Trend Chaser Pro

От LegitTA
Trend Chaser Pro( TCP ) is a powerful indicator that is made using several years of experience in trading and coding with a lot of backtesting. it can be used as a Stand-Alone indicator as well as in combination with other indicators to provide more confluence when trading. The main purpose of TCP is to help market participants by providing buy and sell signals as well as indication of Tops and Bottoms in any trading market.

- There are 3 main components to TCP :

1.Top/Bottom Indicators:

Tops are indicated with "❖". There are two colours that are used. light red for Tops and dark red for Max Tops

Bottoms are indicated with "✦". There are also two colours that are used to demonstrate Bottom conditions. light green indicates Bottoms and dark green indicates Max Bottoms

2. Buy/Sell indicator:

Buy signals are indicated with a green "●" and Sell signals are indicated with a red "●" using price volatilities with
calculation of price movement in trending and ranging environments .

3.Bars colour

for a clearer visualisation of Buy/Sell indicator signals , colour of bars change from light blue to orange and vice versa.

light blue bar colour is an indication of uptrend and provides buy signal

orange bar colour is an indication of downtrend and provides sell signal

p.s. Period can be changed to have more aggressive (if decreasing the number) or more conservative( if increasing the number) signals.

(*please always remember that past performance of this indicator is not an indication of its future performance and you always need to do your own research before taking action in financial markets*)

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