Neo BitMEX Futures Hedge Grid Alerts Premium v1.0

От NeoButane
This indicator was made to streamline finding the optimal entry to cash and carry/hedge on a futures contract when margin trading.

Explanation of the indicator:
This indicator has built-in alert conditions that you can use to give you email alerts, in-browser sound alerts, or SMS alerts. These alerts are based upon futures prices being in contango or backwardation.
From top to bottom, the grid shows XBTU18, XBTZ18, OkEx's Quarterlies (OKCOIN:BTCUSD3M), and CME's futures.
  • Red: Futures are trading above your defined range (default 1%) of spot
  • Maroon: Futures are trading above twice your defined range of spot
  • Lime: Futures are trading below your defined range (default 1%) of spot
  • Green: Futures are trading below twice your defined range of spot

What's configurable:
  • % to trigger
  • Grid size
  • Bar color toggle
  • Label toggle
  • Spot/index source (Bitfinex's BTCUSD, BitMEX's XBTUSD, and BitMEX's XBT Index are available)

Currently this standalone indicator is 0.007 BTC for lifetime use.

Example of use:
On 4 May 2018, BitMEX's XBTU18 was trading >2% above perpetual swap. The grid alerts signaled that and if one were long on bitcoin spot on any exchange, then it would have been a good idea to hedge a short on XBTU18. Eventually from there the premium gap was closed while bitcoin fell.

Here is the indicator shown with bar coloring and labels.
Информация о релизе
- added XBTH19
- removed XBTU18
- simplified inputs
Информация о релизе
Added inputs for changing the futures and an option to make the color of CME's grid turn to gray when the market is closed.
Информация о релизе
Introduced dynamic labeling for the tickers, allowing for simpler identification.
alertsbitmexBTCCMEfuturesGRIDhedgeokexTrend AnalysisVolatilityxbt
My published indicators:

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