Smart Target

От GrantPeace

This is the first forward-looking indicator on TradingView!

A normal moving average indicator will use two averages of differing lengths, referred to as “fast and slow” or “short and long” moving averages, to identify trends and potential trades.

The Smart Target indicator uses the average trade profitability and trade duration of a moving average strategy to determine a forward-looking target that is specific to the chart that it has been applied to.

Every historical trade is considered when the indicator determines the future price target of an asset and the accuracy will improve with time as new trade data is continually introduced.

Indicator Utility

If the fast-moving average crosses above the slow, a blue target will appear.
A red target will appear when the fast-moving average crosses below the slow.

The target will never change once it has been plotted and will not repaint in any way which means that it is fully functional for trading in real-time.

Input Values

The period length of the two moving averages will need to be determined by the user and can be changed in the indicator settings panel.

View the full documentation on this indicator at this link:

Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)chartscryptoCryptocurrencyMoving AveragesSimple Moving Average (SMA)StocksTrend Analysis
Kenzing trading indicators for TradingView perform advanced real-time analysis of stock price trends and display alerts that are easy for the average Trader to interpret.

Скрипт с ограниченным доступом

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Обратите внимание, что это приватный скрипт с ограниченным доступом, который модераторы скриптов не проверяли, поэтому ещё не установлено, насколько он соответствует Правилам поведения. TradingView не советует платить за скрипт и использовать его, если вы на 100% не доверяете его автору и не понимаете, как он работает. Часто вы можете найти хорошую альтернативу с открытым исходным кодом бесплатно в нашем разделе Скрипты сообщества.

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