Hunt Sight Fire

От KeithWareing
Hunt Sight Fire is a multi signal strategy script

Offering up huge improvements, including multiple position triggers, derived from Bollinger Bands and Chande Momentum as well as our own bespoke stochastic ribbons that provide trend pivots .
Profit Sniper now works with regular Japanese candles, however, it still provides the flexibility of Heiken Ashi settings for certain elements of the indicator, this allows the accuracy of Japanese candlestick prices, and the smooth trends of HA.

So how does it work?

In true Sniper fashion, when our stochastic HA ribbons pivot between short and long trends, the indicator will offer up a colour coded flag the says “1. HUNT” green for long, red for short.

At this stage, the indicator is now looking for a second condition, this is displayed as “2. Sight” at this point the indicator as noticed a drop in the previous momentum, to pre-empt a flip between long and short. Red is for short, green is for Long

The final condition to be met is based on the positioning of the Bollinger Bands , which is show as the “3. Fire Flag” again, as with hunt and sight, red is for short and green is for long.

For access to this strategy please DM Me.

strategytrendTrend Analysis

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