Support & Resistance + Range Filter + Volume Profile//@version=5
indicator("Support & Resistance + Range Filter + Volume Profile ", overlay=true, max_boxes_count=500, max_lines_count=500, max_bars_back=5000)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// Support and Resistance Inputs
int lookbackPeriod =, "Lookback Period", minval=1, group="Support & Resistance")
int vol_len =, "Delta Volume Filter Length", tooltip="Higher input, will filter low volume boxes", group="Support & Resistance")
float box_width = input.float(1, "Adjust Box Width", maxval=1000, minval=0, step=0.1, group="Support & Resistance")
// Range Filter Inputs
src = input(close, title="Source", group="Range Filter")
per =, minval=1, title="Sampling Period", group="Range Filter")
mult = input.float(3.0, minval=0.1, title="Range Multiplier", group="Range Filter")
// Range Filter Colors
upColor = input.color(color.white, "Up Color", group="Range Filter")
midColor = input.color(#90bff9, "Mid Color", group="Range Filter")
downColor = input.color(, "Down Color", group="Range Filter")
// Volume Profile Inputs
vpGR = 'Volume & Sentiment Profile'
vpSH = input.bool(true, 'Volume Profile', group=vpGR)
vpUC = input.color(, 50), ' Up Volume ', inline='VP', group=vpGR)
vpDC = input.color(, 50), 'Down Volume ', inline='VP', group=vpGR)
vaUC = input.color(, 30), ' Value Area Up', inline='VA', group=vpGR)
vaDC = input.color(, 30), 'Value Area Down', inline='VA', group=vpGR)
spSH = input.bool(true, 'Sentiment Profile', group=vpGR)
spUC = input.color(, 30), ' Bullish', inline='BB', group=vpGR)
spDC = input.color(, 30), 'Bearish', inline='BB', group=vpGR)
sdSH = input.bool(true, 'Supply & Demand Zones', group=vpGR)
sdTH =, ' Supply & Demand Threshold %', minval=0, maxval=41, group=vpGR) / 100
sdSC = input.color(, 80), ' Supply Zones', inline='SD', group=vpGR)
sdDC = input.color(, 80), 'Demand Zones', inline='SD', group=vpGR)
pcSH = input.string('Developing POC', 'Point of Control', options= , inline='POC', group=vpGR)
pocC = input.color(#f44336, '', inline='POC', group=vpGR)
pocW =, '', minval=1, inline='POC', group=vpGR)
vpVA = input.float(68, 'Value Area (%)', minval=0, maxval=100, group=vpGR) / 100
vahS = input.bool(true, 'Value Area High (VAH)', inline='VAH', group=vpGR)
vahC = input.color(#2962ff, '', inline='VAH', group=vpGR)
vahW =, '', minval=1, inline='VAH', group=vpGR)
vlSH = input.bool(true, 'Value Area Low (VAL)', inline='VAL', group=vpGR)
valC = input.color(#2962ff, '', inline='VAL', group=vpGR)
valW =, '', minval=1, inline='VAL', group=vpGR)
vpPT = input.string('Bar Polarity', 'Profile Polarity Method', options= , group=vpGR)
vpLR = input.string('Fixed Range', 'Profile Lookback Range', options= , group=vpGR)
vpLN =, 'Lookback Length / Fixed Range', minval=10, maxval=5000, step=10, group=vpGR)
vpST = input.bool(true, 'Profile Stats', inline='STT', group=vpGR)
ppLS = input.string('Small', "", options= , inline='STT', group=vpGR)
lcDB = input.string('Top Right', '', options= , inline='STT', group=vpGR)
vpLV = input.bool(true, 'Profile Price Levels', inline='BBe', group=vpGR)
rpLS = input.string('Small', "", options= , inline='BBe', group=vpGR)
vpPL = input.string('Right', 'Profile Placement', options= , group=vpGR)
vpNR =, 'Profile Number of Rows', minval=10, maxval=150, step=10, group=vpGR)
vpWD = input.float(31, 'Profile Width', minval=0, maxval=250, group=vpGR) / 100
vpHO =, 'Profile Horizontal Offset', maxval=50, group=vpGR)
vaBG = input.bool(false, 'Value Area Background ', inline='vBG', group=vpGR)
vBGC = input.color(, 89), '', inline='vBG', group=vpGR)
vpBG = input.bool(false, 'Profile Range Background ', inline='pBG', group=vpGR)
bgC = input.color(, 95), '', inline='pBG', group=vpGR)
vhGR = 'Volume Histogram'
vhSH = input.bool(true, 'Volume Histogram', group=vhGR)
vmaS = input.bool(true, 'Volume MA, Length', inline='vol2', group=vhGR)
vmaL =, '', minval=1, inline='vol2', group=vhGR)
vhUC = input.color(, 30), ' Growing', inline='vol1', group=vhGR)
vhDC = input.color(, 30), 'Falling', inline='vol1', group=vhGR)
vmaC = input.color(, 0), 'Volume MA', inline='vol1', group=vhGR)
vhPL = input.string('Top', ' Placement', options= , group=vhGR)
vhHT = 11 -, ' Hight', minval=1, maxval=10, group=vhGR)
vhVO =, ' Vertical Offset', minval=0, maxval=20, group=vhGR) / 20
cbGR = 'Volume Weighted Colored Bars'
vwcb = input.bool(false, 'Volume Weighted Colored Bars', group=cbGR)
upTH = input.float(1.618, ' Upper Threshold', minval=1., step=.1, group=cbGR)
dnTH = input.float(0.618, ' Lower Threshold', minval=.1, step=.1, group=cbGR)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// Delta Volume Function
