BE - Strategy Builder Toolkit

Indicator vs Toolkit:
This is definitely not an indicator, hence this doesn't do any kind of analysis nor provide meaningful outputs where you can take trading decisions out of it.

This is a Strategy Builder Toolkit which works like any other broker/3P applications, which helps traders to build their own custom/ predefined strategies, save / deploy them at their wish.

Idea Behind Developing this Toolkit: I am sure many of traders have overcome scenarios where, on break of x level he wants to initiate straddle else he wants to initiate Iron Condor. Some of them wants to deploy custom strategies only at certain time or at certian price levels.
It becomes pretty difficult to track markets when you are away from desk and if you dont adjust the strategy legs, you are incurring big drawdowns. There are many if's and buts to deploy strategies.

To overcome such challenges, i have built this toolkit.

Note: As this is just a toolkit, you should conduct your analysis to gauge the market direction outside the perview of this. Once you know the view / direction of the script. you can use this toolkit in action to
1. Deploy Strategy at (Desired levels| Desired time|Confired Levels|Confirmed Volumes)
2. Strategy can be Prebuilt / Custom Built
3.1 Set SL, Target for Directional view (Trail SL aswell)
3.2 Set Upside or Downside Target for Non Directional view (Trail SL aswell)
3.3 let the strategy play with out SL|Targets for consolidation view.
4. Adjust Legs by closing existing position and opening fresh position or place fresh adjustments
5. Book partial Profits with in the zone.

How the Toolkit is buit: Script uses text related functions to understand the custom input given in the indicator and coverts into a strategy and deployes them as a algo trading (Next Level Bot) with the additional parameter set for SL|Target|Entry levels.

Understanding the settings:
1. Strike Difference: is basically a value between each strike. eg: Banknifty : 100, Nifty & Finnifty: 50
2. 1 Lot Qty: Qty per Lot accepted by exchange|Broker. eg: BNF: 15, Nifty: 50, Finnifty: 40
3. Lot Multiplier: If you build strategy with 1 lot and if you set the Lot multiplier as 2 then strategy gets deployed with 2 lots. for eg. If i have saved strategy to buy BNF 1 ITM with 1Lot and have set lot multipier to 3 then at the time of deploying the trade it pushes as 3 lots (3 * 15Qty per lot = 45Qty) of 1 ITM strike.
4. Symbol Name: Select the Symbol Name here.
5. Current & Next Week Expiry Date: Specify the expiry Dates in the format as supported by your broker.
6. Broker Name, Exchange & Product Type: hope it is self explanatory.

IMPORTANT settings to understand:
7. Triggere Entry Post (optional): You have to specify when you want to deploy the strategy. For instance, if i want to deploy my strategy at 30 min after market open which is 9:45 am, then i have specify as 0945. Another instance where i want to close my strategy at 3 PM then you have to specify as 1500. Uncheck this option if you are not worried about the time of entry.

My personal Used Case: On the Expiry -1 Day at 0916 (9:16AM) i will buy 6 lots of 8OTM PE & CE and Sell 2 lots 7OTM, 2 lots of 6OTM and 2 lots of 5OTM and close the trade by 1100 (11AM).

8. Price Levels (Confirmed vs UnConfirmed) (Optional): Confirmed is basically price is sustained at|around the specified price level, where in UnConfirmed is basically the touch of the specified level.

for instance if i want to deploy straddle only if price is sustained at 100. then, i would specify GE with 100 in price input settings, and check thee Confirmed price box. Assuming if LTP is running at 98 and with the above settings it will only deploy the trade upon price is sustained at 100 level for 3 to 5 candles not at the touch of 100.

Uncheck this option if you are not worried about the Entry Price.

9. Confirmed Volume (Optional) (Long or Short): Basis your view|direction of the strategy. you can get additional confirmation. At the time of entry you want volume to be present towards the direction of the strategy. Uncheck this option if you are not worried about the volume or Volume doesn't exist for the chart loaded.

