USDMXN: Uptrend continuation here

USDMXN has fired a nice buy signal here, so we can enter gradually over a couple days.
If it doesn't move back down under yesterday's open, we can expect significant upside to emerge from here.

The fundamental key levels will tell you what prices will probably do with good accuracy. Please refer to my educational chart on the subject, or ask, for more information.
Going long USDMXN here is a good idea overall, since it acts a bit like a hedge against SPX during risk off events.

Good luck!


Ivan Labrie
Clearly failed, you can take the opposite side perhaps, but I'd rather leave it alone. If you want exposure to the Peso you can buy EWW.
Failure to hit 20.1138 in a day triggers a buy signal.
Сделка активна
I bought back in before FOMC today, looks viable now.

Keep an eye on EWW, if Trump takes a 'soft coup to the knee', this trend could turn around perhaps.

There's been some talk by the CIA, and mainstream media, about Russia interfering with the elections and whatnot...they even blamed them for the Brexit vote recently, hilarious.

Anyway, if they get away with it, and effectively 'soft coup' Trump out of the White House, we could see an unwind of many active trends, it could get ugly...
electionsFBIHRCkeyhiddenlevelsrgmovtimeatmodetrumpUSDMXNVIX CBOE Volatility Index

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