default value is 20
offset (series int) : Bar offset to be considered for calculation of zigzag. Default is 0 - which means calculation is done based on the latest bar.
level (series int) : Zigzag calculation level - used in multi level recursive zigzags
zigzagPivots (Pivot ) : array which holds the last n pivots calculated.
flags (ZigzagFlags) : ZigzagFlags object which is required for continuous drawing of zigzag lines.
Zigzag Drawing Object
zigzagLine (series line) : Line joining two pivots
zigzagLabel (series label) : Label which can be used for drawing the values, ratios, directions etc.
Object which holds properties of zigzag drawing. To be used along with ZigzagDrawing
lineColor (series color) : Zigzag line color. Default is color.blue
lineWidth (series int) : Zigzag line width. Default is 1
lineStyle (series string) : Zigzag line style. Default is line.style_solid.
showLabel (series bool) : If set, the drawing will show labels on each pivot. Default is false
textColor (series color) : Text color of the labels. Only applicable if showLabel is set to true.
maxObjects (series int) : Max number of zigzag lines to display. Default is 300
xloc (series string) : Time/Bar reference to be used for zigzag drawing. Default is Time - xloc.bar_time.
curved (series bool) : Boolean field to print curved zigzag - used only with polyline implementation
Object which holds complete zigzag drawing objects and properties.
zigzag (Zigzag) : Zigzag object which holds the calculations.
properties (ZigzagProperties) : ZigzagProperties object which is used for setting the display styles of zigzag
drawings (ZigzagObject ) : array which contains lines and labels of zigzag drawing.
Object which holds complete zigzag drawing objects and properties - polyline version
zigzag (Zigzag) : Zigzag object which holds the calculations.
properties (ZigzagProperties) : ZigzagProperties object which is used for setting the display styles of zigzag
zigzagLabels (label )
zigzagLine (series polyline) : polyline object of zigzag lines
ForecastingThis Forecasting library has a couple of Novel and traditional approaches to forecasting stock prices.
Traditionally, it provides a basic ARIMA forecaster using simple autoregression, as well as a linear regression and quadratic regression channel forecaster.
Novel approaches to forecasting include:
1) A Moving Average based Forecaster (modelled after ARIMA), it is capable of forecasting based on a user selected SMA.
2) Z-Score Forecast: Forecasting based on Z-Score (example displayed in chart).
Library "Forecasting"
: Creates a generic autoregressive ARIMA model
src (float)
Returns: : arima_result, arima_ucl, arima_lcl, arima_cor, arima_r2, arima_err, y1, y2, y3, y0
machine_learning_regression(output, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, show_statistics)
: Creates an automatic regression based forecast model (can be used for other regression operations) from a list of possible independent variables.
output (float)
x1 (float)
x2 (float)
x3 (float)
x4 (float)
x5 (float)
show_statistics (bool)
Returns: : result, upper bound levels, lower bound levels, optional statitics table that displays the model parameters and statistics
time_series_linear_forecast(src, forecast_length, standard_deviation_extension_1, standard_deviation_extension_2)
: Creates a simple linear regression time series channel
src (float)
forecast_length (int)
standard_deviation_extension_1 (float)
standard_deviation_extension_2 (float)
Returns: : Linreg Channel
quadratic_time_series_forecast(src, forecast_length)
: Creates a simple quadratic regression time series channel
src (float)
forecast_length (int)
Returns: : Quadratic Regression Channel
moving_average_forecaster(source, train_time, ma_length, forecast_length, forecast_result, upper_bound_result, lower_bound_result)
: Creates an ARIMA style moving average forecaster
source (float)
train_time (int)
ma_length (int)
forecast_length (int)
forecast_result (float )
upper_bound_result (float )
lower_bound_result (float )
Returns: : forecast_result, upper_bound_result, lower_bound_result, moving_average, ucl, lcl
zscore_forecast(z_length, z_source, show_alerts, forecast_length, show_forecast_table)
: Creates a Z-Score Forecast and is capable of plotting the immediate forecast via a Polyline
z_length (int)
z_source (float)
show_alerts (bool)
forecast_length (int)
show_forecast_table (bool)
Returns: : The export is void, it will export the Polyline forecast and the Z-forecast table if you enable it.
