Gann toolbox - Custom box

Gann toolbox - Custom box

This script is designed to draw Gann boxes based on pivotal levels. It is made make it easy by being interactive where you do not have to input data manually but rather select your two points right after adding the script by clicking on the levels on the chart itself.

In addition, this script has some great features, such as the ability to select the number of divisions wanted up to three with a click from the menu and to adjust the end date based on the selected pivotal level. Not to mention that you can automatically add a follow-up box right after

The divisions included are the one division ( at 50% ), the two divisions ( at .333% and 666% ), and finally the three divisions ( at 25%, 50%, and 75% ).

You can also display the golden ration in Time and Price on your box when it's on the one division setting.

When choosing a different end point you're presented with 4 options for using your 2nd point as :
- 25% of the box
- 50% of the box
- 33 days total size box ( for lower time frame trading )
- 45 days total size box.

You can enable/disable multiple lines using the styling options.

█ Future Plans and upgrades to this script may include :
1. Box current volume.
2. Stat information box.
and more! feel free to let me know what you'd like to see!

█ How to use :
1. Put the script on your chart
2. You are going to be asked to select your first pivotal level, then your second pivotal level. Simply select them by clicking on the level on the chart.
give the script a few seconds and you should be set.
BOXChart patternscustomCyclesdivisionsTrend Analysis

Скрипт с ограниченным доступом

Доступ к этому скрипту разрешён только для пользователей, авторизованных автором, и для этого обычно требуется оплата. Вы можете добавить скрипт в список избранных, но использовать его можно будет только после запроса на доступ и получения разрешения от автора. Свяжитесь с NasserHumood, чтобы узнать больше, или следуйте инструкциям автора ниже.

TradingView does not suggest paying for a script and using it unless you 100% trust its author and understand how the script works. In many cases, you can find a good open-source alternative for free in our Community Scripts.

Инструкции от автора

Feel Free to contact me if you need access to this script, my information is down below.

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