Financials Index Combo

Financials Index Combo includes 2 languages Vietnamese and English:
Note the abbreviations:
Rev: Total revenue (Diluted EPS)
Gross: Gross profit
OI: Operating Income
C: Deferred Income, Current
N: Deferred Income, Non-Current
INV: Total inventories (Inventory turnover)
TAS: Total assets (Asset turnover)
Ev/Ed: Enterprise value to EBITDA ratio
ROIC: Return on invested capital
ROA: Return on assets
ROE: Return on equity
TA: Return on tangible assets
TE: Return on tangible equity
G: Sustainable growth rate
FCO: Cash From Operating Activities
FCF: Free Cash Flow
D: Debt to equity ratio
L: Long term debt to total assets ratio
E: Debt to EBITDA ratio
M: Current ratio
S: Sloan ratio -10 -> 10 --> safe zone
H: Fulmer H <0 --> struggling with its finances
>0 --> stable condition
F_score: Piotroski F-score 0 - 9
TCA: Total Current Assets
Rev/TCA: Total revenue to Total Current Assets ratio
Graham: Graham's number
NCAVPS: Net current asset value per share
Convert to billions:
Real Time Table:
Quarterly or annual financial statements
Financials Index For Bank:
Информация о релизе
Financials Index Combo V1.2
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