Using Godmode 3.1 mod with LSMA "merged" with Stochastic RSI

This publication is provided MAINLY for others to MAKE THIS THEIR OWN to use when trading.

This is a spin off from the following publication:
Basic Understanding of HOW to use Godmode. Pasted in comments...


You will fine it's VERY BUSY in the 12h up to the 13 Day TF's.
Less busy in 14 Day TF and higher for various pairs. EVERY PAIR IS DIFFERENT.
So, keep rolling through one higher time frame after another on each pair you wish to trade until you find a time frame that's NOT BUSY. You'll see what I mean.
The less busy it is the less RISK involved when trading and EASIER to read the signals
If you do this with MULTIPLE pairs in HIGH time frames that are LESS BUSY, your time spent trading will be MUCH LESS STRESSFUL and MORE ENJOYABLE.
All BLACK vertical lines are ENTRY (LONG)
All RED vertical lines are EXIT (SHORT)

We PREFER the Blue LSMA to be at 80% or higher for SAFE EXIT (SHORT) bets.
We PREFER the Blue LSMA to be at 20% or lower for SAFE ENTRY (LONG) bets.

Rule No. 2
ANY time the red line is approaching a green line that’s moving UPWARD,
Be prepared to make an ENTRY (LONG) when the red line is about to touch the green line that’s moving upward.
One can look at a lower time frame to get a better idea of how much longer you may have
To wait for the red line to touch the green line. In many cases, you may make ENTRY (LONG)
Just before the red line actually touches the green line that’s moving up in that higher time frame
You were initially using as your COMPASS. I currently have the 1-Month TF as a compass for EURUSD.

Rule No. 3
ANY time the red line is approaching a green line that’s moving DOWNWARD,
Be prepared to make an EXIT (SHORT) when the red line is about to touch the green line that’s moving downward.
One can look at a lower time frame to get a better idea of how much longer you may have
To wait for the red line to touch the green line. In many cases, you may make your EXIT (SHORT)
Just before the red line actually touches the green line that’s moving downward in that higher time frame
You were initially using as your COMPASS. I currently have the 1-Month TF as a compass for EURUSD.

Rule No. 4
The Green Line and/or Ghost Line can often help one determine when an upward or downward move in a particular time frame
Is nearly exhausted and about to reverse.

Example for Upside Exhaustion about to reverse to the Downside:
When the Green Line and/or Ghost line is at 80% level or higher, this is a good indicator to inform
Us the current upside move may be approaching exhaustion. You can look at a higher time frame to try to gain
More insight as to whether this will only be a brief dip down in the lower time frame IF the higher time frame you
Went to reveals there is a lot more room remaining for the Green and/or Ghost Lines to reach the 80% or higher level.

Example for Downside Exhaustion about to reverse to the Upside:
When the Green Line and/or Ghost line is at 20% level or lower, this is a good indicator to inform
Us the current downside move may be approaching exhaustion. You can look at a higher time frame to try to gain
More insight as to whether this will only be a brief dip up in the lower time frame IF the higher time frame you
Went to reveals there is a lot more room remaining for the Green and/or Ghost Lines to reach the 20% or lower level.

Rule No. 5
The same rules you see in Rule No. 4 also apply to the Stochastic RSI. Keep in mind I changed the colors of the
Stochastic RSI to the following: Red default changed to Purple and Blue changed changed to Black to avoid confusing
Them with the lines in Godmode.

When the Stochastic RSI is at 80% or higher level, we need to be on guard for a reversal to the downside.
When the Stochastic RSI is at 20% or lower level, we need to be on guard for a reversal to the upside.

More rules may be added later…

Some have asked, "What is a GHOST iine?"

It's the filled in MAGENTA color in this chart. You can go to "inputs" then "style" to change it to whatever color you like.
What I'm about to share will require several charts to provide "examples" of what I mean when I say, "Choose time frames with less noise to make trades as SAFE as possible."

First, I'm going to post several charts - Starting with lower time frames and gradually moving up to higher time frames:

Daily (1440m) TF:

4-Day TF:

Weekly TF:

2 Week TF:

3 Week TF:

You should see what I mean, after posting several time frames, how I prefer to have the indicators as smooth as possible with more clear signs of the Blue LSMA going as high as possible.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We will not necessarily use the Blue LSMA as the all conclusive tool that makes our decision for entry and/or exit. The other rules already listed are of more importance. The Blue LSMA still represents more of an AVERAGE than anything else.

More examples coming shortly.
A question was asked in comments:
"On the eurusd example, most of your entry horizontal lines come AFTER the red and green have crossed, is that due to lower time frame precision or just experience?"

"Only reason I did that is if someone wanted to play it EXTRA SAFE by waiting for the Stochastic RSI to move up from 0.0% or move down from 100%. Stochastic RSI is a "lagging" indicator. Godmode is the LEAST laggy indicator I've found if used properly."

