Profit Accumulator Trend Slope

I've been getting very good results with this indicator, using it in conjunction with the Profit Accumulator Main Indicator.

This indicator uses a number of methods for detecting reversals and the start of new trends.

The basis is simple in that when the trend lines cross above the zero line, it indicates a possible long entry and crossing below the zero line, indicates a possible short entry.

The strongest signal is when they all cross the zero line in one timeframe.

In terms of options/settings, I've included the following:

  • Multiple Timeframe
  • Changing the lengths.

I've also added an alert option for when the lines cross [above or below] the zero line.

Информация о релизе
Just added in a fill color option on this to make it clearer when the trend lines are above or below zero.
Информация о релизе
Minor fill modification
slopeTrend Analysistrendpattern

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