TimeframeComparisonLibrary "TimeframeComparison"
Timeframe comparison for higher and lower timeframe
This library is used to compare higher / lower timeframe by using timeframe.multiplier.
timeframe multiplier in minutes
Returns: float value
arraysLibrary "arraymethods"
Supplementary array methods.
delete(arr, index)
remove int object from array of integers at specific index
arr : int array
index : index at which int object need to be removed
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove float object from array of float at specific index
arr : float array
index : index at which float object need to be removed
Returns: float
delete(arr, index)
remove bool object from array of bool at specific index
arr : bool array
index : index at which bool object need to be removed
Returns: bool
delete(arr, index)
remove string object from array of string at specific index
arr : string array
index : index at which string object need to be removed
Returns: string
delete(arr, index)
remove color object from array of color at specific index
arr : color array
index : index at which color object need to be removed
Returns: color
delete(arr, index)
remove line object from array of lines at specific index and deletes the line
arr : line array
index : index at which line object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove label object from array of labels at specific index and deletes the label
arr : label array
index : index at which label object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove box object from array of boxes at specific index and deletes the box
arr : box array
index : index at which box object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove table object from array of tables at specific index and deletes the table
arr : table array
index : index at which table object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove linefill object from array of linefills at specific index and deletes the linefill
arr : linefill array
index : index at which linefill object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
remove last int object from array
arr : int array
Returns: int
remove last float object from array
arr : float array
Returns: float
remove last bool object from array
arr : bool array
Returns: bool
remove last string object from array
arr : string array
Returns: string
remove last color object from array
arr : color array
Returns: color
remove and delete last line object from array
arr : line array
Returns: void
remove and delete last label object from array
arr : label array
Returns: void
remove and delete last box object from array
arr : box array
Returns: void
remove and delete last table object from array
arr : table array
Returns: void
remove and delete last linefill object from array
arr : linefill array
Returns: void
remove first int object from array
arr : int array
Returns: int
remove first float object from array
arr : float array
Returns: float
remove first bool object from array
arr : bool array
Returns: bool
remove first string object from array
arr : string array
Returns: string
remove first color object from array
arr : color array
Returns: color
remove and delete first line object from array
arr : line array
Returns: void
remove and delete first label object from array
arr : label array
Returns: void
remove and delete first box object from array
arr : box array
Returns: void
remove and delete first table object from array
arr : table array
Returns: void
remove and delete first linefill object from array
arr : linefill array
Returns: void
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add int to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : int array
val : int object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: int
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add float to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : float array
val : float object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: float
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add bool to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : bool array
val : bool object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: bool
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add string to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : string array
val : string object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: string
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add color to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : color array
val : color object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: color
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add line to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : line array
val : line object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: line
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add label to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : label array
val : label object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: label
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add box to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : box array
val : box object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: box
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add table to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : table array
val : table object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: table
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add linefill to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : linefill array
val : linefill object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: linefill
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add int to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : int array
val : int object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: int
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add float to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : float array
val : float object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: float
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add bool to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : bool array
val : bool object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: bool
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add string to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : string array
val : string object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: string
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add color to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : color array
val : color object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: color
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add line to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : line array
val : line object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: line
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add label to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : label array
val : label object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: label
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add box to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : box array
val : box object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: box
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add table to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : table array
