PnD [Intromoto]

От Intromoto
This scripts forms a range based on time, then looks for the levels of premium (the difference between spot and perpetual price) and plots a signal depending on breakout or breakout.

The indicator only works properly on Binance perpetual futures charts. If you're not on a Binance perp chart, the metrics will default to a Biannce:BTCUSDT vs Binance:BTCUSDTPERP premium comparison.

This indicator automatically calls the appropriate spot vs future comparison. i.e if you're on the Binance:MATICUSDTPERP chart it knows to check the Binance:MATICUSDT chart for contrast.

"Super Pumps" are range breakouts with extreme levels of backwardation - set in user inputs
"Pumps" are range breakouts with less extreme backwardation - no user input
"Push" occurs where there are irregularities in the premium vs price sequence, indicating a potential bottom
"Pull" occurs where there are irregularities in the premium vs price sequence, indicating a potential top
"Dumps" are range breakdowns with extreme levels of premium - set in user inputs by %, indicating a potential top

Users can set the base range period, i.e the duration (length) of the range, as well as the range height, established by the first candle of the new range.
User inputs a resolution of candle close required to trigger the signal. i.e "15" would mean price needs to close a 15 minute candle outside of the established range for the signal to appear.
Example: Base period 240, Range Period 15. This would create an invisible range every 4 hours from its first fifteen minute candle. Any price closing (based on resolution in the inputs) would alert a breakout or breakdown.

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Информация о релизе
Added line output for indecisive structure, which usually turns into either support or resistance.
Changes plotshape size. Added a "Failure" for when the range breakouts get rejected
Информация о релизе
Added style options and reorganized code.
Информация о релизе
Removed "Pull", giving a few too many false signals
Информация о релизе
Removed "Hard Pull" & Pic change
Информация о релизе
Added a Bullish Indecision line and removes unnecessary code.
premiumrangeTrend Analysis
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