Support & Resistance - TradingED

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The use of this indicator is restricted to private use, and it can be used only by invitation. Different functionalities have been added, such as alerts and signals that seek to make trading much easier to interpret by any type of trading operator of any experience level, from beginner to intermediate and advanced.

This indicator will help you identify support and resistance levels over a previously determined range, whether from a count by candles, by minutes, hours or days. These support and resistance levels are calculated thanks to the highest and lowest points that will be painted along the chart, from the levels that you have previously selected.

You will even have a way to identify the most recent levels, thanks to the fact that they will be painted in a darker tone, as well as some price labels to quickly identify each of the levels on the chart. Identifying these levels sometimes seems like a pretty difficult task, but with this indicator you will discover that it will be much easier than you think to be able to master these levels.

As part of the analysis of chart patterns, traders use these price levels on charts that tend to act as barriers, preventing the price of an asset from being pushed in a certain direction. Support and resistance levels serve to identify the points where the price can favor certain probabilities for a stagnation or reversal of a prevailing trend.

Main functions of this indicator:
1) The MEASURE can be based on a CANDLES count if you are trading OHLC Charts from 1D onwards, or if your trading is intraday, you can also select counts by MINUTES, HOURS or DAYS, depending on your trading style.
2) LENGTH, by default it will be loaded as in the STRATEGY, but considering the previous point, you can modify it according to your convenience.
3) You have the option to hide or show the EXTENDED LEVELS the way to identify the most recent levels.
4) You have the option to hide or show a LABEL at the right of the chart, with respect to the price levels.

Main functions to customize the style of this indicator:
a) You can select the COLOR for Support and for Resistance, with the colors that best suit you.
b) In the case of the LABELS that appear at the right, the text, type of label and default color is not modifiable.
Информация о релизе
Bug fixed!
highLOWpivotsupportSupport and Resistancetradingedtradingedcom
We are a community of Traders interested in applying adequate Risk Management for Financial Markets.

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