Multiple Popular Prices (x16)

Up to 16 popular prices in 16 periods.
Lookback Period: Up to 5,000.
Support 01 volume profile (histogram) on price axis for the last period with up to 100 price ranges.
Histogram of 3 colors (up/down/sideways).

Markets: All.
Timeframes: All from 10s.
Usage: Price moves slowly in the popular price area (PPA) and moves fastly in the unpopular price area (UPA). When price breakouts a PPA, it could be forming an entry to a new PPA or an existing PPA. PPA of a period will move up if price continuously increases or is in an uptrend, and vice versa. It means that this indicator is led by price. Note that, when short-term PPA is higher/lower than long-term PPA, price did move and it is not a buy/sell entry.
Note: If calculation is timeout (“Loop takes too long to execute (> 500 ms)”), try to remove the indicator and reapply it, or try to increase the timeframe, or try to reduce the number of periods used to calculate popular prices.
Информация о релизе
• Set default number of periods to 10.
Информация о релизе
• Set default number of periods to 8.
Информация о релизе
• Add Extend Left Side and Extend Right Side of PPAs/PPLs.
Информация о релизе
• Minor changes to reduce execution time.
mpopmultiplepopularpricesSupport and ResistanceVolume Profilex16

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