Quad centered moving averages v1

От luigigarone1983
This indicator includes four centered moving average!
The missing periods have been reconstructed with a very complex approximation and projection technique!
The hatched areas are approximations of the missing periods projected into the future.
It is possible to set the centering of the averages through the variable "Approximation Lenght" and the ratio between the main average and the underlying in "Period Partition".

Practical example of setting:
"Approximation Lenght" equal to 2 means that the centering will be of half a period.
"Period Partition" makes sure to cascade all averages by dividing them by the same number.

//Once decided the Main Cycle (default 256) we will get the 4 averages:
-red to 128
-orange 64
-yellow 32
-white 16

This is a great tool for cyclical analysis.
It is not possible, due to the pinescript v4 language limit, to set the average under 35 periods and over 1070 periods.

For any bugs contact the creators
Информация о релизе
Update to version 5


Projection stabilization function
centered-smacyclecyclicaltoolsluigigarone1983Moving Averages
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