10. Alert Types: It consists of 3 Long & 3 Short directional (prebuilt) strategy along with Close Strategy, Close Specified Symbols Only & Design Custom Strategy Option.
10.1 : Slow Upmove - If you are having bullish view and predict that prices shall go slow and steady. This strategy can be deployed where you get the benifit of time decay as well while the delta play in favor of you. (viseversa for Slow DownMove)
10.2 : Fast Upmove - If you are having bullish view and predict that prices shall go fast. This strategy can be deployed where you get the smaller benifit of time decay as well while the delta play in favor of you. (viseversa for Fast DownMove)
10.3 : Vol Upmove (Volatality)- If you are having bullish view and predict market is tend to be volatile. This strategy can be deployed where you get the benifit of volatility as well while the delta play in favor of you. (viseversa for VolDownMove)
10.4 : Close Trade - You can use this option close the deployed strategy completely.
10.5 : Close Symbols - You can use this option close few of the symbols for the strategy deployed.
10.6 : Custom: Use this option to design you own custom strayegy with the syntax below:

Sample 1:

N refers to Nextweek Expiry (if C is used then Current week expiry)
B refers to Buy (if S is used then Sell)
C refers to Call | CE (if P is used then PE or Put)
2 refers to 2OTM (for CE any Postitive number refers to as OTM and for PE it will be treated as ITM strikes & 0 refers to as ATM - viseversa for Negative Numbers)
3 refers to as 3 Lot

With the syntax of N|B|C2|3 - strategy will be deployed as "Buy 3 lots of 2 OTM Call of Next expiry"

Sample 2:

Above syntax means: SELL Current Expiry 3 Lots of 3 OTM Put Strike with 10 SL and 30 TGT

Sample 3:

Above syntax means: SELL Current Expiry 3 Lots of 10 OTM CALL Strike with 50% SL and 95% TGT

Sample 4:

Above syntax means: BUY Current Expiry 3 Lots of 2 ITM CALL Strike with 40% SL and 50% TGT

Sample 5: Long Straddle

Above syntax means: BUY Current Expiry 3 Lots of ATM CALL & PUT Strike

Sample 6: Iron Butterfly

Above syntax means: Sell Current Expiry 1 Lots of ATM CALL & PUT Strike and BUY 1OTM Call & Put Strike

Sample 7: Diagonal Spread

Above syntax means: Sell Current Expiry 1 Lots of 2OTM CALL & PUT Strike and BUY 3OTM Call & Put Strike of Next Expiry.

To Understand how to deploy Strategy with defined Adjustments. For instance i want to deploy Iron Condor with Adjustments for BNF when the price is currently running at 45000.


With the above syntax: Intial trades are placed with
BUY BANKNIFTY45300CALL(Current Expiry) 1 Lot
BUY BANKNIFTY44700PUT(Current Expiry) 1 Lot
SELL BANKNIFTY45200CALL(Current Expiry) 1 Lot
SELL BANKNIFTY44800PUT(Current Expiry) 1 Lot

Toolkit tracks the price and holds the adjustments.

We may start to bleed on the sold leg (45200CALL) once the price crosses 45200. Hence if the price crosses 2 strike upside as specified with syntax " On:2|* " where * is a character tagged to Sold Call Leg. it closes the 45200 Call.

Similarly, " On:2|- " where - is character tagged to Brought Call Leg. it closes the 45300 Call, as soon as prices reaches 2 strike upside.


With the At Statements you can place the fresh adjustments legs. Above syntax refers to Once the price reaches 45200 it places below adjustment legs.
BUY BANKNIFTY45500CALL(Current Expiry) 1 Lot
SELL BANKNIFTY45400CALL(Current Expiry) 1 Lot

Note: Similarly If prices reaches downside with the On and At Sytax it places the necessary adjustment legs accordingly.

11. SL & TGT - You can specify SL, TGT or Upside & Dowside TGT during the entry conditions and Stratey shall be closed upon hitting either the SL or TGT accordingly.

12. On % Tgt & Lock % SL: This option is used for Prebuilt strategy where you can lock the Profit | Set Revised SL upon hitting specified TGT percentage.

13. Close Symbols: This option is used if you select Alert type as Close Symbols (Ref - 10.5 : Close Symbols) for specified list of symbols Alert shall be pushed to close the open positions of those symbols.

