Issue allocation

The issue allocation is the way in which bonds are offered to investors: in the global or single-country markets.

The choice of issue allocation depends on various factors, including the issuer's funding needs, investor demand, regulatory considerations, and market conditions. By understanding the different types of allocations available in the global and single-country bond markets, issuers can tailor their bond issuance strategies to effectively reach their target investor base and achieve their financing objectives.


A global offer refers to an offering of securities that is made available to investors in multiple countries or regions simultaneously. In a global offer, the issuer targets investors from various jurisdictions, allowing them to participate in the offering regardless of their location. Global offers provide access to a broader investor base and may involve coordination with multiple regulatory authorities to comply with cross-border securities regulations.

Single сountry

A single country offer, on the other hand, is an offering of securities that is targeted specifically at investors within a single country or jurisdiction. Single country offers are subject to the securities regulations and requirements of the specific jurisdiction in which the offering takes place.