upAndDownVolume() =>
posVol = 0.0
negVol = 0.0
var isBuyVolume = true
close > open => isBuyVolume := true
close < open => isBuyVolume := false
if isBuyVolume
posVol += volume
negVol -= volume
posVol + negVol
// Function to identify support and resistance boxes
calcSupportResistance(src, lookbackPeriod) =>
Vol = upAndDownVolume()
vol_hi = ta.highest(Vol/2.5, vol_len)
vol_lo = ta.lowest(Vol/2.5, vol_len)
var float supportLevel = na
var float resistanceLevel = na
var box sup = na
var box res = na
var color res_color = na
var color sup_color = na
// Find pivot points
pivotHigh = ta.pivothigh(src, lookbackPeriod, lookbackPeriod)
pivotLow = ta.pivotlow (src, lookbackPeriod, lookbackPeriod)
atr = ta.atr(200)
withd = atr * box_width
// Find support levels with Positive Volume
if (not na(pivotLow)) and Vol > vol_hi
supportLevel := pivotLow
topLeft = chart.point.from_index(bar_index-lookbackPeriod, supportLevel)
bottomRight = chart.point.from_index(bar_index, supportLevel-withd)
sup_color := color.from_gradient(Vol, 0, ta.highest(Vol, 25), color(na),, 30))
sup :=, bottomRight,, border_width=1, bgcolor=sup_color, text="Vol: "+str.tostring(math.round(Vol,2)), text_color=chart.fg_color, text_size=size.small)
// Find resistance levels with Negative Volume
if (not na(pivotHigh)) and Vol < vol_lo
resistanceLevel := pivotHigh
topLeft = chart.point.from_index(bar_index-lookbackPeriod, resistanceLevel)
bottomRight = chart.point.from_index(bar_index, resistanceLevel+withd)
res_color := color.from_gradient(Vol, ta.lowest(Vol, 25), 0,, 30), color(na))
res :=, bottomRight,, border_width=1, bgcolor=res_color, text="Vol: "+str.tostring(math.round(Vol,2)), text_color=chart.fg_color, text_size=size.small)
= calcSupportResistance(close, lookbackPeriod)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// Smooth Average Range
smoothrng(x, t, m) =>
wper = t * 2 - 1
avrng = ta.ema(math.abs(x - x ), t)
smoothrng = ta.ema(avrng, wper) * m
smrng = smoothrng(src, per, mult)
// Range Filter
rngfilt(x, r) =>
rngfilt = x
rngfilt := x > nz(rngfilt ) ? x - r < nz(rngfilt ) ? nz(rngfilt ) : x - r :
x + r > nz(rngfilt ) ? nz(rngfilt ) : x + r
filt = rngfilt(src, smrng)
// Filter Direction
upward = 0.0
upward := filt > filt ? nz(upward ) + 1 : filt < filt ? 0 : nz(upward )
downward = 0.0
downward := filt < filt ? nz(downward ) + 1 : filt > filt ? 0 : nz(downward )
// Target Bands
hband = filt + smrng
lband = filt - smrng
// Colors
filtcolor = upward > 0 ? upColor : downward > 0 ? downColor : midColor
barcolor = src > filt and src > src and upward > 0 ? upColor :
src > filt and src < src and upward > 0 ? upColor :
src < filt and src < src and downward > 0 ? downColor :
src < filt and src > src and downward > 0 ? downColor : midColor
filtplot = plot(filt, color=filtcolor, linewidth=2, title="Range Filter")
hbandplot = plot(hband,, 70), title="High Target")
lbandplot = plot(lband,, 70), title="Low Target")
// Fills
fill(hbandplot, filtplot,, 90), title="High Target Range")
fill(lbandplot, filtplot,, 90), title="Low Target Range")
// Break Outs
longCond = bool(na)
shortCond = bool(na)
longCond := src > filt and src > src and upward > 0 or
src > filt and src < src and upward > 0
shortCond := src < filt and src < src and downward > 0 or
src < filt and src > src and downward > 0
CondIni = 0
CondIni := longCond ? 1 : shortCond ? -1 : CondIni
longCondition = longCond and CondIni == -1
shortCondition = shortCond and CondIni == 1
// Plot Buy/Sell Signals
plotshape(longCondition, title="Buy Signal", text="Buy", textcolor=color.white, style=shape.labelup, size=size.small, location=location.belowbar,, 20))
plotshape(shortCondition, title="Sell Signal", text="Sell", textcolor=color.white, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.small, location=location.abovebar,, 20))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// (Include the Volume Profile calculations and visualizations from the original script here)
// ...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// (Include the visualization logic from the Volume Profile script here)
// ...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// (Include the alert conditions from the Volume Profile script here)
// ...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
Полосы и каналы
High Volume Support and Resistance Levels2مؤشر "High Volume Support and Resistance Levels" هو أداة تحليل تقني تهدف إلى مساعدة المتداولين في تحديد مستويات الدعم والمقاومة الأكثر أهمية بناءً على أحجام التداول العالية. يعتمد المؤشر على فكرة أن المستويات التي تحدث عندها أحجام تداول كبيرة هي نقاط مهمة حيث يكون للسعر احتمالية كبيرة للتوقف أو الارتداد أو حتى الكسر.
