Accumulation/Distribution with color coding for momentum traders

От KhanhC.Hoang
The Accumulation Distribution (Acc/Dist) Line is a volume-based indicator designed to measure the cumulative flow of money into and out of a security. Chartists can use this indicator to affirm a security's underlying trend or anticipate reversals when the indicator diverges from the security price. Unfortunately, it is not easy to interpret its data from the TradingView mobile app. So, I used (1) channel, (2) moving averages, and (3) the Elder Impulse technique to color the Acc/Dist to help me see the correlation between the price actions and their volumes on the mobile app.
Информация о релизе
I changed its study's title to avoid the confusion with the TV built-in one.
Информация о релизе
I added Bollinger band to analyze Accumulation/Distribution for volume squeeze, in addition to channel, moving averages, and Elder Impulse for analyses of this Acc/Dist.

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