val : table object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: table
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add linefill to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : linefill array
val : linefill object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: linefill
remove all int objects in an array
arr : int array
Returns: int
remove all float objects in an array
arr : float array
Returns: float
remove all bool objects in an array
arr : bool array
Returns: bool
remove all string objects in an array
arr : string array
Returns: string
remove all color objects in an array
arr : color array
Returns: color
remove and delete all line objects in an array
arr : line array
Returns: line
remove and delete all label objects in an array
arr : label array
Returns: label
remove and delete all box objects in an array
arr : box array
Returns: box
remove and delete all table objects in an array
arr : table array
Returns: table
remove and delete all linefill objects in an array
arr : linefill array
Returns: linefill
ZigzagLibrary "Zigzag"
Zigzag related user defined types. Depends on DrawingTypes library for basic types
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts ZigzagTypes/Pivot object to string representation
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot) : ZigzagTypes/Pivot
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (string ) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of ZigzagTypes/Pivot
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts Array of Pivot objects to string representation
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot ) : Pivot object array
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (string ) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of Pivot object array
method tostring(this)
Converts ZigzagFlags object to string representation
Namespace types: ZigzagFlags
this (ZigzagFlags) : ZigzagFlags object
Returns: string representation of ZigzagFlags
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts ZigzagTypes/Zigzag object to string representation
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : ZigzagTypes/Zigzagobject
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (string ) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of ZigzagTypes/Zigzag
method calculate(this, ohlc, indicators, indicatorNames)
Calculate zigzag based on input values and indicator values
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : Zigzag object
ohlc (float ) : Array containing OHLC values. Can also have custom values for which zigzag to be calculated
indicators (matrix) : Array of indicator values
indicatorNames (string ) : Array of indicator names for which values are present. Size of indicators array should be equal to that of indicatorNames
Returns: current Zigzag object
method calculate(this)
Calculate zigzag based on properties embedded within Zigzag object
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : Zigzag object
Returns: current Zigzag object
method nextlevel(this)
Calculate Next Level Zigzag based on the current calculated zigzag object
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : Zigzag object
Returns: Next Level Zigzag object
method clear(this)
Clears zigzag drawings array
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing ) : array
Returns: void
method drawplain(this)
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawing object without trying to calculate
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
Returns: ZigzagDrawing object
method drawfresh(this, ohlc, indicators, indicatorNames)
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawing object
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
ohlc (float ) : values on which the zigzag needs to be calculated and drawn. If not set will use regular OHLC
indicators (matrix) : Array of indicator values
indicatorNames (string ) : Array of indicator names for which values are present. Size of indicators array should be equal to that of indicatorNames
Returns: ZigzagDrawing object
method drawcontinuous(this, ohlc, indicators, indicatorNames)
draws zigzag based on the zigzagmatrix input
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
ohlc (float ) : values on which the zigzag needs to be calculated and drawn. If not set will use regular OHLC
indicators (matrix) : Array of indicator values
indicatorNames (string ) : Array of indicator names for which values are present. Size of indicators array should be equal to that of indicatorNames
method getPrices(pivots)
Namespace types: Pivot
pivots (Pivot )
method getBars(pivots)
Namespace types: Pivot
pivots (Pivot )
Indicator is collection of indicator values applied on high, low and close
indicatorHigh (series float) : Indicator Value applied on High
indicatorLow (series float) : Indicator Value applied on Low
PivotCandle represents data of the candle which forms either pivot High or pivot low or both
_high (series float) : High price of candle forming the pivot
_low (series float) : Low price of candle forming the pivot
length (series int) : Pivot length
pHighBar (series int) : represents number of bar back the pivot High occurred.
pLowBar (series int) : represents number of bar back the pivot Low occurred.
pHigh (series float) : Pivot High Price
pLow (series float) : Pivot Low Price
indicators (Indicator ) : Array of Indicators - allows to add multiple
Pivot refers to zigzag pivot. Each pivot can contain various data
point (chart.point) : pivot point coordinates
dir (series int) : direction of the pivot. Valid values are 1, -1, 2, -2
level (series int) : is used for multi level zigzags. For single level, it will always be 0
componentIndex (series int) : is the lower level zigzag array index for given pivot. Used only in multi level Zigzag Pivots
subComponents (series int) : is the number of sub waves per each zigzag wave. Only applicable for multi level zigzags
microComponents (series int) : is the number of base zigzag components in a zigzag wave
ratio (series float) : Price Ratio based on previous two pivots
sizeRatio (series float)
subPivots (Pivot )
indicatorNames (string ) : Names of the indicators applied on zigzag
indicatorValues (float ) : Values of the indicators applied on zigzag
indicatorRatios (float ) : Ratios of the indicators applied on zigzag based on previous 2 pivots
Flags required for drawing zigzag. Only used internally in zigzag calculation. Should not set the values explicitly
newPivot (series bool) : true if the calculation resulted in new pivot
doublePivot (series bool) : true if the calculation resulted in two pivots on same bar
updateLastPivot (series bool) : true if new pivot calculated replaces the old one.
Zigzag object which contains whole zigzag calculation parameters and pivots
length (series int) : Zigzag length. Default value is 5
numberOfPivots (series int) : max number of pivots to hold in the calculation. Default value is 20
offset (series int) : Bar offset to be considered for calculation of zigzag. Default is 0 - which means calculation is done based on the latest bar.
level (series int) : Zigzag calculation level - used in multi level recursive zigzags
zigzagPivots (Pivot ) : array which holds the last n pivots calculated.
flags (ZigzagFlags) : ZigzagFlags object which is required for continuous drawing of zigzag lines.
Zigzag Drawing Object
zigzagLine (series line) : Line joining two pivots
zigzagLabel (series label) : Label which can be used for drawing the values, ratios, directions etc.
