[UPRIGHT Trading] Top & Bottom Finder [Premium]

Hello Traders,

Today I'm releasing an updated version of my previous Top & Bottom Finder (M.Right_Top & Bottom Finder 1.0).
The timing of this release couldn't be more perfect with everyone trying to 'find the bottom'. And the increased volatility that we've been seeing as of late.

Essentially, my indicator uses volatility and standard deviations among other things to assist you in finding the top or bottom of trends. You may also notice that it uses a lot of different strength indicators to provide an additional layer of complexity and confirmation.
Not just an RSI, but an RSI ema, smoothed OBV RSI's, and other volume RSI's. This is a truly unique and powerful tool for any Trader - whether you've just started or you've been trading for 20 years, I'm confident you will find value in the UPRIGHT Trading Top & Bottom Finder.

How to use it:
When it detects the trend Bottoming or Topping the histogram will change color. Bottom - Green/blue, Top - Red, (different shades of colors for different types of detection).
I've spent several hours tweaking the calculations and filters to enhance the accuracy, so this will be a noticeable upgrade from my original Top & Bottom Finder.
The length of the histogram bar can be an indication in itself, especially when it lines up close to one of the plotted lines and has noticeable direction change following this.

I've added a lot of text and pictures to help display it's capabilities, features, and customizability.

As always, it's fully customizable with alerts. Can toggle any thing on or off, and change the colors to suit your style.

3 Unique RSI's, different colors on the histogram will show different levels of detection. Some are more accurate in some timeframes than others. Bright Green and Bright Red are the most different from the rest.

I've jam-packed this indicator with Buy/Sell and Confirmation Signals and even background highlights (with colors that can mesh together). Feel free to find what works best for you.

RSI color indications and background highlights aid in confirmation. Also, as mentioned previously, sometimes a gray bar will land on a Fib and it will be a bottom signal.

The above chart should look like this

Good luck Traders,


(UPRIGHT Trading)

Информация о релизе
  • Fib adjustments. You can now turn fibs on and off for top and bottom.
Информация о релизе
T&B Finder v1.5
  • Remove Repaint Option
  • New Alerts
  • A few signal adjustments.
  • UI cleaning.

Информация о релизе

  • Cleaned some of the code and UI
  • New Signals.
  • Defaults to Showing first B/S signal Now.
  • Added ability to add back All B/S signals.
  • B/S Alert condition (legacy).
bottombottomfinderdeviationobv-rsiRelative Strength Index (RSI)reversalTOPtopandbottomtopfindertrendTrend AnalysisVolatility

old site:


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