فوائد استخدام المؤشر:
يتم تحديد مستويات الدعم والمقاومة بناءً على النشاط الكبير في السوق، مما يعكس أهمية هذه المستويات بالنسبة للمتداولين الآخرين هذه المستويات تعتبر نقاط رئيسية لاتخاذ قرارات التداول.
تحليل البيانات بسهولة بدلاً من الاعتماد على تحليل يدوي أو تخمين مستويات الدعم والمقاومة، يقوم المؤشر بمعالجة البيانات تلقائيًا لتوفير مستويات دقيقة.
يساعد المؤشر على التعرف على كسر الدعم أو المقاومة، وهو أمر يمكن أن يكون إشارة لبداية اتجاه جديد أو تغيير في الزخم.
تخصيص كامل حسب احتياجات المتداول:
القدرة على تحديد عدد المستويات المطلوبة (1 إلى 6 مستويات).
إمكانية اختيار ألوان الخطوط وسمكها لتتناسب مع التفضيلات الشخصية.
تنبيهات للكسر:
يرسل المؤشر تنبيهًا عندما يتجاوز السعر مستوى مقاومة أو دعم رئيسي. هذا التنبيه يمكن أن يساعد في اتخاذ قرارات سريعة للتداول.
المؤشر يقوم بتحليل أحجام التداول خلال فترة محددة (مثل 500 شمعة) مما يجعل نتائجه قائمة على بيانات دقيقة وموثوقة.
كيف يعمل المؤشر؟
تحليل الشموع السابقة:
المؤشر يقوم بمراجعة عدد معين من الشموع السابقة (الفترة الزمنية تُحدد في الإعدادات).
يتم اختيار الشموع ذات أحجام التداول الأعلى.
رسم خطوط الدعم والمقاومة:
يتم رسم خطوط أفقية على الرسم البياني عند أعلى وأدنى سعر للشموع ذات أحجام التداول العالية.
الخطوط تمثل مستويات الدعم والمقاومة الرئيسية.
التنبيه عند الكسر:
إذا تجاوز السعر أعلى مستوى مقاومة، يعتبر ذلك إشارة إلى كسر صعودي (Breakout).
إذا انخفض السعر أسفل مستوى الدعم، يعتبر ذلك إشارة إلى كسر هبوطي.
المؤشر هو أداة مساعدة فقط ويجب استخدامه مع التحليل الفني والأساسي لتحقيق أفضل النتائج.
إخلاء المسؤولية
لا يُقصد بالمعلومات والمنشورات أن تكون، أو تشكل، أي نصيحة مالية أو استثمارية أو تجارية أو أنواع أخرى من النصائح أو التوصيات المقدمة أو المعتمدة من TradingView.
Introduction to the indicator:
The "High Volume Support and Resistance Levels" indicator is a technical analysis tool that aims to help traders identify the most important support and resistance levels based on high trading volumes. The indicator is based on the idea that levels at which high trading volumes occur are important points where the price has a high probability of stopping, rebounding or even breaking.
Benefits of using the indicator:
Support and resistance levels are determined based on high market activity, reflecting the importance of these levels to other traders. These levels are key points for making trading decisions.
Easily analyze data Instead of relying on manual analysis or guessing support and resistance levels, the indicator automatically processes the data to provide accurate levels.
The indicator helps identify a break of support or resistance, which can be a signal of the beginning of a new trend or a change in momentum.
Fully customizable to the needs of the trader:
Ability to specify the number of levels required (1 to 6 levels).
Possibility to choose the colors and thickness of the lines to suit personal preferences.
Break Alerts:
The indicator sends an alert when the price breaks a major resistance or support level. This alert can help in making quick trading decisions.
The indicator analyzes the trading volumes over a specific period (such as 500 candles) making its results based on accurate and reliable data.
How does the indicator work?
Previous candle analysis:
The indicator reviews a certain number of previous candles (the time period is specified in the settings).
Candles with the highest trading volumes are selected.
Drawing support and resistance lines:
Horizontal lines are drawn on the chart at the highest and lowest prices of candles with high trading volumes.
The lines represent the main support and resistance levels.
Breakout alert:
If the price exceeds the highest resistance level, this is a signal for an upward breakout.
If the price drops below the support level, this is a signal for a downward breakout.
The indicator is an auxiliary tool only and should be used in conjunction with technical and fundamental analysis to achieve the best results.
The information and posts are not intended to be, or constitute, any financial, investment, trading or other types of advice or recommendations provided or endorsed by TradingView.
Manish Nanwani MSB TargetsThe Market Structure Targets Model indicator helps traders identify potential price targets based on market structure shifts (MSS) and market structure breaks (MSB). It uses algorithmic calculations to determine target levels, which can be used for various purposes, such as setting take-profit orders, determining potential reversal points, and confirming trade setups. The indicator is particularly useful for traders who employ the Smart Money Concept, which focuses on identifying and following the moves of large institutional investors.
