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Interface: DatafeedConfiguration

Charting Library.DatafeedConfiguration

Datafeed configuration data. Pass the resulting array of properties as a parameter to OnReadyCallback of the onReady method.



Optional currency_codes: (string | CurrencyItem)[]

Supported currencies for currency conversion.

When a currency code is supplied as a string then the library will automatically convert it to { id: value, code: value } object.


`["USD", "EUR", "GBP"]`


`[{ id: "USD", code: "USD", description: "$" }, { id: "EUR", code: "EUR", description: "€" }]`


Optional exchanges: Exchange[]

List of exchange descriptors. An empty array leads to an absence of the exchanges filter in the Symbol Search list. Use value='' if you wish to include all exchanges.


Optional supported_resolutions: ResolutionString[]

List of supported resolutions. Resolution string format is described here: ResolutionString Setting this property to undefined or an empty array will result in the resolution widget displaying the content.


`["1", "15", "240", "D", "6M"]` will give you "1 minute, 15 minutes, 4 hours, 1 day, 6 months" in resolution widget.


Optional supports_marks: boolean

Does the datafeed supports marks on bars (true), or not (false | undefined).


Optional supports_time: boolean

Set this one to true if your datafeed provides server time (unix time). It is used to adjust Countdown on the Price scale.


Optional supports_timescale_marks: boolean

Does the datafeed supports marks on the timescale (true), or not (false | undefined).


Optional symbols_grouping: Record<string, string>

Set it if you want to group symbols in the Symbol Search. Represents an object where keys are symbol types SymbolType and values are regular expressions (each regular expression should divide an instrument name into 2 parts: a root and an expiration).


"futures": `/^(.+)([12]!|[FGHJKMNQUVXZ]\d{1,2})$/`,
"stock": `/^(.+)([12]!|[FGHJKMNQUVXZ]\d{1,2})$/`,

It will be applied to the instruments with futures and stock as a type. Refer to Symbol grouping for more information.


Optional symbols_types: DatafeedSymbolType[]

List of filter descriptors.

Setting this property to undefined or an empty array leads to the absence of filter types in Symbol Search list. Use value = '' if you wish to include all filter types. value within the descriptor will be passed as symbolType argument to IDatafeedChartApi.searchSymbols


Optional units: Record<string, Unit[]>

Supported unit groups. Each group can have several unit objects.


weight: [
{ id: 'kg', name: 'kg', description: 'Kilograms' },
{ id: 'lb', name: 'lb', description: 'Pounds'},