DISCLAIMER: No sharing, copying, reselling, modifying, or any other forms of use are authorized for our documents, script / strategy, and the information published with them. This informational planning script / strategy is strictly for individual use and educational purposes only. This is not financial or investment advice. Investments are always made at your own risk and are based on your personal judgement. I am not responsible for any losses you may incur. Please invest wisely.

Happy to receive suggestions and feedback in order to improve the performance of the indicator better.
Информация о релизе
Updated the Display. - No Other Changes.
Информация о релизе
Prebuilt Custom Strategy:
1. Sold Legs shall Close before the Main Brought Leg.
Информация о релизе
Minor Updates:
1. Cleanedup Few Variables to Improve the Performance of toolkit.
2. Updated New Exipry Dates as per the Current Contract.

Improtant: Under Custom Type Input box, Keep only Syntax and remove additional texts like Strategy inputs / Info, else you may encounter Indicator error.

Sample Valid Syntax


Sample Invalid Valid Syntax
Stg 1: D:3 T:500 V:1.5K (M Shape to within 3 strike)
Info: 4.75% TGT for 1.25Lk Cap 11% Loss

Информация о релизе
Major Update:
1. Now you can call to close the main Leg in one single syntax.

Sample: In Order to Place SELL 3OTM STRIKE CALL WITH 1 LOT and close this trade once price reaches 2 strike above.

Earlier With Old Version

Now With New Version

Minor Updates:
1. tooltips added for getting better understanding of each settings.
2. Improve Algorithm for better performance of indicator.
3. Added Log Statements for easy view of Logs in Pine Log options.
Информация о релизе
1. Added * and ** syntax for At Syntax.

Sample 1 (With Single *): Input

Sample 1 Output: Once the price reaches 1 strike above the current LTP. All your existing CE Shorts shall be closed and place fresh CE short leg as per the syntax. (Fresh Leg : SELL Current Week Expiry 3 OTM CE of 4 lot with 50% SL at 96% Profit)

Sample 2 (With Double **): Input

Sample 2 Output: Once the price reaches 1 strike above the current LTP. All your existing CE & PE Shorts shall be closed and place fresh CE & PE leg as per the syntax. Note: irrespective you mention C3 or P-3, both the legs shall be placed.
(Fresh Leg : SELL Current Week Expiry 3 OTM CE of 4 lot with 50% SL at 96% Profit)
(Fresh Leg : SELL Current Week Expiry 3 OTM PE of 4 lot with 50% SL at 96% Profit)

Sample 3 (With Double **): Input

Sample 3 Output: Once the price reaches 1 strike above the current LTP. All your existing CE & PE Shorts shall be closed and place fresh CE & PE leg as per the syntax.
(Fresh Leg : SELL Current Week Expiry 3 ITM CE of 1 lot)
(Fresh Leg : SELL Current Week Expiry 3 ITM PE of 1 lot)
Информация о релизе
1. Converted Few Input variables and loaded as a profile pack, in order to reduce User Inputs.
Информация о релизе
Major Updates:
1. Now you can Specify your Desired Strike Price as well while building your custom Strategy. for instance: If BNF SpotPrice(LTP) is 45000 and if you wanted to trade Current Expiry 1 OTM strike Call for 1 Lot you have below 2 options:



2. Introduction to Exit Before (EB) & Exit After (EA) Syntax: Lets understand this syntax with below example.

Assuming trader is already holding
SOLD 1 LOT 45000 CE of Next week expiry
BROUGHT 1 LOT 45100 CE of Next week expiry

if one have to adjust sold leg. he may use Exit Before (Syntax). lets say trader wish to adjust 45000 CE leg with 45200 CE . he can now use below syntax in custom input:


above Sytax will ensure the earliear sold leg gets closed and fresh sell leg will be placed.
Assuming trader is already holding
SOLD 1 LOT 45000 CE of Next week expiry
BROUGHT 1 LOT 45100 CE of Next week expiry

if one have to adjust brought leg. he may use Exit After (Syntax). lets say trader wish to adjust 45100 CE leg with 44900 CE . he can now use below syntax in custom input:


above Sytax will ensure that fresh buy leg gets placed and earliear brought leg gets closed.