Object which holds properties of zigzag drawing. To be used along with ZigzagDrawing
lineColor (series color) : Zigzag line color. Default is color.blue
lineWidth (series int) : Zigzag line width. Default is 1
lineStyle (series string) : Zigzag line style. Default is line.style_solid.
showLabel (series bool) : If set, the drawing will show labels on each pivot. Default is false
textColor (series color) : Text color of the labels. Only applicable if showLabel is set to true.
maxObjects (series int) : Max number of zigzag lines to display. Default is 300
xloc (series string) : Time/Bar reference to be used for zigzag drawing. Default is Time - xloc.bar_time.
Object which holds complete zigzag drawing objects and properties.
zigzag (Zigzag) : Zigzag object which holds the calculations.
properties (ZigzagProperties) : ZigzagProperties object which is used for setting the display styles of zigzag
drawings (ZigzagObject ) : array which contains lines and labels of zigzag drawing.
ColorPalettesThis is my first public (and I hope not the last) library providing different color palettes used for data visualization. Each palette can contain either 3 to 9 colors or 3 to 11 colors.
So there you go. Happy New Year!
I want your new year to be as colorful, vibrant and rich as these color palettes.
Dedicated to @veryfid . RIP, dude.
Library "ColorPalettes"
A library of various color palettes for data visualization
A function to generate the sequential `Reds` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Reds` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Blues` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Blues` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Greens` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Greens` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Purples` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Purples` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Oranges` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Oranges` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Greys` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Greys` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `YlGn` (Yellow/Green) palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `YlGn` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `YlGnBu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `YlGnBu` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `GnBu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `GnBu` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `BuGn` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `BuGn` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `PuBuGn` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PuBuGn` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `PuBu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PuBu` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `BuPu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `BuPu` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `RdPu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `RdPu` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `PuRd` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PuRd` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `OrRd` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `OrRd` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `YlOrRd` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `YlOrRd` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `YlOrBr` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `YlOrBr` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Inferno` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Inferno` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Magma` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Magma` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Plasma` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Plasma` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Viridis` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Viridis` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Cividis` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Cividis` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `Spectral` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Spectral` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `Turbo` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Turbo` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `BrBG` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `BrBG` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `PiYG` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PiYG` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `PRGn` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PRGn` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `PuOr` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PuOr` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `RdBu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `RdBu` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `RdGy` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `RdGy` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `RdYlBu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `RdYlBu` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `RdYlGn` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `RdYlGn` palette.
chrono_utilsLibrary "chrono_utils"
Collection of objects and common functions that are related to datetime windows session days and time
ranges. The main purpose of this library is to handle time-related functionality and make it easy to reason about a
future bar and see if it is part of a predefined user session and/or inside a datetime window. All existing session
functions I found in the documentation e.g. "not na(time(timeframe, session, timezone))" are not suitable for
strategies, since the execution of the orders is delayed by one bar due to the execution happening at the bar close.
So a prediction for the next bar is necessary. Moreover, a history operator with a negative value is not allowed e.g.
`not na(time(timeframe, session, timezone) )` expression is not valid. Thus, I created this library to overcome
this small but very important limitation. In the meantime, I added useful functionality to handle session-based
behavior. An interesting utility that emerged from this development is data anomaly detection where a comparison
between the prediction and the actual value is happening. If those two values are different then a data inconsistency
happens between the prediction bar and the actual bar (probably due to a holiday or half session day etc..)
exTimezone - Convert extended timezone to timezone string
timezone (simple string) : - The timezone or a special string
Returns: string representing the timezone
nameOfDay - Convert the day id into a short nameOfDay
day (int) : - The day id to convert
Returns: - The short name of the day
today - Get the day id of this day
Returns: - The day id
nthDayAfter(day, n)
nthDayAfter - Get the day id of n days after the given day
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
n (int) : - The number of days to go forward
Returns: - The day id of the day that is n days after the reference day
nextDayAfter - Get the day id of next day after the given day
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
Returns: - The day id of the next day after the reference day
nthDayBefore(day, n)
nthDayBefore - Get the day id of n days before the given day
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
n (int) : - The number of days to go forward
Returns: - The day id of the day that is n days before the reference day
prevDayBefore - Get the day id of previous day before the given day
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
Returns: - The day id of the previous day before the reference day
tomorrow - Get the day id of the next day
Returns: - The next day day id
normalize(num, min, max)
normalizeHour - Check if number is inthe range of
num (int)
min (int)
max (int)
Returns: - The normalized number
normalizeHour - Check if hour is valid and return a noralized hour range from
hourInDay (int)
Returns: - The normalized hour
normalizeMinute - Check if minute is valid and return a noralized minute from
minuteInHour (int)
Returns: - The normalized minute
monthInMilliseconds - Calculate the miliseconds in one bar of the timeframe
mon (int) : - The month of reference to get the miliseconds
Returns: - The number of milliseconds of the month
barInMilliseconds - Calculate the miliseconds in one bar of the timeframe
Returns: - The number of milliseconds in one bar
method init(this, fromDateTime, toDateTime)
init - Initialize the time window object from boolean values of each session day
Namespace types: DateTimeWindow
this (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object that will hold the from and to datetimes
fromDateTime (int) : - The starting datetime of the time window
toDateTime (int) : - The ending datetime of the time window
Returns: - The time window object
method init(this, refTimezone, chTimezone, fromDateTime, toDateTime)
init - Initialize the time window object from boolean values of each session day
Namespace types: DateTimeWindow
this (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object that will hold the from and to datetimes
refTimezone (simple string) : - The timezone of reference of the 'from' and 'to' dates
chTimezone (simple string) : - The target timezone to convert the 'from' and 'to' dates
fromDateTime (int) : - The starting datetime of the time window
toDateTime (int) : - The ending datetime of the time window
Returns: - The time window object
method init(this, sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat)
init - Initialize the session days object from boolean values of each session day
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object that will hold the day selection
sun (bool) : - Is Sunday a trading day?