I would prefer to look at Stochastic RSI as a 2nd opinion or confirmation of what was previously understood/realized by Godmode.

More examples to come...
I have never done any kind of Desktop video (or whatever they call it) where the viewer sees the chart and everything I'm wanting to emphasize in the video.

Does anyone know if there is a video that teaches those of us on Trading View how to use their feature to provide teaching videos on their platform? If you do know of a video that teaches this, please provide a link. This would be the best possible way for me to better get across the many things I want to convey.
I prefer to use my 15 inch MacBook Pro. I might use my Mac Pro Desktop with 27" inch monitors. If I use the Mac Pro, will I need to have only one monitor hooked up when making the video? Is there any other sort of special equipment I would need to make the video using Trading View's platform?
I just found the RECORD button on the right side of the PUBLISH IDEA icon in the bottom right corn of the chart.

I'm going to create a video later after I eat dinner. This first video will more or less be a TRIAL RUN to get used to it.

I'm open to any suggestions on the length of the video.
Someone stated the following in a PM and I thought I would share it below:

i have noticed that i am very bad with enteries; despite charting the bigger picture correctly
do you know how one can improve entries? i have googled and read each and every article and youtube videos on entries
still i am not satisfied.

Entries can be a double edged sword. What do I mean? When trading FOREX, It's definitely worth your while to keep an eye on the Monthly to get an idea of WHEN we're fairly sure we're at or very near the top or bottom of a channel. Like the channel I drew on the Monthly. Otherwise, you're forced - for a bit - to swing trade on lower TF's than the monthly - such as the 2-Week TF - until we have arrived at or very near the top or bottom (depending on the trend) to go LONG or SHORT to continue with the larger trend realized from the Monthly. THEN, once you've managed to make a good entry at the top of a SHORT in the 2-Week on a bear trend OR managed to make a good entry on a LONG in the 2-Week on a bull trend; you can THEN ride out the remaining time in the Monthly trend. In other words, LEAVE IT ALONE AND LOOK FOR ANOTHER PAIR TO DO THE SAME THING, once you feel pretty confident you've made a good entry. That's my philosophy on trading FOREX.
You will also find you will be FORCED to swing trade in even lower TF's than the 2-Week and 1-Week.
in order to keep skin in the game - so to speak - to ensure you've given yourself the opportunity to make a good entry in the higher TF's.
This will probably be best explained in a video.
I'll be making videos on that very thing in the near future.
It takes practice and diligence.

i am not talking entries with respect to godmode indicator
but in general

Well, I refuse to make entries without Godmode.
I've found all other indicators are "laggy" compared to Godmode
If one knows how to use Godmode in multiple TF's; as I've been showing in the 4-Day, 3-Day, 2-Day and 1-Day, they can apply those similar principles in lower TF's and even higher TF's.
That's if you have kept up with my BTCUSD publication
I've been providing examples using the 4-Day, 3-Day, 2-Day and Daily.

I'm slowly leading everyone up to understanding how to apply those principles in even lower TF's.
Cause we will use the higher TF's to get an idea of what the trend is and where we're going.
Then the lower TF's for better entries in the higher.

Since we are NOT the market maker, do NOT assume you will be able to make entry at the very bottom on a LONG or at the very top on a SHORT. That's practically impossible if you're NOT a market maker with TONS of capital.
However, we'll be able to get close enough to make gains.

I personally believe the better strategy in FOREX is to try to make as good of entries as possible on very high time frames to allow yourself to ride it up or down FOR MONTHS. When you have made an excellent entry on a long ride in a pair like this, it allows you to work on doing the same on another pair, then another , then another.

It can be VERY stressful (especially for a new trader) if trying to swing trade multiple pairs in lower TF's. Keeping up with them all with alarms can be stressful.
That's from my experience with FOREX at least.

Large brokerage houses or firms will assign at least two people to each pair. Sometimes more for that sole purpose I mentioned. They (the team) will communicate with one another. One or more focused on lower TF's while another supervisor is focused on the very high TF's to coordinate best possible entry in higher TF's to ride SHORT's or LONG's for a very long period of time in the very high TF's like the Monthly and/or 2-Month TF.

I'm going to create my first video very soon to simply get accustomed to using that feature. I thought I would create a short video for my first one that will explain how to use Trading View's alarm/alert feature on INDICATORS; not "price."

Expect more soon...
As I've mentioned before, be careful of making FLAT STATEMENTS in the trading profession. I said that to say the following:

Do NOT assume I'm demanding you follow the strategy on FOREX I mentioned above. Every trader is at a different skill level. What I recommended above is more for one who is relatively new to trading.

If you have made it to a point where you're quite proficient with Godmode and Stochastic RSI, you don't have to use only that strategy mentioned above. The strategy mentioned above may be more of a fit for someone who has a full time job with very little time for laboring over charts on a computer.

I personally, recommend trading on PAPER while being honest with yourself when trading fake money on paper. Otherwise, you're only cheating yourself. Do NOT try to use Godmode in very low TF's for scalping without experience. Hence, the recommendation for higher TF's at first.