3. Introduction of Trail SL for Overall Strategy: This option can be found under Alert Type -> Trail&Close

You can set your desired TrailSL Points either for your Downside target or Upside Target. If the prices moves in the direction of your strategy. SL shall be moved accordingly. Once the TSL is hit your position shall be squared off completely.

DISCLAIMER: No sharing, copying, reselling, modifying, or any other forms of use are authorized for our documents, script / strategy, and the information published with them. This informational planning script / strategy is strictly for individual use and educational purposes only. This is not financial or investment advice. Investments are always made at your own risk and are based on your personal judgement. I am not responsible for any losses you may incur. Please invest wisely.

Happy to receive suggestions and feedback in order to improve the performance of the indicator better.
Информация о релизе
Major Update:
Implementation of Track Price (TP) syntax. Its best understood with the below sample. Lets Assume LTP of the BNF is running at 45000. if Trader want to BUY 1 Lot of ATM Call of Current Expiry when the LTP reaches either 45100 or 49900, one has to use the below syntax in the custom Input


Sample 2: Lets Assume LTP of the BNF is running at 45000. if Trader want to BUY 1 Lot of 47000 Put of Next Expiry when the LTP touches +35 or -65 points, one has to use the below syntax in the custom Input


Minor Updates:
Bugs Fixed for incorrect Alert format being generated for Paper Trading
Информация о релизе
Major Updates:
1. Introduction of "HardStop": Once you deploy any Strategy, you can set the Exit points (Upside & DownSide) once the prices reaches those StopPoints, Your Positions Shall be Closed.

2. Introduction of Trail Up / Trail Down Syntax: Many Traders would know how bracket orders work along with Trail. This syntax functionality would be something similar to the Trail. It will Trail and once the Trail Point is Hit back System will fire an Entry Alert order. (Entry order can be of Bracket order again)
Информация о релизе
Minor Update:
1. DhanHQ Close Syntax Updated.
2. Cleaned Up few Variables to improve the performance of the Script.
Информация о релизе
Minor Updates:
1. Fixed Bug Related to Trail and Enter Order Syntax
Информация о релизе
Major Update:
1. Adjustment Legs / Trailed Orders meeting at same price points shall be placed with one single Alert instead Multiple Entries. (Buy Leg shall be placed first then Sell Leg)
2. HardStopAbs : you can now set the exit points in Absolute values (LTP) as well for any side. Meeting the price point, exit's the strategy Trade completely.
Информация о релизе
Minor Updates.
Информация о релизе
Major Update:
1. Now you can Trade Trend line Break Out or Break Down.
Информация о релизе
Minor Update:
1. Minor Bug Fixing.
Информация о релизе
1. Implemented Option to Choose the Separators: Mobile Users don't have "|" key by default and use to be difficult in typing this key while building the custom strategy.

Now that you can choose between any of these options below.
A---> | (Pipe Key)
B---> , (Comma Key)
C---> (Space Key)

With the Pipe Separator: C|B|C0|1 will be a valid syntax
With the Comma Separator: C,B,C0,1 will be a valid syntax
With the Space Separator: C B C0 1 will be a valid syntax
Информация о релизе
Minor Bug Fixed.
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Информация о релизе
Major Updates:
1. Added 2 Custom Strategies for Intraday or Short Term:
A. Trendy Market - Directional Strategy which requires 1Lk Capital and max Risk is 2K
B. Slow Directional Market - Directional Slow Moving Strategy which requires 1.6Lk Capital and max Risk is 9%.

2. You can Trade Futures alone or combine it with options. In order to Buy BNF Futures 1 lot use the below syntax
If you wish to Set SL of 10% and TGT 50% for your futures Trade you may use below syntax
If you wish to Predefined Set SL of 50 and TGT 100 for your futures Trade you may use below syntax

3.If you are HTF and you want to enter trade as specific Time as per the LTF candle. It is now made possible.

