One For All - Trend Insight System (Light ver.)

  • Introduction :

Compared to the TIS v1.0, this "light" version is simpler to use and to understand, hence it will suits the basic needs of traders and investors looking for a clear and user friendly indicator to assess the current trend situation for continuous markets. The settings allow an adaptation for call markets, but more backtesting needed at your discretion (see notes below on call markets).

The TIS takes price action, volume and volatility, to :
- provide a clear and easy to interpret global picture on the current trend siuations
- give hints for decent take profit and exit points
- help find support and resistance levels
- assess trend strength and momentum

  • Disclaimer :

The Trend Insight System (TIS) is among the most perfected trend following indicator. Built around the Verbatim (the main colored line), it is inspired by Tushar S. Chande's work on volatility, that I really enjoyed reworking in-depth and re-engineer from scratch, after some tweaks and managing to factor-in the volumes, the Verbatim was born.

The Verbatim is essentially a "smart" moving average that will adapt itself to the price action, the volatility and the volumes, in order to filter-out whipsaw price action and help the user clarify opportunities for trend trading. Since the various components of the TIS helps serve as Support & Resistance level (see examples below), it will also prove to be helpful for swing traders.

Please use with caution, proper risk management and along with your favorite oscillator, channels, candlestick reading and signals system (such as the Pattern Detection System that will be provided complimentary to the TIS, in a separate script).

  • Some explanation :

Verbatim line :
- Green shows a bullish trend, orange for consolidation and red for bearish trend
- When it consolidates, it can be extended to the right to be used as a Support & Resistance line
example use case :

In summary :
- A possible entry is when price action confirms over the consolidating (orange) Verbatim, or after the Verbatim turns green. Please note that they both can prove to be false trend start, so these signals are best used with other indicators for confirmation
- A possible exit point show up when the price action starts closing into the Verbatim, or even safer, when the price action confirms under the verbatim, again, to be used with other indicators on the side

Trend Strength and Momentum:
- Read the current status at a glance
- Trend strength is the relative position of each trend lines (most of which are hidden on this "light" version), from -100% (=bear power) to +100% (=bull power)
- Momentum is measuring the slope of the Verbatim (and another hidden "smart" trend line) also from -100% to +100%; trend lines pointing downwards = bears waking up / in force, horizontal = consolidation or upwards = bulls waking up/in force

  • Important notes :

While is a very powerful yet easy to read Technical Analysis tool, it has been fully optimized for continuous markets such as crypto.
It is highly advised to use the default settings provided as they have been backtested more thoroughly ("continuous market" and "close" input)

To prevent confusing casual users and to avoid overoptimization -risky at best and counter productive at worst, according to legendary traders such as Mark Douglas- this version has most of the customization settings locked out; volume integration, smoothing method used, smoothing constant, volatility setting, period of study. The settings left available are :
- continuous market / call market selection, selecting "continuous maket" will use a specifically designed method of calculation for volatility , based on ATR, while selecting "call market" will automatically use ATR for calculating the volatility , and
- input source selection for the volatility calculation, which only works for "continuous market".

The locked out settings might be included in the future in a more restricted yet complete "Expert mode" version.

  • End notes :

It will always be considered a work in progress to help bring out the best of trend analysis.
Suggestions are welcomed to make it a more user-friendly tool.
Информация о релизе
  • Verbatim cloud added to the Light version of the TIS.
  • Added the "volume integration" selection to make the tool work on all markets (the Verbatim was previously not working on markets for which TradingView doesn't have volumes data such as some "call markets" like gold (XAU chart).
Информация о релизе
Minor bug fix : volume integration.
strengthSupport and Resistanceswing-tradetrendTrend AnalysistrendreversalVolatility

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