Time Trades 1929

The Time Trades script showing key timing elements for the period of 1927-1930, centered around the 1929 crash.

This script includes the following timing elements:
Medium Pivots is a rough 3 month cycle based on the inner planets. This script includes Medium Pivots from 1924-10-01 to 1930-09-30
Small Pivots is a monthly cycle based on the Moon. This script includes Small Pivots from 1926-10-01 to 1929-12-29
Gann Waves is a different monthly cycle based on the Moon. This script includes Gann Waves from 1926-10-01 to 1930-03-29
New lunar signs indicates when the moon enters Aquarius or Leo which tends to be important signs for trend changes. This script includes Aquarius and Leo lunar signs from 1929-04-03 to 1929-12-29

Unlike the Time Trades script for current dates, this script does NOT include:
Cheat Code purple or teal vertical lines
Moon void of course periods as we don't have access to intraday prices in the historical dataset
Lunar aspects as we don't have access to intraday prices in the historical dataset

This script is part of the Time Trades service.
Информация о релизе
Update the 1929 historical script with all the latest features of the Time Trades script.
  • Venus Intervals
  • Eclipse Season
  • Cheat Code
  • Lunar Declination Events
  • Eighths of a Magic Level Interval
  • Harmonics of a Magic Level Interval
  • Prior Days High/Low/Close price
  • Prior Weeks High/LowClose price
  • Control over label size


Скрипт с ограниченным доступом

Доступ к этому скрипту разрешён только для пользователей, авторизованных автором, и для этого обычно требуется оплата. Вы можете добавить скрипт в список избранных, но использовать его можно будет только после запроса на доступ и получения разрешения от автора. Свяжитесь с yyctrade, чтобы узнать больше, или следуйте инструкциям автора ниже.

TradingView does not suggest paying for a script and using it unless you 100% trust its author and understand how the script works. In many cases, you can find a good open-source alternative for free in our Community Scripts.

Инструкции от автора

This script provides access to some of the Time Trades timing elements for key historical periods for research purposes. To get access, sign up for a paid account at This script is not part of the free trial.

Хотите использовать этот скрипт на графике?

Внимание: прочтите это перед тем, как запросить доступ.

Time Trades is a data service that combines machine learning and Gann techniques to provide time centric forecasts. These are intended to be combined with your existing price analysis to provide a trading edge.
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