4. Price Confirmation Logic has been refined and it now can take confirmation from LTF candles when you are on HTF charts.

5. You can Now load 4 external sources and customize your entry conditions like, Crossovers, Buy Sell Signals from Other Indicator, Candle Above Lines etc. Read Tooltips in the indicator for better understanding of the usage.

DISCLAIMER: No sharing, copying, reselling, modifying, or any other forms of use are authorized for our documents, script / strategy, and the information published with them. This informational planning script / strategy is strictly for individual use and educational purposes only. This is not financial or investment advice. Investments are always made at your own risk and are based on your personal judgement. I am not responsible for any losses you may incur. Please invest wisely.

Happy to receive suggestions and feedback in order to improve the performance of the indicator better.
Информация о релизе
Major Update:
1. Trendlines can now detect, Trading between Trendlines, Test of Trendline, Retest of Trendline along with regular breakout and Breakdown scenario.
2. Improved Algorithm for CrossOver & Cross Under Scenario between external sources.
3. You can also enable to plot the external source in one indicator (Avoid Clutter)
4. You can now check the Delta between the soruces for better postioning your trades.
Информация о релизе
Major Updates:
1. Added Profit Maximizer: If your option strategy is directional (be it any size), and if you have set the minimum target at the time of entry, and if the momentum can give you more profit why not take it!! This profit maximizer locks the initial set target and continues to trail to the direction set ensuring you get the max profit.
2. Do you want to deploy premium eating strategy while the prices is trading between 2 trendlines. Yeah!! its now made possible.
Added 2 options to enter the trade only when the price is trading within trendline and trading outside the trendline.
3. Combined Plot for External Sources: Imagine you are a MA trader and you have 2 Moving averages like 20 MA and 8 ema, and it so happens that prices respect 20MA for few candles and sometime it respects 8 EMA. so which one to follow. Now this combined Plot helps you plotting one line by analyzing those 2 MA's so that you will see only one line which is currently being respected.
Информация о релизе
Minor Updates:
1. Bug Fixed of Profit Maximizer on Zero Downside Target.
Информация о релизе
Minor Fix.
Информация о релизе
Major Update:
1. On Syntax, At Syntax, Track Price Syntax, Trail up Entry & Trail Down Entry is not enabled for Future Leg as well.
Информация о релизе
There was a spell error in previous update.

Major Update:
1. On Syntax, At Syntax, Track Price Syntax, Trail up Entry & Trail Down Entry is enabled for Future Leg as well.

This Time Minor Update:
Added Time based Exit option. you have the option to choose which type of position you want to exit at what time. This option typically works like a square off positions. Just mention the Script name in the Close Symbols Group and set the time and set the type and create alert. Indicator should close the respective positions for you.
Информация о релизе
1. Added Strategy Entry Days Option: Do you wish to deploy your profitable strategy only on specific days ? This option is you go to method, as you set your entry Day based on your idea and deploy it accordingly.
Информация о релизе
Minor Bugs Fixed...
Информация о релизе
Minor Updates:
1. Added FIN Nifty & Nifty Expiry Day Strategy to Deploy at 10 AM
2. Minor Performance Improvements.
Информация о релизе
Major Update:
1. AT syntax now supports fixed level as well. lets learn how it is supposed to act.

Lets assume LTP of the script is 47200 and with the use of below syntax
C B C0 1
AT:47500 C S C0 2

On trade Entry Indicator buys 1 lot of ATM CALL and indicator will hold the 2nd leg, until the price reaches 47500.
upon reaching 47500 it will sell 2 LOTS of ATM CALL which is 47500 CE.

