basilPort Portfolio Tracker Pro [basilChart]

This script is helps giving detailed information about the portfolio.

Prominent features of this portfolio tracking indicator are:
- Chart of your portfolio: This portfolio tracker let’s you view the chart of your portfolio real-time.
- Visualized Profit/Loss: Indicator will let you know of your profit and loss on the chart.
- In-Depth Monitoring: Most Gained 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Most Lost 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
- All Time Highs: Let’s us view All Time Highs on the portfolio chart for each equity on the chart.
- 40 Different Symbols: Supports monitoring 40 different symbols at the same time, real-time.
- 10 Pair Detailed View: For the first 10 symbol in our portfolio, indicator supports viewing detailed info about each of them. Such as: Price, Cost, Qty, Profit Percentage, Chart TF Profit Percentage, Weight

basilPort Portfolio Tracker Pro indicator can be used to:
- Track your investments: The basilPort Portfolio Tracker allows you to enter all your investments and their associated details, such as the ticker symbol, purchase price, and quantity. It then calculates your total portfolio value, including gains and losses.
- Monitor portfolio performance: Provides an overview of your portfolio's performance over time. You can see how your portfolio is performing on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and compare it to the performance of the overall market.
- Analyze asset allocation: Helps you analyze your portfolio's asset allocation, which is the percentage of your portfolio invested in different symbols. You can use this information to adjust your portfolio and diversify your holdings.
- Set investment goals: You can use the Portfolio Tracker to set investment goals and track your progress towards achieving them. For example, you can set a goal of achieving a certain rate of return or accumulating a specific amount of wealth by a certain date.
Overall, the Portfolio Tracker is a useful tool for investors who want to monitor their portfolio's performance, evaluate their investment strategies, and make informed investment decisions.

Best and worst 3 performers in our portfolio:
From Data Window, script let’s us see the best and worst 3 performers in our portfolio. To know how to read it we follow this pattern:
- Check 1st Gained [Number] value.
- Find the nth symbol from script’s Inputs tab.
- Check 1st Gained [Percent] to see its Profit Percentage.
An example scenario to reading Data Window is explained at the very end of the description.

Using the script:
- Add this script to the chart from indicators tab
- Set starting date for the basilGrid Portfolio Tracker Pro either by dragging and dropping the vertical line or by the date-time picker from indicator Inputs tab.
- Set symbols and enable them to monitor with this indicator.
- Set quantity and price information for the symbols you have selected.
- Set visual settings to tailor your experience.

basilPort Portfolio Tracker is an indicator that allows you to track and analyze the performance of your investment portfolio over time. It's a helpful tool for investors who want to monitor their holdings and evaluate their investment strategies.

In this example we used pair BTCUSDT 1h timeframe, our settings are:
Inputs Tab:
- Start Date: 2022-12-13 13:00
- Show All Time Highs: Unchecked
- Show Pair Data (First 10): Checked
- Show Total Data: Checked

- BINANCE:ETHUSDT Qty 4.2 Price 1 332
- BINANCE:BTCUSDT Qty 0.5 Price 17 469
- BINANCE:BNBUSDT Qty 20 Price 270
- BINANCE:AVAXUSDT Qty 200 Price 13.61
- BATS:PYPL Qty 50 Price 78.5
- BATS:AMZN Qty 40 Price 95.4
- BATS:ETSY Qty 40 Price 135.64

For example, if you check Data Window, you'll see the following:
An example scenario:
- Bought Portfolio Value 39142.98 => The cost of the portfolio
- Current Portfolio Value 39142.98 => The current value of the portfolio
- 1st Gained [Number] 2.00 => The most gained symbol's index. (Checking the Symbols what we see on the 2nd spot is this symbol, we can see this value indicates BINANCE:BTCUSDT)
- 1st Gained [Percent] 28.09 => Means BINANCE:BTCUSDT is +%28.09
- 2nd Gained [Number] 4.00 => Again, after checking the Symbols, we now know what this value indicates. It is AVAXUSDT.
- 2nd Gained [Percent] 18.59 => Means BINANCE:AVAXUSDT is +%18.59
And so on to Lost section. Only difference between Gained and Lost section indicates Lost equities.

This script's purpose is to make easier to have more control over the portfolio. With in depth data that’ll help with decision-making.
BTCUSDBTCUSDTeducationalportfolioPortfolio managementportfolioperformanceportfoliosportfoliotrackerscreenerstatisticstrackertracking

Скрипт с ограниченным доступом

Доступ к этому скрипту разрешён только для пользователей, авторизованных автором, и для этого обычно требуется оплата. Вы можете добавить скрипт в список избранных, но использовать его можно будет только после запроса на доступ и получения разрешения от автора. Свяжитесь с basilChart, чтобы узнать больше, или следуйте инструкциям автора ниже.

TradingView не советует платить за скрипт и использовать его, если вы на 100% не доверяете его автору и не понимаете, как он работает. Часто вы можете найти хорошую альтернативу с открытым исходным кодом бесплатно в нашем разделе Скрипты сообщества.

Инструкции от автора

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