Zen Pro

The Trading Theory of Entanglement (缠论), developed by a Chinese trading Master in 2006, is the single most complete and comprehensive trading theory known today. Although the theory remains ‘mysterious’ among traders outside China, millions and millions of Chinese traders study this theory everyday, and the theory has been proven to provide the closest description of market behaviors for all types of market including forex, stocks, derivatives, commodity, and cryptocurrency etc., and for all time frames no matter monthly, daily, 30m, 1m or even in seconds. The theory’s philosophy is based on human greed, hatred, delusion, arrogance and doubt, which reveal the most fundamental aspects of any market. For this reason, other trading theories or techniques such as the Dow theory, the Elliott Wave theory, and the Gann theory etc. can all find their explanations as well as their limitations from the Theory of Entanglement.

Fractals, strokes, line segments and pivots are basic elements in the Theory of Entanglement, and only by accurately drawing them on a chart can one find the most accurate buying and selling points. However, manually drawing these elements on an ever-changing chart is both challenging and time consuming, and may lead to incorrect interpretation of the market trend. Our Zen Pro indicator aims to provide the most accurate drawings of strokes, line segments, and pivots, as well as to automate the drawing process for three consecutive levels such as 1m, 5m, and 30m (similar to time frames but not necessarily the same). Buying and selling points are also labeled on the chart to provide users with appropriate trading guidance.

Note that different from the ZigZag indicator or its related ones which mainly connect high and low points on a chart, our developed Zen Pro is a highly structured and well organized technical indicator, and the elements defined in the theory are constructed step by step in the following manner: a pair of top and bottom fractals form a stroke, a minimum of three consecutive strokes form a line segment, and the overlapping area of three consecutive line segments defines a pivot (indicated by the rectangular area). The pivot is the key component to help identify trend continuation or reversal, based on the so-called trend divergence. More importantly, distinguished from other similar indicators implementing the Theory of Entanglement, our Zen Pro perfectly realizes recursions of multiple levels (time frames). For example, a stroke at a higher timeframe of 30m coincides with a line segment in a lower timeframe of 5m, and also coincides with a ‘trend type’ (see below definition) at an even lower timeframe of 1m. This feature is essential for multi-timeframe trading and provides confluence of buying and selling signals at multiple timeframes.

It is important to emphasize that users are strongly recommended to apply the Theory of Entanglement to analyze the current trend (whether it will continue or reverse) based on the drawings provided by the indicator, rather than blindly follow the labels of buying and selling points as signals. For acquiring more information on our Zen Pro, getting tips on how to use it more effectively in trading, as well as learning the Theory of Entanglement from basic concepts, interested users are encouraged to contact the author directly.

Zen Pro缠论指标应用了一套严格的数学递归运算逻辑,能够自动处理k线包含关系,识别顶、底分型,实现自动画笔、笔中枢、线段、线段中枢、走势类型等完美缠论走势图中的基础组成元素。
注:自前期的Zen指标发布一年多以来,我们收到了很多用户的良好反馈,但同时也深知其所存在的不足,因此我们听取了用户的宝贵意见,经过上万次的编译、调试与修改,现已在新发布的Zen Pro指标中解决了Zen指标的所有问题,例如需要手动设置单笔成线段的比例,以及手动设置成笔条件等等。Zen Pro无需用户自行设置,实现了根据当前条件完全自动划分走势。其对于走势的分析更加精确,展现出更加清晰的走势结构,从而使用户可以更有效和准确地判断当前走势的延续与转折。目前Zen Pro已达到我们对缠论指标用于准确描述市场行为的所有预期。
另:当前市场上有很多缠论指标供用户选择,而判断一个指标是否有效的标准不仅仅是该指标能否在大周期(≥ 4小时)或某个时间阶段对走势划分准确,而更是其能否清晰展现小周期(< 30分)的走势结构,以及更加重要的一点,是否能够实现多级别联立(即递归)。目前几乎所有其他的指标均未能实现对于走势结构的递归,从而仅适合于单一周期的操作。
而我们开发的Zen Pro以实现级别递归为基础,但又不仅仅局限于严格递归(若严格递归则可达到 > 99%),而是为更好地适应走势,依据走势的多义性对线段及走势类型进行调整,从而使生成的走势图更加利于分析,大大增加了用户对未来走势判断的准确程度,也同时极大程度上增强了用户的交易信心。

Relations between fractal, stroke, line segment, pivot, and some important definitions:
• Stroke: Connecting two adjacent top and bottom fractals with at least one candlestick in between.
• Line segment: Consists of an odd number of strokes, at least three strokes are required, and the first three strokes must have overlapping portions.
• Level: Levels generally correspond to time frames of the chart, such as 1w, 1d, 4h, 30m, 5m, 1m etc. Sub-level: The above levels are respectively the sub-levels of the previous level.
• Pivot: The part of a trend type at a certain level that is overlapped by at least three consecutive sub-level trend types.
• Trend type: There are two trend types: trend and range. In trend, there are also two types: rising trend and falling trend.
• Range: At any level, a completed trend type contains only one pivot.
• Trend: At any level, a completed trend type contains at least two pivots in the same direction in sequence, which is called a trend at this level.

List of drawings on the chart (for default color settings):
1. Thick blue lines: Strokes at the current level.
2. Thick orange lines: Strokes at a higher level, also line segments at the current level.
3. White dotted lines: Line segments at a higher level, also strokes at two levels higher from the current one.
4. Blue shaded rectangles: Pivots at the sub-level in a trend or a range.
5. Green shaded rectangles: Pivots at the current level in a rising trend or a range.
6. Orange shaded rectangles: Pivots at the current level in a falling trend or a range.

List of labels on the chart (above the candle: sell signal, below the candle: buy signal)
1. Small "1" label below the candle: The lower-level 1st buying point due to the bottom trend divergence or range divergence calculated from MACD: Buy signal
2. Small "1" label above the candle: The lower-level 1st selling point due to the top trend divergence or range divergence calculated from MACD: Sell signal
3. Large "1", "2", "3" labels below the candle: The current-level 1st, 2nd, and 3rd buying points due to the bottom trend divergence or range divergence calculated from MACD: Buy signal
4. Large "1", "2", "3" labels above the candle: The current-level 1st, 2nd, and 3rd selling points due to the top trend divergence or range divergence calculated from MACD: Sell signal
Информация о релизе
Информация о релизе
1. 修复了近期发现的一些笔、线段和中枢的问题。2. 调整了A股4小时级别的对应问题。
Информация о релизе
Информация о релизе
1. 调整了线段的成立/修改条件。2。 修复了个别美股的显示问题。
Информация о релизе
修复了 BTC 5分钟级别中枢和线段的问题。
Информация о релизе
Информация о релизе
1. 修正了 BTC 5分钟走势,2. 修正了上证指数30分钟走势。
Информация о релизе
Информация о релизе
修正了 BTC 5分钟走势。
Информация о релизе
Информация о релизе
Информация о релизе
1. 优化了买卖点标签的显示,2. 修改了个别的成笔问题。
Информация о релизе
1. 修改了BTC5分钟线段问题,2. 添加了警报设置。
chanlunTrend AnalysisZEN

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