2. Introduction Trail On Levels Syntax:

TUON:47850 0.35 C S C46000 2
TDON:46000 0.35 C B C46500 2

1---> TUON:47850 0.35 C S C46000 2 - Refers to once the LTP reaches 47850 level. places a wait and watch trade with trailing watch of 35% of strike value.

lets say i am long on 46000 CALL FOR 2 LOTS and once the price reaches the level. it places as watch trade to exit the call option. it continues to hold on to the trade if the price is moving heigher and once the price drops the watch level it exits the trade

1---> TDON:46000 0.35 C B C0 2 - Refers to once the LTP reaches 46000 level. places a wait and watch trade with trailing watch of 35% of strike value.

lets say i am SHORTED on 46500 CALL FOR 2 LOTS and once the price reaches the level. it places as watch trade to exit the call option. it continues to hold on to the trade if the price is moving LOWER and once the price hits the watch level it exits the trade

3. Introducing Levels Sntax:

When to use Levels Snytax?
Upon Analysis of BNF chart lets say a trader marks certain levels for major price action. And he wants to deploy certain strategy at those levels.
These can be treated as add on legs for your main strategy, or the scalping trades using an MIS order which can be used in order to maximize the profit.


LVL:47000 F BS 2
LVL:1 F BS 2
LVL:-0.5 F BS 2
LVL:47850 N B CP 2I 2 DEF
LVL:47000 C B CP A 1
LVL:47000 C B P 1O 1
LVL:47500 C B C 47600 1 DEF
LVL:47500 C S C 47500 1 DEF*
LVL:47300 C B P 47200 1 DEF
LVL:47300 C S P 47300 1 DEF*
LVL:46500 C BS CP 46200 1 DEF

1---> LVL:47000 F BS 2 - Refers to once the LTP reaches 47000 level, breaking above the level shall buy 2 lots of futures. breaking below the level shall short 2 lots of future contract. NOTE: level orders are the loop orders and contiue to place the orders with minimum SL POINTS.

2---> LVL:1 F BS 2 - Refers to once the LTP reaches 1 STRIKE level ABOVE THE CURRENT LTP, breaking above the level shall buy 2 lots of futures. breaking below the level shall short 2 lots of future contract.

3---> LVL:-0.5 F BS 2 - Refers to once the LTP reaches 0.5 STRIKE level BELOW THE CURRENT LTP, breaking above the level shall buy 2 lots of futures. breaking below the level shall short 2 lots of future contract.

4---> LVL:47850 N B CP 2I 2 DEF - Refers to once the LTP reaches 47850, breaking above the level shall BUY Next Expiry 2 lots 2 ITM CALL WITH DEFAULT SETTINGS SL, TRAIL SL, AND TARGET. breaking below the level shall short NEXT EXP 2 lots of 2ITM PUT contract WITH DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR SL TRAIL SL AND TARGET.

LVL:47000 C B CP A 1
LVL:47000 C B P 1O 1

Refers to once the LTP reaches 47000, breaking above the level shall BUY CUR Exp 1 lots ATM CALL OPTION. breaking below the level shall `BUY CUR EXP 1 lots of ATM PUT contract along with 1 lot of 1 OTM PUT OPTION.

LVL:47500 C B C 47600 1 DEF
LVL:47500 C S C 47500 1 DEF*

Refers to once the LTP reaches 47500, breaking above the level shall BUY CUR Exp 1 lot 47600 CALL ALONG WITH SELLING OF 1 LOT OF 47500 CALL. breaking below the level Shall not perform any action. NOTE: * IS USED AT THE END - which refers to hedged leg. since call SELL for long side is not a profit making option.

LVL:47300 C B P 47200 1 DEF
LVL:47300 C S P 47300 1 DEF*

Refers to once the LTP reaches 47300, breaking above the level shall not perform any action but breaking below the level shall BUY CUR Exp 1 lot 47200 PUT ALONG WITH SELLING OF 1 LOT OF 47300 PUT. NOTE: * IS USED AT THE END - which refers to hedged leg. since PUT SELL for SHORT side is not a profit making option.

8---> LVL:46500 C BS CP 46200 1 DEF - Refers to once the LTP Reaches 46500, breaking above shall place below trades
BUY 46200 CALL 1 LOT
SELL 46200 PUT 1 LOT

similarly breaking below shall place
BUY 46200 PUT 1 LOT
Информация о релизе
Minor Updates:
1. Cleaned up few variables and fixed known bugs.
2. In order Hedge your positions for Level based Entires - Put Buy's for Long Entries, similarly Call Buy for Short Entries is now made possible.
Информация о релизе
Major Update:
Introducing Clone Level feature: Its basically an extension to level syntax which was released in the previous updates.

