B1rd's Bitcoin Dominance Oscillator

От dab1rd
A Bitcoin Dominance Oscillator.

Best used on BTC pairs.

The moving line is called the initiator line
Usage is simple: When line turns green you buy alts with bitcoin, When the line turns red you sell alts for bitcoin.

Select a wide range of MA's for your Bitcoin dominance source and your initiator line.
Seperately set your MA length's.
A customizable noise filter (Value 0 = off)

Full description:
This indicator calculates the difference between the BTC.D and the selected moving average of BTC.D.
The units on the right represent the % of the BTC.D it moves above or below the MA.

For the purpose of trading alts I have swapped the positive and negative values. So when BTC.D starts moving up, the initiator line should point down in the negative. When BTC.D starts moving down, the initiator line will point up in the positive.
Информация о релизе
Big update ahead:

Added dominance pairs for all coins (I should probably rename this indicator to just Dominance Oscillator).
Reworked the colouring/styles
Added a usdt dominance confluence filter for the strategy.
On all initiator lines you can select a different type of MA and Length.
Added an option to inverse positive and negative side, for example: you could trade an alt against the btc dominance.

If you want free acces to this indicator you can PM me, in return all I ask for is to report back every once in a while with settings that yield good results
Информация о релизе
You can now choose a MA for the usdt.d initiator line
Better style/colouring.
Информация о релизе
Added automated pair recognition.
Added a label which displays the pair you selected.
Информация о релизе
Coloring update, usdt.d confluence is now indicated with green/red bars.
Noise filter update, is now using an Average True Range sourcing the plotted bars from the past.
Fixed bug in label text when selecting a different asset than what you are currently looking at.
Информация о релизе
Информация о релизе
minor update to fix strategy.
Информация о релизе
Input and Code improvements
Информация о релизе
Centered OscillatorsMoving AveragesOscillators
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