(2) MoTrend VS-1150

A great deal has been written about trend trading, simply because it’s a profitable trading technique, that simply works. The MoTrend indicator displays trending, momentum and stiffness to the trader guiding them to potential trend trading opportunities. MoTrend also contains a very sophisticated exit strategy, allowing the trader to ride the trend to its most profitable exit point.
MoTrend was developed by determining when the Short-Term Hurst Channel(STHC) merge with the Long-Term Hurst Channel (LTHC). This event is flagged in two manors. First the STH channels blue line obscures the green or red lines of the LTH cycle channel. This triggers a change in the background color of your Cycles price chart to light green, as illustrated below, and in a change in color of the background of the MOTREND indicator to dark green on up-trends. These background colors shift to progressive shades of red when the trend is indicating down.

Because the MoTrend indicator was designed to work in concert with the Cycles indicator, the MoTrend signals are designed to progressively bleed into the Genie Cycles indicator. The two are not required to both be active on your screen at the same time, as each one is a free standing indicator working` completely independently of each other.

When the STH channel moves to the top of the LTH channel you are seeing the confirmed beginning of a positive trend. The MOTREND indicators most important asset is the ability to provide traders with a clear indications when, in all probability, the trend is coming to an end. This is accomplished by the magnetic effect of the STH channel.  As long as the price range of the trades remain within the short-term channel, not exceeding the lower threshold of the bounding channel, the entire channel will remain attached to the top of the long-term channel.  This magnetic effect of the short-term channel provides you with the ability to stay in your trade in the face of small, short-term reversals as long as those price changes don’t drag the STH channel lower.  As soon as that occurs, your positive trend is demonstrating weakness and you should shift your trade evaluation to the stiffness histogram indicator show in the same indicator window.
The Stiffness indicator helps determine if you should continue in this trade after the Hurst cycles uncouples. The Stiffness indicator is simply counting the number of bars/days that your equity has remained above a specified moving average (MA) without penetrating that moving average. The indicator utilizes two adjustable variables, both a look-back or length for the moving average and a period of time or window that you are focused on. This is plotted as a series of columns plotted on two scales. Zero to 100 for uptrends (green columns) and 0 to -100 (red columns) for down trends. The period length provides the trader with a window of time that you want to determine if the price is penetrating the moving average you have set. The Stiffness indicator was described in the trading journal; Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, by Markos Katsanos, Nov 25, 2018.
Finally, you can turn on a price line that is recalculated to become constrained within the parameters of the MoTrend indicators -100 to +100 range. This provides the trader the ability to see the relationship of price changes against the MoTrend and Stiffness indicators all in one indicator pane, window.

Access this Genie indicator for your Tradingview account, through our web site. (Links Below) This will provide you with additional educational information and reference articles, videos, input and setting options and trading strategies this indicator excels in.
Информация о релизе
Corrected an Input that was not turning of the desired indicator plot.
hursthurstcyclesOscillatorsstiffnesstrendTrend AnalysisturtleVolatility

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