Basic Syntax Formats:
LVL:0.5 C BS C A 2 CUP*0.5*3
LVL:-0.5 C BS P A 2 CD*0.5*3
LVL:47000 C BS C A 2 CUD*1*3

in the above formats.
CUP ----> Refers to Clone the level to the Up side.
CD ----> Refers to Clone the level to the Down side.
CUD ----> Refers to Clone the level to both Up Side & Down side.

In order to better understand how Clone Level works, lets take below scenario as an example.

I am a trader who trade round numbers on the BNF Chart. Lets assume LTP of the BNF is at 47050. i have specified syntax with clone feature as below

LVL:47100 C BS C A 2 CUD*1*3

it Means, Indicator clones the levels 3 times for upside for the levels 47200, 47300 and 47400 along with 47100 by default. it also clones the levels 3 time for downside for the levels 47000, 46900 and 46800. In total Indicator created 7 levels for it to track and trade.

lets say LTP moves from 47050 to 47101, middle level gets activated and once the level is broke out for the upside it place 2 lots of current expiry ATM CALL (47100CE) Option for long side. similarly if it breaks down it shorts 2 lots of current expiry ATM CALL (47100CE) Option.

lets say from 47100 ltp moves to 47201, mid +1 level gets activated and once the level is broke out for the upside it place 2 lots of current expiry ATM CALL (47200CE) Option for long side. similarly if it breaks down it shorts 2 lots of current expiry ATM CALL (47200CE) Option.

AT LTP 47250 you would be long on 47100CE AND 47200CE

Lets say from 47250 if price drops to 46899. you would be short on 47200CE, 47100CE, 47000CE
each by 2 lots.

in the above example. LTP neither crossed 47300, 47400 and 46800 levels, hence its still not activated for it place the trade.
Информация о релизе
Major Updates:
1. Improved the performance of the Indicator. Now you can specify upto 40 Adjustments for your strategy.
2. Close Syntax Modified as there was a clash in syntax for Clone vs Close on Level where both were using * character.



What got Changed: Instead using * use ^ in the Clone syntax for your Level's
Информация о релизе
Major Update:
A. Introducing Session Time Option for Levels Order: Lets Say As a Trader, i want to place my Adjustment legs only during certain times like first 30min of market open, and at 11 am to 1130 am where European market open and at around 2 Pm to 230 PM and so on.

Now you can set your time based restriction in the input settings. With Default Settings, Level based orders shall be placed only during the below Session.
1. 0915-1005
2. 1030-1110
3. 1325-1355
4. 1410-1510

B. Level Based Orders shall now be placed only if the price sustains at the specified level.

Minor Update:
1. Improvised Overall performance of the indicator.
Информация о релизе
Major Update:
1. Introducing Session Based Orders: While Levels based Syntax is from the Option Buyer Perspective does place the adjustment / Scalping Orders during more volatile / Momentum period, This Session Based Orders is from Options Seller perspective.

Option Sellers Need Slow Momentum Period to eat the Premium Decay.

How To Create Syntax for Session Based Orders: Lets understand with a example. I as an option Seller wish to deploy Short Straddle at below time Session where i expect least movement in price
1. 1000-1030
2. 1145-1330

Step1: I head to "Place Session Specific Orders During this Session." option in the indicator settings and type these two session like this format.

Step2: Under the Custom Syntax. I create the syntax as below

With the Above Syntax, when the time his 10 AM, Indicator Deploys Short Straddle and exits at 10:30 AM. Similarly Once the Session time hits 1145 am Indicator Again Deploys Short Straddle and exits at 1:30 PM. Like this you may customize the session as per your strategy with Leg wise Stop loss and TP.

2. Improved Overall Algo Performance.
Информация о релизе
Updates: Minor updates.
Информация о релизе
Информация о релизе
Minor Updates.
algotradingdhanhqeducationalnextlevelbotoptionsoptions-strategyoptionstraderoptionstradingPine utilitiesstrategybuildertrendlineanalysisTrend Line Break

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