
От glayton3000


SARcastique leverages classic signal strategies typically seen in equity program trading algos. Interestingly, in the crypto world, these statistical methods don’t mean quite as much as crypto is generally random and spastic. (I find some of the online analysis humorous—“setting bottom when we cross the 50 day moving average”—really? Trend following is measured in minutes, hours or days, not weeks or months. SARcastique uses the Parabolic SAR indicator with various filters to insure good buying and selling opportunities.

BOT RENTERS: All my BOTs use the same framework with different signaling strategies as I have found this a very useful way to “test and learn”. The framework allows configuration for “interesting” parameters to their underlying TA-lib functions. In addition, I have found that trade execution strategies are far more important than getting the right signals in place. My framework allows for MARKET orders only, and “chasing the book” which insures that you can place LIMIT orders attempting to be a “market maker” not “taker”. In addition, the framework takes a trailing STOP approach which eliminates a lot of risk on the down side.

With so much trading, fees and slippage can really make a difference. Some exchanges provide free trades (GDAX) if you make markets with your trading. This applies to both the BUY and SELL sides and proves very useful. A big mistake with newbies in this area is not considering cost (and slippage). My BOTs have yielded approximately 70-80% free trades (mileage varies based on statistical settings) with exchanges that have the market maker policy. Always, be conservative in back-testing the strategies with fee settings—this can quickly destroy profits.

I have tested extensively on Binance, Bitfinex and GDAX and leave it to you to backtest your favorite exchange—SARcastique trades a lot with some settings, so if your exchange isn’t quite as reliable or has holes in the data the BOT may not perform as advertised.

Key Features

• Designed for market maker trading

• Leverages classic statistical models in a unique crypto way

• Trades when market is sideways or heading up, sleeps when heading down

• Two to three trades daily (depending on settings and market action)

• Tune-able with ample knobs and levers.

Stop Loss % (default 97%) STOPs will be placed and ratchet up following stops with each 1% increase in price action.

Trailing Stop Loss (default 95%) once w hav momentum we can increase are downside risk. You dont want to get shaken out in a wild crypto market (or maybe you do)

SAR Settings (default .02, .028, .04) very sensative and specific to exchange and pair. A fscinating indicator Short EMA - guide for SAR BUY indicator signal Long EMA - guide for SAR SELL indicator signal Buy ROC Length (default 75) number of candles averaged for positive rate of change, which gives the go ahead to act on a BUY signal. When markets are heading south the BOT goes to sleep. You might get a STOP LOSS haircut (default 3%, 2 to 1 chance if you are in a position), but no trade chattering in whipsaw downward spirals after that. Sell ROC Length (default 85) number of candles averaged for a negative rate of change, which gives the go ahead to act on a SELL signal. Note: the tighter the Bollinger Bands (e.g. 5) the less likely a SELL will process before a STOP LOSS is reached making this parameter useless in those cases. MACD – the moving average convergence/divergence is used to check the validity of BUY and SELL signals MACD Fast Period (default 13) MACD Slow Period (default 24) MACD Signal Smoothing (default 10) Average Volume Length (default 19) used to assert that SELL signals are accompanied by meaning full volume.
Moving AveragesTrend AnalysisVolume

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