
От flipsignals
FlipSignals is a TradingView indicator designed to help you make smarter, more efficient trading decisions by simplifying your trading. Specific symbols show up directly on price action to help you easily visualize trade setups and interpret market movement. The framework behind FlipSignals is systematic yet simple: First, establish a dominant trend with the Trend Level. Then, identify optimal entry points. With a complete understanding of FlipSignals you'll be able to confidently interpret and navigate any market with strong conviction.

Trend Level
The Trend Level is the step line that runs through price action and establishes a dominant directional trend, either green or red. When the Trend Level is green, buyers are in control and price action is bullish - suggesting buying pressure and higher prices. Conversely, when the Trend Level is red, sellers are in control and price action is bearish - suggesting selling pressure and lower prices.

During an uptrend, price action will trade above the Trend Level and use the Trend Level as support. Conversely in a downtrend, price action will trade below the Trend Level, which will act as resistance. When the Trend Level flat lines and flips from one color to another, this signals that price action is resting and could potentially indicate that the trend is shifting or consolidating for a continuation move.

The Trend Level can also be used as a trail stop level when you are in a position. For example, if you are long when the Trend Level is green and stair stepping higher, you can incrementally place your stop right below the Trend Level as price action increases in order to protect your unrealized profit.

Momentum Shifts - ShiftUp / ShiftDown
Small blue and orange triangles indicate short term momentum shifts in price action. When momentum shifts upwards, a small blue up triangle will appear below the candle and when momentum shifts downwards, a small orange, down triangle will appear above the candle.

ShiftUp and ShiftDown signals generally confirm short term tops/bottoms although consecutive momentum shifts within a short period of candles can indicate consolidation and stalled price action.

Buy/Sell XOB/XOS Levels
FlipSignals’ algorithm calculates a sentiment score that measures the net buying and selling in any given market. This score oscillates above and below zero identifying extended buying and selling pressure. A positive score indicates that buyers are in control whereas a negative score signals that sellers are in control.

FlipSignals generates buy and sell level Dot Clusters and Extreme Overbought/Oversold (XOB/XOS) symbols based on the sentiment score to easily visualize overextended buying or selling directly on price action candles.

Dot Clusters - Buy/Sell Levels
FlipSignals allows users to set 3 buy and 3 sell levels to determine when dot clusters will appear. Dot clusters will appear when sentiment score breaches each level.

Buy level dot clusters will appear below candles indicated by yellow and green circles, while sell level dot clusters will appear as yellow and red circles above candles.

Generally, dot clusters indicate that price action is extended one way or the other. Notice that buy dot clusters appear below the Trend Level while sell dot clusters appear above the Trend Level for the majority of the time.

Extreme Overbought/Oversold Signal
Extreme Overbought (XOB) signals will appear as neon green X's above the candle indicating price action has entered extreme overbought levels. Typically, XOB signals serve as a warning that prices could continue higher.
Extreme Oversold (XOS) signals will appear as red X's below the candle indicating price action has entered extreme oversold levels. Typically, XOS signals serve as a warning that prices could continue lower.
Generally, sentiment scores of +/-4 are considered extreme readings although this can vary by asset. User defined inputs of buy/sell and XOB/XOS levels determine when signals will appear.

Additional Support/Resistance Indicators Include:
  • VWAP
  • 3 EMAs
  • 3 SMAs
  • Weekly Pivot Points
  • Monthly Pivot Points
  • Quarterly Pivot Points
  • Previous Day OHLC

Please use the link below to our website to obtain access to this indicator.
Информация о релизе
Rearranging Pivot Points
Информация о релизе
Re-ordering Pivot Levels
Информация о релизе
Reordering Prev OHLC
Информация о релизе
Pinescript error updates.
Информация о релизе
Updated colors for dot clusters and momentum shift signals.
Информация о релизе
Renamed Buy/Sell Dot Cluster Levels to OB/OS Levels. Modified inputs for OB/OS Levels.
Информация о релизе
Updated OB/OS Level names under Style.
Информация о релизе
Added Macro Trend Level.
Информация о релизе
Added additional Trend Level with timeframe input.
Информация о релизе
Removed pivot points. Updated setting headers. Updated “MTF Trend Level Timeframe”.
Added Swing Points - HH, HL, LH, LL
Added Market Structure Shift (MSS) Signal
Added Fair Value Gap Candle - shows open fair value gaps
Информация о релизе
Update inputs settings and author's instructions.
flipsignalsOscillatorsPivot PointsresistencesupportTrend Analysis
Find your Edge.
Develop your Style.
Adapt & Evolve.

Скрипт с ограниченным доступом

Доступ к этому скрипту разрешён только для пользователей, авторизованных автором, и для этого обычно требуется оплата. Вы можете добавить скрипт в список избранных, но использовать его можно будет только после запроса на доступ и получения разрешения от автора. Свяжитесь с flipsignals, чтобы узнать больше, или следуйте инструкциям автора ниже.

Обратите внимание, что это приватный скрипт с ограниченным доступом, который модераторы скриптов не проверяли, поэтому ещё не установлено, насколько он соответствует Правилам поведения. TradingView не советует платить за скрипт и использовать его, если вы на 100% не доверяете его автору и не понимаете, как он работает. Часто вы можете найти хорошую альтернативу с открытым исходным кодом бесплатно в нашем разделе Скрипты сообщества.

Инструкции от автора

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