UpVol/TVol NYSE Lowry Upside DaysTakes Tradingviews Upside Volume for NYSE and divides it by Total Volume on NYSE.
Tradingview's data source generally has different volume figures than say the Wall Street Journal. Therefore, this indicator is an estimate.
10% upside volume shows extreme panic and is consistent with market sell offs.
90% upside days, following a decline, are often occur within a week or so of significant market bottoms.
Recommend using columns as the plot type.
Based on research of LowryResearch Corp.
Upvol and DownvolUpvolume and downvolume, calculated according to the MFI (Money Flow) formula, and shown separately.
The indicator has options for also showing NYSE upvolume and downvolume or ES1! (S&P500 upvolume/downvolume) along with the main ticker data, so you can compare them.
The chart can be analyzed by drawing trend lines, and can be surprisingly accurate.