Intrinsic Value

От hanssidharta
Script to calculate intrinsic value, based on Book Value and EPS growth for 10 years, minus the inflation.
CAGR is defaulted to 3% per year, which can be customized in the input parameter.
Margin of Safety is set to 30% (remaining 70% or 0.7 of the intrinsic value), which can be customized in the input parameter.
Inflation is set to 5% per year, resulting in -50% of EPS growth in 10 years, which also can be customized in the input parameter.

Информация о релизе
Added MOS Ratio and add 2 decimal points precision.
Информация о релизе
Added overlay settings to true, to set the indicator to be displayed on the main chart, not separately.
Информация о релизе
- Added new formula to correctly calculate the Intrinsic Value if the company is running on losses.
With this new formula, the intrinsic value of the company is greatly reduced when the company is running on losses.
intrinsicSupport and Resistance

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