Top / Bottom Finder

От Absidy
The Top/Bottom Finder is a unique indicator that looks for market tops and market bottoms in real time without repainting or lagging! When this indicator suspects that a market top is forming it changes the background of the chart to bright green. When this indicator suspects that a market bottom is forming it changes the background of the chart to bright red. This is a great confluent signal for other indicators and strategies that focus their trading styles on entries and exits in the top or bottom of the market. There are two settings that you can change depending on what markets you are in and your trading style. If you are looking for very quick scalping opportunities it is best to set the sensitivity setting very low to look for quick changes, but if you are looking for long term market peaks you can turn the sensitivity up. Since this indicator works independently from the time frame it's best to check out different setting on different time frames to see how they agree. For example, if you are looking for a lot of trades on the 4 hour charts you can set the sensitively very low, but this might give similar information if you set the sensitivity very high on the 5 minute charts. The next setting that you can change is the signal quality. The tops and bottoms of trending and ranging markets look very different, to account for this you can change how this indicator responds in both types of market by setting the signal quality very high for tending markets and very low for ranging markets, or somewhere in between for potential break out markets.

This indicator works by a proprietary recursive filtering technique that tries to gauge if a top or bottom is forming in real time.

To start your free four day trial please see the link below to receive access and free tutorials for this indicator!
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