Entry Price % Difference//@version=5
indicator("Entry Price % Difference", overlay=true)
// User input for entry price
entryPrice = input.float(title="Entry Price", defval=100.0, step=0.1)
// Draggable input for profit and stop loss levels
profitLevel = input.float(title="Profit Level (%)", defval=10.0, step=0.1)
stopLossLevel = input.float(title="Stop Loss Level (%)", defval=-10.0, step=0.1)
// User input for USDT amount in the trade
usdtAmount = input.float(title="USDT Amount", defval=1000.0, step=1.0)
// User input for trade type (Long or Short)
tradeType = input.string(title="Trade Type", defval="Long", options= )
// User input for line styles and colors
profitLineStyle = input.string(title="Profit Line Style", defval="Dotted", options= )
profitLineColor = input.color(title="Profit Line Color",
profitLineWidth ="Profit Line Width", defval=1, minval=1, maxval=5)
stopLossLineStyle = input.string(title="Stop Loss Line Style", defval="Dotted", options= )
stopLossLineColor = input.color(title="Stop Loss Line Color",
stopLossLineWidth ="Stop Loss Line Width", defval=1, minval=1, maxval=5)
entryLineColor = input.color(title="Entry Line Color",
entryLineWidth ="Entry Line Width", defval=1, minval=1, maxval=5)
// User input for label customization
labelTextColor = input.color(title="Label Text Color", defval=color.white)
labelBackgroundColor = input.color(title="Label Background Color", defval=color.gray)
// User input for fee percentage
feePercentage = input.float(title="Fee Percentage (%)", defval=0.1, step=0.01)
// Map line styles
profitStyle = profitLineStyle == "Solid" ? line.style_solid : profitLineStyle == "Dotted" ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
stopLossStyle = stopLossLineStyle == "Solid" ? line.style_solid : stopLossLineStyle == "Dotted" ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
// Calculate percentage difference
livePrice = close
percentDifference = tradeType == "Long" ? ((livePrice - entryPrice) / entryPrice) * 100 : ((entryPrice - livePrice) / entryPrice) * 100
// Calculate profit or loss
profitOrLoss = usdtAmount * (percentDifference / 100)
// Calculate fees and net profit or loss
feeAmount = usdtAmount * (feePercentage / 100)
netProfitOrLoss = profitOrLoss - feeAmount
// Display percentage difference, profit/loss, and fees as a single label following the current price
if bar_index == last_bar_index
labelColor = percentDifference >= 0 ?, 80) :, 80)
var label plLabel = na
if na(plLabel)
plLabel := + 1, livePrice + (livePrice * 0.005), str.tostring(percentDifference, "0.00") + "% " + "P/L: " + str.tostring(netProfitOrLoss, "0.00") + " USDT (Fee: " + str.tostring(feeAmount, "0.00") + ")",
style=label.style_label_down, color=labelBackgroundColor, textcolor=labelTextColor)
label.set_xy(plLabel, bar_index + 1, livePrice + (livePrice * 0.005))
label.set_text(plLabel, str.tostring(percentDifference, "0.00") + "% " + "P/L: " + str.tostring(netProfitOrLoss, "0.00") + " USDT (Fee: " + str.tostring(feeAmount, "0.00") + ")")
label.set_color(plLabel, labelBackgroundColor)
label.set_textcolor(plLabel, labelTextColor)
// Calculate profit and stop loss levels based on trade type
profitPrice = tradeType == "Long" ? entryPrice * (1 + profitLevel / 100) : entryPrice * (1 - profitLevel / 100)
stopLossPrice = tradeType == "Long" ? entryPrice * (1 + stopLossLevel / 100) : entryPrice * (1 - stopLossLevel / 100)
// Plot profit, stop loss, and entry price lines - 1, y1=profitPrice, x2=bar_index + 1, y2=profitPrice, color=profitLineColor, width=profitLineWidth, style=profitStyle) - 1, y1=stopLossPrice, x2=bar_index + 1, y2=stopLossPrice, color=stopLossLineColor, width=stopLossLineWidth, style=stopLossStyle) - 1, y1=entryPrice, x2=bar_index + 1, y2=entryPrice, color=entryLineColor, width=entryLineWidth, style=line.style_solid)
// Show percentage difference in the price scale
plot(percentDifference, title="% Difference on Price Scale",, 0), linewidth=0, display=display.price_scale)
// Add alerts for profit and stop loss levels
alertcondition(livePrice >= profitPrice, title="Profit Target Reached", message="The price has reached or exceeded the profit target.")
alertcondition(livePrice <= stopLossPrice, title="Stop Loss Triggered", message="The price has reached or dropped below the stop loss level.")
Trend Cloud with Signals buy and sell - KetbotAIThis indicator is designed to help traders identify key support and resistance levels, trends, and potential entry and exit points. Below is a breakdown of its features and how to use them effectively.
Dynamic Support and Resistance Lines:
The blue line acts as a dynamic support level where the price is likely to bounce upward.
The orange line serves as a dynamic resistance level where the price is likely to reverse downward.
These lines adjust based on market conditions, helping traders identify key price zones.
Directional Arrows:
- Red arrows indicate potential sell signals or bearish trend reversals, suggesting downward movement.
