Hard Aspects

От tradingwithtime
Hi Traders,

Planetary Aspects divided into 2 parts, Hard (Square and Opposition) & Easy (Trine and Sextile) Aspects, the Conjunction is depending on the planets.

This Hard Aspects script, contains:

1. Square is an angle of 90°, which is 1/4 of the 360° ecliptic or 1/2 an opposition (180°)
2. Opposition is an angle of 180°, which is 1/2 of the 360° ecliptic
3. Conjunction is an angle of approximately (~) 0–⁠10°. Typically, an orb of ~10° is considered to be a Conjunction ( I include Opposition in this script).

The objectives of this script are:
1. you can see the Hard Aspects schedule in certain periods, history and future.. (you can double check it in )
2. this script allows you see based on specific aspect view, you can observe the correlation between the hard aspects and market reaction (is it turning or is it a swinghigh/ low?

Here are some examples;



What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

(Ecc 1 : 9)

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Обратите внимание, что это приватный скрипт с ограниченным доступом, который модераторы скриптов не проверяли, поэтому ещё не установлено, насколько он соответствует Правилам поведения. TradingView не советует платить за скрипт и использовать его, если вы на 100% не доверяете его автору и не понимаете, как он работает. Часто вы можете найти хорошую альтернативу с открытым исходным кодом бесплатно в нашем разделе Скрипты сообщества.

Инструкции от автора

how to use: 1. click the indicator 2. move it to existing pane above 3. and you can play around the planetary aspects & transits 4. the turning or swinghigh/low is +/-1 day 5. you can combine 2 planetary aspect 6. DM me for the trial access

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