mon (bool) : - Is Monday a trading day?
tue (bool) : - Is Tuesday a trading day?
wed (bool) : - Is Wednesday a trading day?
thu (bool) : - Is Thursday a trading day?
fri (bool) : - Is Friday a trading day?
sat (bool) : - Is Saturday a trading day?
Returns: - The session days objectfrom_chart
method init(this, unixTime)
init - Initialize the object from the hour and minute of the session time in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
unixTime (int) : - The unix time
Returns: - The session time object
method init(this, hourInDay, minuteInHour)
init - Initialize the object from the hour and minute of the session time in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
hourInDay (int) : - The hour of the time
minuteInHour (int) : - The minute of the time
Returns: - The session time object
method init(this, hourInDay, minuteInHour, refTimezone)
init - Initialize the object from the hour and minute of the session time
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
hourInDay (int) : - The hour of the time
minuteInHour (int) : - The minute of the time
refTimezone (string) : - The timezone of reference of the 'hour' and 'minute'
Returns: - The session time object
method init(this, startTime, endTime)
init - Initialize the object from the start and end session time in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object that will hold the start and end time of the daily session
startTime (SessionTime) : - The time the session begins
endTime (SessionTime) : - The time the session ends
Returns: - The session time range object
method init(this, startTimeHour, startTimeMinute, endTimeHour, endTimeMinute, refTimezone)
init - Initialize the object from the start and end session time
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object that will hold the start and end time of the daily session
startTimeHour (int) : - The time hour the session begins
startTimeMinute (int) : - The time minute the session begins
endTimeHour (int) : - The time hour the session ends
endTimeMinute (int) : - The time minute the session ends
refTimezone (string)
Returns: - The session time range object
method init(this, days, timeRanges)
init - Initialize the user session object from session days and time range
Namespace types: UserSession
this (UserSession) : - The user-defined session object that will hold the day and the time range selection
days (SessionDays) : - The session days object that defines the days the session is happening
timeRanges (SessionTimeRange ) : - The array of all the session time ranges during a session day
Returns: - The user session object
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the time window into a human-readable string
Namespace types: DateTimeWindow
this (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object with the from and to datetimes
Returns: - The string of the time window
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the session days into a human-readable string with short day names
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
Returns: - The string of the session day short names
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the session time into a human-readable string
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
Returns: - The string of the session time
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the session time into a human-readable string
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object with the start and end time of the daily session
Returns: - The string of the session time
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the user session into a human-readable string
Namespace types: UserSession
this (UserSession) : - The user-defined session object with the day and the time range selection
Returns: - The string of the user session
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the bar into a human-readable string
Namespace types: Bar
this (Bar) : - The bar object with the open and close times
Returns: - The string of the bar times
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the chart session into a human-readable string
Namespace types: ChartSession
this (ChartSession) : - The chart session object that contains the days and the time range shown in the chart
Returns: - The string of the chart session
method get_size_in_secs(this)
get_size_in_secs - Count the seconds from start to end in the given timeframe
Namespace types: DateTimeWindow
this (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object with the from and to datetimes
Returns: - The number of seconds inside the time widow for the given timeframe
method get_size_in_secs(this)
get_size_in_secs - Calculate the seconds inside the session
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object with the start and end time of the daily session
Returns: - The number of seconds inside the session
method get_size_in_bars(this)
get_size_in_bars - Count the bars from start to end in the given timeframe
Namespace types: DateTimeWindow
this (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object with the from and to datetimes
Returns: - The number of bars inside the time widow for the given timeframe
method get_size_in_bars(this)
get_size_in_bars - Calculate the bars inside the session
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object with the start and end time of the daily session
Returns: - The number of bars inside the session for the given timeframe
method from_chart(this)
from_chart - Initialize the session days object from the chart
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object that will hold the day selection
Returns: - The user session object
method from_chart(this)
from_chart - Initialize the session time range object from the chart