- Green arrows indicate potential buy signals or bullish trend reversals, suggesting upward movement.
These signals can be used for confirming trade entries.
Shaded Zones (Momentum Zones):
- The red zone highlights areas of bearish momentum, indicating selling pressure.
- The green zone highlights areas of bullish momentum, indicating buying pressure.
These zones provide a quick visual representation of market sentiment.
How to Trade with This Indicator:
Identify the Trend:
- Bullish Trend: If the price is above the orange line and within the green zone, it indicates strong upward momentum.
- Bearish Trend: If the price is below the blue line and within the red zone, it indicates strong downward momentum.
Enter Trades:
Buy Opportunities:
Look for green arrows near the blue line or within the green shaded zone.
Confirm the signal by observing bullish price action (e.g., higher highs or strong green candles).
Sell Opportunities:
Look for red arrows near the orange line or within the red shaded zone.
Confirm the signal by observing bearish price action (e.g., lower lows or strong red candles).
Set Stop-Loss and Take-Profit:
For buy trades:
Place your stop-loss just below the blue line or the recent swing low.
Set your take-profit near the orange line or at key resistance levels.
For sell trades:
Place your stop-loss just above the orange line or the recent swing high.
Set your take-profit near the blue line or at key support levels.
Combine with Multi-Timeframe Analysis:
Use this indicator alongside higher timeframes (e.g., 1H or 4H) to align your trades with the broader trend.
Pro Tips for Effective Use:
Use Alerts:
Set alerts for when the price touches the blue or orange lines or when the arrows appear, so you never miss a trade opportunity.
Validate with Other Indicators:
Pair this indicator with tools like RSI, MACD, or volume analysis to confirm breakouts or reversals.
Backtest and Optimize:
Test this indicator on historical data to refine your strategy and identify its strengths and weaknesses.
Adapt to Market Conditions:
For trending markets, follow the directional momentum.
For ranging markets, trade the bounces off the blue and orange lines.
This indicator is a powerful tool for traders looking to optimize their gold trading strategies. Its visual cues make it easy to spot trends and potential reversals. Let us know how it works for you or if you'd like to see additional features in future updates! 🚀
Strategy – Chriscorella's Candles (5m)Chriscorella’s Candles (5m, v1.1.8): An Advanced Trading Algorithm
This script, designed for Pine Script (v5) in TradingView, represents an advanced and meticulously crafted trading strategy by Chriscorella . It is tailored for short-term trading on a 5-minute timeframe , leveraging multiple technical indicators and candle formations to generate signals. The strategy has been successfully backtested on various markets, including BTCUSD , US100 , UKOIL , and XAUUSD .
Key Features:
Algorithm Design: Based on a blend of candle formations, Bollinger Bands, VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price), and volume analysis.
Candle Patterns Included: The script detects specific bullish and bearish candle formations:
Engulfing (3LS)
Hammer and Shooting Star
Morning Star and Evening Star
Doji Patterns
Exit Rules: Incorporates fixed Take Profit and Stop Loss with additional dynamic exit rules using Bollinger Bands, VWAP, and opposing momentum detection.
Core Components of the Script:
Bollinger Bands:
Calculated with a length of 20 and a multiplier of 2.
Helps define ranges for large and small candle formations.
VWAP Integration:
Provides a dynamic benchmark to evaluate price relative to average volume.
Used to confirm trends and identify potential reversals.
Candle Pattern Recognition:
Bullish and bearish engulfing patterns.
Hammer and Shooting Star formations.
Morning Star and Evening Star setups.
Bullish and bearish Doji patterns.
Momentum Analysis:
Detects opposing bullish or bearish momentum to avoid trades against strong trends.
Includes volume conditions to validate the reliability of signals.
Dynamic Stop Loss and Take Profit Levels:
Determined based on average candle length and specific pattern characteristics.
Adjusts to market conditions for enhanced risk management.
Alerts and Trade Management:
Alerts for entry, exit, Take Profit, and Stop Loss levels.
Dynamic exits triggered by opposing conditions, such as:
Bollinger Band reversals.
VWAP crossovers.
Emergence of opposing candle formations.
Visual Enhancements:
Plots Bollinger Bands and VWAP with dynamic coloring based on market conditions.
Uses symbols (triangles, squares, circles, diamonds, and flags) to highlight specific patterns and conditions on the chart.
Ideal Usage:
This script is ideal for traders looking for a systematic approach to scalping and short-term trading across various assets. Its robust integration of technical indicators, dynamic rules, and visual aids makes it a valuable tool for traders aiming to enhance precision and decision-making in volatile markets.
DayTrade with Gap+EMA+VWAPThis script covers 2 timeframe EMAs along with VWAP from session open to identify day trades. works well with gap movers
High Win Rate BTC Strategy趋势确认:
High-Sensitivity Breakout IndicatorJust a scalping indicator designed to help make profit in the short term
GT_VIPПокупка/Продажа индикатор основан на уровнях RSI
Настройка индикатора на дневку, 5 дней и недели
Period - 10
Oversold - 54
Настройка индикатора на месяце
Period - 10
Oversold - 40
RSI 15min with 4H Filter (Long Only)核心逻辑:
15 分钟 RSI 低于超卖水平,且(如果启用 4 小时过滤)4 小时周期处于上涨趋势。
15 分钟 RSI 高于超买水平,或者(如果启用 4 小时过滤)4 小时周期转为下跌趋势。
EMA Signal ProTrendCandle Tracker
Tracks trends and signals dynamically as candles follow EMA crossovers.
