Better Bollingers

От tedwardd
The Bollinger Band strategy is a powerful and effective tool for automated trading in high volatility markets. The trouble is that, by itself, it is not very profitable. We need a way to know if the volatility we're seeing is part of a larger trend in the direction we want to trade in. Doing this, we can avoid entering long trades during a macro downtrending market meaning we can use tighter stop losses and open trades with more confidence than if we didn't have an idea of the larger market trend.

This script is ideal for, and geared towards, users of the 3commas automated trading platform. It behaves similarly to the familiar TA Presets BB-20- family of strategies but includes other indicators to help weed out some of the noise in a highly volatile market. Additionally, users who are not on, but using 3commas for trading, now have access to signals comparable to those provided by the builtin signals for
Информация о релизе

* Fixed safety order step scale not scaling properly

New Features:
* Stoploss value of "0" now disables stoploss
* Provide warning message if stoploss is less than total safety order price deviation
* Plot moving averages
Информация о релизе
Removed average position price line used for debugging purposes only.
Информация о релизе
Remove more inadvertent debug code
betaBollinger Bands (BB)Exponential Moving Average (EMA)Simple Moving Average (SMA)

Скрипт с ограниченным доступом

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Инструкции от автора

This strategy is still in beta. If you wish to join the beta waiting list, please sign up using this form:

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