First Candle Marker[fitfatq]

От fitfatq

This script is designed to mark the first candle of each trading day on the chart. It provides both a label and a vertical line as options to visually highlight the first candle.

Key Features

Label Settings:

Show Label: Option to display a label above the first candle of the day.
Label Text: Customizable text for the label.
Label Color: Customizable color for the label.
Label Text Color: Customizable text color for the label.
Label Transparency: Customizable transparency for the label.
Vertical Line Settings:

Show Vertical Line: Option to display a vertical line at the first candle of the day.
Vertical Line Color: Customizable color for the vertical line.
Vertical Transparency: Customizable transparency for the vertical line.
Vertical Width: Customizable width for the vertical line.
How It Works

The script identifies the first candle of each trading day by comparing the day of the week of the current bar with the previous bar.
If the current bar is the first candle of the day, it draws a label above the candle and/or a vertical line through the candle based on user settings.


This script is useful for traders who want to quickly identify the first candle of each trading day. It helps in recognizing patterns and significant price movements that occur at the start of the trading day.

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