Dynamic Pivot Signals
Combines EMA crossovers with dynamic candle-following signals for pivots.
Crossover Pulse
Highlights BUY and SELL opportunities based on EMA crossover "pulses."
EMA Signal Pro
A professional-grade indicator focused on EMA-based BUY and SELL signals.
BuySell Flow
Smoothly identifies and tracks BUY and SELL zones with flowing lines.
Signal Glide
Glides through trends with lines following EMA crossover signals.
PivotEMA Signals
Integrates pivot levels and EMA crossovers to provide clear signals.
CandlePath Tracker
Follows candle movements after EMA crossovers for actionable signals.
LineSync Signals
Synchronizes BUY and SELL signals with dynamic lines on the chart.
TrendWave Signals
Captures wave-like trends, providing precise entry and exit points.
Pro Stock Scanner + MACD# Pro Stock Scanner - Advanced Trading System
### Professional Scanning System Combining MACD, Momentum & Technical Analysis
## 🎯 Indicator Purpose
This indicator was developed to identify high-quality trading opportunities by combining:
- Strong positive momentum
- Clear technical trend
- Significant trading volume
- Precise MACD signals
## 💡 Core Mechanics
The indicator is based on three core components:
### 1. Advanced MACD Analysis (40%)
- MACD line crossover tracking
- Momentum strength measurement
- Positive/negative divergence detection
- Score range: 0-40 points
### 2. Trend Analysis (40%)
- Moving average relationships (MA20, MA50)
- Primary trend direction
- Current trend strength
- Score range: 0-40 points
### 3. Volume Analysis (20%)
- Comparison with 20-day average volume
- Volume breakout detection
- Score range: 0-20 points
## 📊 Scoring System
Total score (0-100) composition:
Total Score = MACD Score (40%) + Trend Score (40%) + Volume Score (20%)
### Score Interpretation:
- 80-100: Strong Buy Signal 🔥
- 65-79: Developing Bullish Trend ⬆️
- 50-64: Neutral ↔️
- 0-49: Technical Weakness ⬇️
## 📈 Chart Markers
1. **Large Blue Triangle**
- High score (80+)
- Positive MACD
- Bullish MACD crossover
2. **Small Triangles**
- Green: Bullish MACD crossover
- Red: Bearish MACD crossover
## 🎛️ Customizable Parameters
MACD Settings:
- Fast Length: 12
- Slow Length: 26
- Signal Length: 9
- Strength Threshold: 0.2%
Volume Settings:
- Threshold: 1.5x average
## 📱 Information Panel
Real-time display of:
1. Total Score
2. MACD Score
3. MACD Strength
4. Volume Score
5. Summary Signal
## ⚙️ Optimization Guidelines
Recommended adjustments:
1. **Bull Market**
- Decrease MACD sensitivity
- Increase volume threshold
- Focus on trend strength
2. **Bear Market**
- Increase MACD sensitivity
- Stricter trend conditions
- Higher score requirements
## 🎯 Recommended Trading Strategy
### Phase 1: Initial Scan
1. Look for 80+ total score
2. Verify sufficient trading volume
3. Confirm bullish MACD crossover
### Phase 2: Validation
1. Check long-term trend
2. Identify nearby resistance levels
3. Review earnings calendar
### Phase 3: Position Management
1. Set clear stop-loss
2. Define realistic profit targets
3. Monitor score changes
## ⚠️ Important Notes
1. This indicator is a supplementary tool
2. Combine with fundamental analysis
3. Strict risk management is essential
4. Not recommended for automated trading
## 📈 Usage Examples
Examples included:
1. Successful buy signal
2. Trend reversal identification
3. False signal analysis and lessons learned
## 🔄 Future Updates
1. RSI integration
2. Advanced alerts
3. Auto-optimization features
## 🎯 Key Benefits
1. Clear scoring system
2. Multiple confirmation layers
3. Real-time market feedback
4. Customizable parameters
## 🚀 Getting Started
1. Add indicator to chart
2. Adjust parameters if needed
3. Monitor information panel
4. Wait for strong signals (80+ score)
## 📊 Performance Metrics
- Success rate: Monitor and track
- Best performing in trending markets
- Optimal for swing trading
- Most effective on daily timeframe
## 🛠️ Technical Details
// Core components
1. MACD calculation
2. Volume analysis
3. Trend confirmation
4. Score computation
## 💡 Pro Tips
1. Use multiple timeframes
2. Combine with support/resistance
3. Monitor sector trends
4. Consider market conditions
## 🤝 Support
Feedback and improvement suggestions welcome!
