5e_ BBMacd

Bollinger and macd, could life be any sweeter.

use the moment the points curl in towards the outer bbands to gauge an entry or exit.

1. the trend is bullish and the points are sailing above the upper bollinger band, the points start to curl towards the bband = short
2. the trend is bearish the points are travelling below the bottom bband, the points start to move towards the bollinger band = long
3. the points are inside the bollinger band and are about to hit the mid bband, a curl away is rejection, a pass is successful

using the color (red sell, green buy) coding and elliott wave you should be able to gauge the next move.

try different coins on different timeframes and bare in mind the higher the tf the bigger the delay.
5eBBbbandbbmacdLONGmacdivergenceMoving AveragesOscillatorsshortTrend Analysis

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