DyorTool Premium

От DyorTool
What is the DyorTool Suite?

It is a toolkit that helps the trader to trade the market emotionless, under any condition.
This package is made of 3 scripts :
  • DyorTool Premium
  • DyorTool Oscillator
  • DyorTool Dashboard

What indicators are in these scripts?
DyorTool Premium
  • DyorTool Algo which gives buy and sell signals : 4 setups. The stats shown in the picture is set with a leverage of 0.4 on each trade with the commission of Binance ( without reduction ).
  • Range : 4 setups
  • Ribbon : 4 setups
  • Aggressiv Scalping : Trend Following - low UT : 2 setups
  • EVWMA : 4 setups
  • Ping Pong scalping : 4 setups
  • Support Line : 4 setups

DyorTool Oscillator

  • DyorTool RSI : 8 setups
  • DyorTool Oscillator : 8 setups
  • Smart candle color : Filter noise of the market

DyorTool Dashboard
  • Allows the user to feel the market sentiment with a custom candle
  • Measure the volatility of the market
  • Show DyorTool Algo trend
  • Show the momentum trend and measure his evolution.
  • Smart Stop Loss and Leverage calculation in order to not get in a trade if you are late, or to protect your capital.

All these indicators allow users to :

  • Trade the market easier, within a clearly defined framework - range.
  • Detect macro trend and the nearby momentum
  • Get early in a trade by entering in a trade with one of the 42 setups explained.
  • Have realistic target profit
  • Protect your capital with a smart stop loss and calculate the leverage for a defined stop loss
  • Detect if the market is with or against you so you are not holding more than you should.

This package is unique in its kind and it is complete. You can either do scalping or day-trading with it.
There are many different indicators in it. And a formation is given to explain in detail each indicator. This formation is easy to understand.
As you saw, each indicator has its own setups. These setups are explained one by one, under what condition you can enter in a trade, how to do it, where to exit, what to understand about the market next.
There is no interpretation possible. You are either in a setup or in a waiting zone.
These indicators are self-sufficient. You don't have to use all of them, and not at the same time. You use the ones which fit you better.
Информация о релизе
  • Default setting change on display
dyortoolMoving AveragesOscillatorsTrend Analysis
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Скрипт с ограниченным доступом

Доступ к этому скрипту разрешён только для пользователей, авторизованных автором, и для этого обычно требуется оплата. Вы можете добавить скрипт в список избранных, но использовать его можно будет только после запроса на доступ и получения разрешения от автора. Свяжитесь с DyorTool, чтобы узнать больше, или следуйте инструкциям автора ниже.

Обратите внимание, что это приватный скрипт с ограниченным доступом, который модераторы скриптов не проверяли, поэтому ещё не установлено, насколько он соответствует Правилам поведения. TradingView не советует платить за скрипт и использовать его, если вы на 100% не доверяете его автору и не понимаете, как он работает. Часто вы можете найти хорошую альтернативу с открытым исходным кодом бесплатно в нашем разделе Скрипты сообщества.

Инструкции от автора

To get access to this trading suite DM me on tradingview or discord : DyorTool#0704

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