## 📜 License
MIT License - Free to use and modify
## 📚 Additional Resources
- Recommended timeframes: Daily, 4H
- Best performing markets: Stocks, ETFs
- Optimal market conditions: Trending markets
- Risk management guidelines included
## 🔍 Final Notes
- No indicator is 100% accurate
- Always use proper position sizing
- Combine with other analysis tools
- Practice proper risk management
// @version=5
// @description Pro Stock Scanner - Advanced trading system combining MACD, momentum and volume analysis
// @author AviPro
// @license MIT
// This indicator helps identify high-quality trading opportunities by analyzing:
// 1. MACD momentum and crossovers
// 2. Trend strength and direction
// 3. Volume patterns and breakouts
// The system provides:
// - Total score (0-100)
// - Visual signals on chart
// - Information panel with key metrics
// - Customizable parameters
// IMPORTANT: This indicator is for educational and informational purposes only.
// Always conduct your own analysis and use proper risk management.
// If you find this indicator helpful, please consider leaving a like and comment!
// Feedback and suggestions for improvement are always welcome.
MA + RSI Strategy//@version=5
indicator("Buy and Sell Indicator", overlay=true)
// Input Parameters
fastLength =, title="Fast Moving Average Length")
slowLength =, title="Slow Moving Average Length")
rsiLength =, title="RSI Length")
rsiOverbought =, title="RSI Overbought Level")
rsiOversold =, title="RSI Oversold Level")
// Calculations
fastMA = ta.sma(close, fastLength)
slowMA = ta.sma(close, slowLength)
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength)
// Buy and Sell Conditions
buyCondition = ta.crossover(fastMA, slowMA) and rsi < rsiOversold
sellCondition = ta.crossunder(fastMA, slowMA) and rsi > rsiOverbought
// Plot Buy and Sell Signals
plotshape(series=buyCondition, title="Buy Signal", location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, text="BUY")
plotshape(series=sellCondition, title="Sell Signal", location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.labeldown, text="SELL")
// Plot Moving Averages
plot(fastMA,, title="Fast MA")
plot(slowMA,, title="Slow MA")
// Alerts
alertcondition(buyCondition, title="Buy Alert", message="Buy Signal Triggered!")
alertcondition(sellCondition, title="Sell Alert", message="Sell Signal Triggered!")
Erick Multi Stochastic (Fixed)HOW TO USED?
First Step:
Turn off the SIGNAL line...
2nd Step.
Wait all the line to go beyond overbought or oversold line.
3rd step.
Watch for DIVIRGENT in the Charts.
Multi Stochastic Indicator Description
The Multi Stochastic Indicator is a custom technical analysis tool designed to provide insights into market momentum by plotting multiple Stochastic Oscillators on the same chart. This script is ideal for traders who want to compare different time-frame Stochastics in a single view to make informed trading decisions.
How It Works:
Stochastic Oscillator: The Stochastic Oscillator measures the level of the closing price relative to the high-low range over a set period. It consists of:
%K Line (Main Line): A fast-moving line representing raw Stochastic values.
%D Line (Signal Line): A smoothed version of %K.
Multi-Timeframe Analysis: This script calculates four Stochastic Oscillators with different parameter sets, allowing users to observe market conditions across short, medium, and long-term perspectives.
K Period, D Period, and Slowing: Parameters for each of the four Stochastics, customizable to suit your trading strategy.
Example Input Settings:
Stoch 1: Short-term (e.g., 9, 3, 3)
Stoch 2: Medium-term (e.g., 14, 3, 3)
Stoch 3: Long-term (e.g., 40, 4, 3)
Stoch 4: Very long-term (e.g., 60, 10, 1)
Color-Coded Lines:
Each Stochastic Oscillator is represented with distinct colors for easy identification:
Blue/Light Blue: Stoch 1
Red/Orange: Stoch 2
Green/Lime: Stoch 3
Purple/Magenta: Stoch 4
Overbought and Oversold Levels:
Horizontal lines are drawn at 80 (Overbought), 50 (Neutral), and 20 (Oversold).
Customisable Appearance:
Line widths and colors can be adjusted directly in the code or TradingView settings.
How to Use:
Add to Your Chart:
Copy and paste the script into TradingView's Pine Script editor.
Click "Add to Chart" to display the indicator in a separate window.
Interpret the Indicator:
Look for overbought conditions when %K and %D are near 80.
Look for oversold conditions when %K and %D are near 20.
Crossovers of %K above %D indicate potential buy signals, while crossovers below %D indicate potential sell signals.
Combine with Other Tools:
Use this indicator with other technical tools (e.g., trendlines, volume indicators) to validate signals.
Analyze how Stochastics across different timeframes align for stronger confirmation.
Practical Example:
If Stoch 1 and Stoch 2 show overbought signals (above 80) while Stoch 3 and Stoch 4 are in neutral or oversold zones, this could indicate short-term retracement opportunities in an otherwise bullish trend.
Use the Multi Stochastic Indicator to enhance your analysis by observing momentum shifts across multiple perspectives.
Signal buy and sell (Simple Signals)إعدادات المؤشرات
ema_length =, title="EMA Length"):
يسمح للمستخدم بتحديد طول المتوسط المتحرك الأسي (EMA) الافتراضي (القيمة الافتراضية هي 50).
هذه القيمة تمثل عدد الشموع المستخدمة لحساب المتوسط المتحرك الأسي.
حساب المتوسط المتحرك الأسي (EMA)
ema_value = ta.ema(close, ema_length):
ta.ema: دالة من مكتبة TradingView تحسب المتوسط المتحرك الأسي.
close: السعر الإغلاق لكل شمعة.
ema_length: طول المتوسط المتحرك (عدد الشموع المستخدم).
