
Naked Intrabar POC

rumpypumpydumpy Wizard Обновлено   
This indicator with an unfortunate and very non PC sounding name approximates (!) the intrabar point of control (POC) either from time or volume at price.

Due to pine limitations, bin size and the sample lower time frame selection will have at least some effect on the accuracy of the approximation. The trade off is between accuracy and historical availability, however bar replay can be used to view prior historical states beyond what is visible from the current real time bar.

In order for all intrabar POC circles to be visible, you will need to manually set the visual order of the indicator by bringing it to the front.

Since the POC represents a price point around which the highest market participation occurred, the exposed global variable intrabar_poc may (or may not) be interesting as an alternative to ohlc based source input.
Информация о релизе:
Minor correction. No functional change.
Информация о релизе:
Added "Highest volume naked POC within lookback"
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