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object that will hold the start and end time of the daily session
Returns: - The session time range object
method from_chart(this)
from_chart - Initialize the session object from the chart
Namespace types: ChartSession
this (ChartSession) : - The chart session object that will hold the days and the time range shown in the chart
Returns: - The chart session object
method to_sess_string(this)
to_sess_string - Formats the session days into a session string with day ids
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object
Returns: - The string of the session day ids
method to_sess_string(this)
to_sess_string - Formats the session time into a session string
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
Returns: - The string of the session time
method to_sess_string(this)
to_sess_string - Formats the session time into a session string
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object with the start and end time of the daily session
Returns: - The string of the session time
method to_sess_string(this)
to_sess_string - Formats the user session into a session string
Namespace types: UserSession
this (UserSession) : - The user-defined session object with the day and the time range selection
Returns: - The string of the user session
method to_sess_string(this)
to_sess_string - Formats the chart session into a session string
Namespace types: ChartSession
this (ChartSession) : - The chart session object that contains the days and the time range shown in the chart
Returns: - The string of the chart session
method from_sess_string(this, sess)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session days object from the session string
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object that will hold the day selection
sess (string) : - The session string part that represents the days
Returns: - The session days object
method from_sess_string(this, sess)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session time object from the session string in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object that will hold the hour and minute of the time
sess (string) : - The session string part that represents the time HHmm
Returns: - The session time object
method from_sess_string(this, sess, refTimezone)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session time object from the session string
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object that will hold the hour and minute of the time
sess (string) : - The session string part that represents the time HHmm
refTimezone (simple string) : - The timezone of reference of the 'hour' and 'minute'
Returns: - The session time object
method from_sess_string(this, sess)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session time range object from the session string in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object that will hold the start and end time of the daily session
sess (string) : - The session string part that represents the time range HHmm-HHmm
Returns: - The session time range object
method from_sess_string(this, sess, refTimezone)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session time range object from the session string
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object that will hold the start and end time of the daily session
sess (string) : - The session string part that represents the time range HHmm-HHmm
refTimezone (simple string) : - The timezone of reference of the time ranges
Returns: - The session time range object
method from_sess_string(this, sess)
from_sess_string - Initialize the user session object from the session string in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: UserSession
this (UserSession) : - The user-defined session object that will hold the day and the time range selection
sess (string) : - The session string that represents the user session HHmm-HHmm,HHmm-HHmm:ddddddd
Returns: - The session time range object
method from_sess_string(this, sess, refTimezone)
from_sess_string - Initialize the user session object from the session string
Namespace types: UserSession
this (UserSession) : - The user-defined session object that will hold the day and the time range selection
sess (string) : - The session string that represents the user session HHmm-HHmm,HHmm-HHmm:ddddddd
refTimezone (simple string) : - The timezone of reference of the time ranges
Returns: - The session time range object
method nth_day_after(this, day, n)
nth_day_after - The nth day after the given day that is a session day (true) in the object
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
n (int) : - The number of days after
Returns: - The day id of the nth session day of the week after the given day
method nth_day_before(this, day, n)
nth_day_before - The nth day before the given day that is a session day (true) in the object
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
n (int) : - The number of days after
Returns: - The day id of the nth session day of the week before the given day
method next_day(this)
next_day - The next day that is a session day (true) in the object
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
Returns: - The day id of the next session day of the week
method previous_day(this)
previous_day - The previous day that is session day (true) in the object
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
Returns: - The day id of the previous session day of the week
method get_sec_in_day(this)
get_sec_in_day - Count the seconds since the start of the day this session time represents
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
Returns: - The number of seconds passed from the start of the day until that session time
method get_ms_in_day(this)