إشارات الشراء والبيع
buy_signal = ta.crossover(close, ema_value):
ta.crossover: يتحقق مما إذا كان السعر (close) قد اخترق خط EMA صعودًا.
إذا تحقق الشرط، يتم توليد إشارة شراء (buy_signal).
sell_signal = ta.crossunder(close, ema_value):
ta.crossunder: يتحقق مما إذا كان السعر (close) قد اخترق خط EMA هبوطًا.
إذا تحقق الشرط، يتم توليد إشارة بيع (sell_signal).
رسم المتوسط المتحرك الأسي
plot(ema_value, color=color.yellow, linewidth=2, title="EMA"):
يرسم خط المتوسط المتحرك الأسي (EMA) على الرسم البياني.
color=color.yellow: يحدد اللون الأصفر للخط.
linewidth=2: يحدد سمك الخط ليكون أكثر وضوحًا.
title="EMA": يظهر كاسم للخط عند عرض تفاصيل المؤشر.
رسم إشارات الشراء والبيع
plotshape(series=buy_signal, location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.triangleup, title="Buy Signal", text="BUY"):
يظهر سهم أخضر (شكل مثلث) أسفل الشمعة التي تولدت عندها إشارة الشراء.
plotshape(series=sell_signal, location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.triangledown, title="Sell Signal", text="SELL"):
يظهر سهم أحمر (شكل مثلث مقلوب) أعلى الشمعة التي تولدت عندها إشارة البيع.
إشعارات التنبيه
if (buy_signal) alert("Buy Signal detected on Gold!", alert.freq_once_per_bar):
عند ظهور إشارة شراء، يتم إرسال تنبيه مكتوب: "Buy Signal detected on Gold!".
alert.freq_once_per_bar: يضمن إرسال التنبيه مرة واحدة لكل شمعة.
if (sell_signal) alert("Sell Signal detected on Gold!", alert.freq_once_per_bar):
عند ظهور إشارة بيع، يتم إرسال تنبيه مكتوب: "Sell Signal detected on Gold!".
الهدف من المؤشر:
المؤشر يساعد المتداولين في تحديد نقاط الشراء والبيع استنادًا إلى تقاطع السعر مع المتوسط المتحرك الأسي (EMA).
يوفر رؤية بصرية واضحة بفضل الأسهم الملونة، ويتيح إشعارات تنبيه لتجنب تفويت الإشارات أثناء التداول.
كيفية تحسين المؤشر:
إضافة فلاتر إضافية مثل RSI أو تحليل الاتجاه العام لتحسين دقة الإشارات.
استخدام أطوال متعددة للـ EMA لتأكيد الاتجاه.
تعديل التنبيهات لتشمل المزيد من التفاصيل مثل السعر الحالي.
MA + RSI Strategy//@version=5
strategy ("MA + RSI Strategy", overlay=true)
// Input Parameters
fastLength =, title="Fast Moving Average Length")
slowLength =, title="Slow Moving Average Length")
rsiLength =, title="RSI Length")
rsiOverbought =, title="RSI Overbought Level")
rsiOversold =, title="RSI Oversold Level")
// Moving Averages
fastMA = ta.sma(close, fastLength)
slowMA = ta.sma(close, slowLength)
// RSI
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength)
// Buy and Sell Conditions
longCondition = ta.crossover(fastMA, slowMA) and rsi < rsiOversold
shortCondition = ta.crossunder(fastMA, slowMA) and rsi > rsiOverbought
// Plotting Moving Averages
plot(fastMA,, title="Fast MA")
plot(slowMA,, title="Slow MA")
// Signals
plotshape(series=longCondition, title="Buy Signal", location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, text="BUY")
plotshape(series=shortCondition, title="Sell Signal", location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.labeldown, text="SELL")
// Strategy Entry and Exit
if longCondition
strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long)
if shortCondition
strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short)
Bcorp Bollinger StrategyWhen price is outside of the band it will enter with stop loss at previous high or low and go for a 1:2
EMA Ribbon (Oriventi)Description:
The EMA Ribbon Indicator provides a visual representation of multiple Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) directly on the price chart. This tool is designed to help traders identify trends and potential buy/sell opportunities with ease. The indicator includes the following features:
- Customizable EMAs: Includes 9 EMAs with adjustable lengths (default: 21, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 200).
- Color-Coded Trend Signals:
Green: Indicates a potential bullish trend (when the fastest EMA crosses above the slowest (EMA).
Red: Indicates a potential bearish trend (when the fastest EMA crosses below the slowest (EMA).
- EMA Ribbon Visualization: Gradually transparent ribbons for clarity and to distinguish individual EMA lines.
- Highlighting the Key EMA (200): A bold blue line to emphasize the long-term trend.
This indicator is ideal for traders who rely on trend-following strategies or want a quick overview of the market's directional bias. Customize the EMA lengths to suit your trading style and timeframe preferences.
How to Use:
Observe the EMA ribbons' alignment to gauge trend strength and direction.
Use the color coding (green or red) to identify potential buy or sell signals.
Combine with other indicators or price action for confirmation.
Enjoy enhanced trend analysis with the EMA Ribbon Indicator!