get_ms_in_day - Count the milliseconds since the start of the day this session time represents
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
Returns: - The number of milliseconds passed from the start of the day until that session time
method eq(this, other)
eq - Compare two bars
Namespace types: Bar
this (Bar) : - The bar object with the open and close times
other (Bar) : - The bar object to compare with
Returns: - Whether this bar is equal to the other one
method get_open_time(this)
get_open_time - The open time object
Namespace types: Bar
this (Bar) : - The bar object with the open and close times
Returns: - The open time object
method get_close_time(this)
get_close_time - The close time object
Namespace types: Bar
this (Bar) : - The bar object with the open and close times
Returns: - The close time object
method get_time_range(this)
get_time_range - Get the time range of the bar
Namespace types: Bar
this (Bar) : - The bar object with the open and close times
Returns: - The time range that the bar is in
getBarNow - Get the current bar object with time and time_close timestamps
Returns: - The current bar
getFixedBarNow - Get the current bar with fixed width defined by the timeframe. Note: There are case like SPX 15min timeframe where the last session bar is only 10min. This will return a bar of 15 minutes
Returns: - The current bar
method is_in_window(this, win)
is_in_window - Check if the given bar is between the start and end dates of the window
Namespace types: Bar
this (Bar) : - The bar to check if it is between the from and to datetimes of the window
win (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object with the from and to datetimes
Returns: - Whether the current bar is inside the datetime window
method is_in_timerange(this, rng)
is_in_timerange - Check if the given bar is inside the session time range
Namespace types: Bar
this (Bar) : - The bar to check if it is between the from and to datetimes
rng (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object with the start and end time of the daily session
Returns: - Whether the bar is inside the session time range and if this part of the next trading day
method is_in_days(this, days)
is_in_days - Check if the given bar is inside the session days
Namespace types: Bar
this (Bar) : - The bar to check if its day is a trading day
days (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
Returns: - Whether the current bar day is inside the session
method is_in_session(this, sess)
is_in_session - Check if the given bar is inside the session as defined by the input params (what "not na(time(timeframe.period, this.to_sess_string()) )" should return if you could write it
Namespace types: Bar
this (Bar) : - The bar to check if it is between the from and to datetimes
sess (UserSession) : - The user-defined session object with the day and the time range selection
Returns: - Whether the current time is inside the session
method next_bar(this, offsetBars)
next_bar - Predicts the next bars open and close time based on the charts session
Namespace types: ChartSession
this (ChartSession) : - The chart session object that contains the days and the time range shown in the chart
offsetBars (simple int) : - The number of bars forward
Returns: - Whether the current time is inside the session
DateTimeWindow - Object that represents a datetime window with a beginning and an end
fromDateTime (series int) : - The beginning of the datetime window
toDateTime (series int) : - The end of the datetime window
SessionDays - Object that represent the trading days of the week
days (map) : - The map that contains all days of the week and their session flag
SessionTime - Object that represents the time (hour and minutes)
hourInDay (series int) : - The hour of the day that ranges from 0 to 24
minuteInHour (series int) : - The minute of the hour that ranges from 0 to 59
minuteInDay (series int) : - The minute of the day that ranges from 0 to 1440. They will be calculated based on hourInDay and minuteInHour when method is called
SessionTimeRange - Object that represents a range that extends from the start to the end time
startTime (SessionTime) : - The beginning of the time range
endTime (SessionTime) : - The end of the time range
isOvernight (series bool) : - Whether or not this is an overnight time range
UserSession - Object that represents a user-defined session
days (SessionDays) : - The map of the user-defined trading days
timeRanges (SessionTimeRange ) : - The array with all time ranges of the user-defined session during the trading days
Bar - Object that represents the bars' open and close times
openUnixTime (series int) : - The open time of the bar
closeUnixTime (series int) : - The close time of the bar
chartDayOfWeek (series int)
ChartSession - Object that represents the default session that is shown in the chart
days (SessionDays) : - A map with the trading days shown in the chart
timeRange (SessionTimeRange) : - The time range of the session during a trading day
isFinalized (series bool)
TTB_TableBuilderLibrary "TTB_TableBuilder"
A helper library to make it simpler to create tables in pinescript
method Size(this, width, height)
Change the size (width, height) of the table cell.
Namespace types: Cell
this (Cell)
width (int)
height (int)
Returns: Cell
method Size(this, width, height)
Change the width of all cells in that row
Namespace types: Row
this (Row)
width (int)
height (int)
Returns: Row
method Width(this, width)
Change the width of the table cell.
Namespace types: Cell
this (Cell)
width (int)
Returns: Cell
method Width(this, width)
Change the width of all cells in that row
Namespace types: Row
this (Row)
width (int)
Returns: Row
method Height(this, height)
Change the height of the table cell.
Namespace types: Cell
this (Cell)
height (int)
Returns: Cell
method Height(this, height)
Change the height of all cells in that row
Namespace types: Row
this (Row)
height (int)
Returns: Row
method Text(this, text_)
Change the text of the table cell.
Namespace types: Cell
this (Cell)
text_ (string)
Returns: Cell
method Text(this, c0, c1, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26, c27, c28, c29)
Set text
Namespace types: Row
this (Row)
c0 (string) : ... c29
c1 (string)
c3 (string)
c4 (string)
c5 (string)
c6 (string)
c7 (string)
c8 (string)
c9 (string)
c10 (string)
c11 (string)
c12 (string)
c13 (string)
c14 (string)
c15 (string)
c16 (string)
c17 (string)
c18 (string)
c19 (string)
c20 (string)
c21 (string)
c22 (string)
c23 (string)
c24 (string)
c25 (string)
c26 (string)
c27 (string)
c28 (string)
c29 (string)
Returns: Row
method TextSize(this, text_size)
Change the text size of the table cell.
Namespace types: Cell
this (Cell)
text_size (string)
Returns: Cell
method TextSize(this, text_size)
Set text size
Namespace types: Row
this (Row)
text_size (string)
Returns: Row
method TextColor(this, c)
Change the text color of the table cell.
Namespace types: Cell
this (Cell)
c (color)
Returns: Cell
method TextColor(this, text_color)
Change the text color of all cells in that row
Namespace types: Row
this (Row)
text_color (color)
Returns: Row
method Bg(this, c)
Change the background color of the table cell.
Namespace types: Cell
this (Cell)
c (color)
Returns: Cell
method Bg(this, bg)
Change the background color of all cells in that row
Namespace types: Row
this (Row)
bg (color)
Returns: Row
method Font(this, text_font_family)
Change the font family of the table cell.
Namespace types: Cell
this (Cell)
text_font_family (string)
Returns: Cell
method Font(this, text_font_family)
Change the width of all cells in that row
Namespace types: Row
this (Row)
text_font_family (string)
Returns: Row
method AlignH(this, halign)
Change the horizontal align of the table cell.
Namespace types: Cell
this (Cell)
halign (string)
Returns: Cell
method AlignH(this, halign)
Change the horizontal align of all cells in that row
Namespace types: Row
this (Row)
halign (string)
Returns: Cell
method AlignV(this, valign)
Change the vertical align of the table cell.
Namespace types: Cell
this (Cell)
valign (string)
Returns: Cell
method AlignV(this, valign)
Change the vertical of all cells in that row
Namespace types: Row
this (Row)
valign (string)
Returns: Cell
method C(this, column)
Get the cell corresponding to the column number
Namespace types: Row
this (Row)
column (int)
Returns: Cell
method C(this, column, row)
Namespace types: Table
this (Table)
column (int)
row (int)
method R(this, row)
Namespace types: Table
this (Table)
row (int)
method Style(this, style)
Namespace types: Table
this (Table)
style (TableStyle)
method Position(this, position)
Namespace types: Table
this (Table)
position (string)
new(position, columns, rows, style)
position (string)
columns (int)
rows (int)
style (TableStyle)
text_color (series__color)
text_halign (series__string)
text_valign (series__string)
text_size (series__integer)
bgcolor (series__color)
tooltip (series__string)
text_font_family (series__string)
bgcolor (series__color)
frame_color (series__color)
frame_width (series__integer)
border_color (series__color)
border_width (series__integer)
default_cell_style (|CellStyle|#OBJ)
ref (series__table)
column (series__integer)
row (series__integer)
ref (series__table)
row (series__integer)
cells (array__|Cell|#OBJ)
body (series__table)
rows (array__|Row|#OBJ)
New_Concepts_in_Technical_Trading_SystemsLibrary "New_Concepts_in_Technical_Trading_Systems"
A library for trading with mathematical indicators as described by J. Welles Wilder Jr. in 1978
psar(highSeries, lowSeries, closeSeries, start, increment, max)
psar calculates the parabolic SAR for the given series. Uses defaults as described by Wilder
highSeries (float) : the series of high price values
lowSeries (float) : the series of low price values
closeSeries (float) : the series of close price values
start (float) : the initial acceleration factor
increment (float) : amount the acceleration factor is incremented each step
max (float) : the maximum acceleration factor
Returns: the value of the stop and reverse price
momentum calculates the momentum value, representing an acceleration of the current trend direction. Also calculates the trend balancing point which is a pivot to the momentum increasing or decreasing.
closeSeries (float) : the series of close price values
Returns: the value of the momentum and the next trend balance point