This is why I've focused on the 7-Day, 4-Day, 3-Day, 2-Day, Daily (1440m), 12h (720m) and 6h (360m) Time Frames with BTCUSD BitStamp. I want others to see how it takes practice to read what Godmode is telling us a story - so to speak - in those MULTIPLE time frames I mentioned. Which will in turn provide the big picture for us.
Please scroll down to three (3) posts made on April 23rd in the following publication for more information regarding "entries."

IMPORTANT: Wyckoff does not apply as often to currencies (FOREX) and commodities as it does to stocks and crypto currencies.

Learning Wyckoff With Bitcoin From the Beginning
IMPORTANT NOTE WHEN USING Godmode 3.1 Mod with LSMA in 2-Day TF and Higher:


More updates will follow throughout the day to help those who choose to DAY TRADE potentially make better decisions for entry and exit in each EVENT of a Wyckoff Accumulation Schematic.

AR = Automatic Rally
A.Re. = Automatic Reaction
BC = Buying Climax
BU = Back-Up
BU/LPS = Back Up w/test for additional supply
LPS = Last point of Support
PS = Preliminary Support
PSY = Preliminary Supply
SC = Selling Climax
SOS = Sign of Strength
SOW = Sign Of Weakness
SR = Simple Rally
ST = Second Test
TR = Trading Range
UT = Up Thrust
UTAD = Up Thrust After Distribution
Let me make another comment about money management for the TYPE of trader one should be during times of uncertainty before we look at the 6h TF chart (below).

Lets say one had $10,000 to put towards trading BTCUSD and more capital for other alt-coin pairs. We will focus ONLY on the $10,000 devoted towards BTCUSD pair.

Earlier, I made the statement that one may want to use 50 to 70 percent of their capital intended for a particular pair for LONG TERM trading and the remainder for Day Trading Swing Trades of each EVENT within a Wycoff Accumulation Schematic. This is NOT the time to begin using that 50 to 70 percent of your capital set aside for BTCUSD unless you are the "Market Mover" (Composite Man). Only the Composite Man or Group KNOWS if this is the time to begin accumulating large amounts of bitcoin over months of S-Curves before a Wyckoff Spring. This was the time to use a small percentage to attempt trades in Wyckoff events (as a Day Trader) with less risk to your capital because of using a SMALL percentage.

It's up to you to decide what amount that SMALL percentage will be based on your current experience, risk tolerance and ability to manage emotions. REMEMBER, this is a time to LEARN. We cannot LEARN if we are not allowing ourselves the opportunity to LEARN how to handle those EMOTIONS while building our TOLERANCE with risk management to gain EXPERIENCE as a Day Trader.

So, let's assume we will put aside 50% ($5,000) for Long Term Investment when it's OBVIOUS the trend has changed and we are in full swing of a Bull Trend "AFTER" A WYCKOFF SPRING in Phase C in an Accumulation Schematic. This leaves another 50% ($5,000) to divide up for swing trading while leaving some aside for FIAT or Stable Coins in case other opportunities potentially arise.

Now, let's break up that short term day trading capital of 50 percent ($5,000) into 25 percent portions of $1,250 in each portion if you're not as experienced using Godmode 3.1 Mod with LSMA, Stochastic RSI and Phoenix ARI. Maybe you do have experience with those indicators but still working on managing (handling) your emotions and risk tolerance and choose to break up that 50 percent ($5,000) into 25 percent portions instead of 33 percent portions. That's up to you to decide.

The time to make entry with a 25 percent portion ($1,250) or 33 percent portion ($1,650) was when the Red RSI and Blue LSMA made contact with the Green Line WHILE the Green Line was moving up; indicating upward pressure will likely commence.

I personally prefer using the 6h TF as my short term time frame for entries and exits when using the Daily and 2-Day time frame as my compass for mid term time frames. Keep in mind we must still pay attention to long term time frames; such as the 4-Day, 7-Day, 10-Day, 14-Day and Monthly Time Frames in order to have an idea of where we are and where we may potentially be going.

6h (360m) TF:

How would we know to make entry where previously shown in the 6h (360m) TF???

We would have known based on similar configuration of the Red RSI and Blue LSMA about to make contact with the Green Line WHILE the Green Line is going up in the Daily (1440m) TF and 2-Day TF. Which see:

2-Day TF: This time frame was a bit more clear than the Daily (1440m) TF in regard to the ANTICIPATING the Green Line coming UP to make contact with the Red RSI; indicating Upward Pressure will likely commence.


Here's a look at the Daily (1440m) TF: It has a bit more NOISE and not as clear as the 2-Day TF was. What do I mean by "NOISE?" Note how short and shallow the moves were with the Green Line. The moves of the Green Line were not as long (broad) in the Daily (1440m) as they have been in the 2-Day TF.

I probably should have began this conversation IN MORE DETAIL like I'm doing now BEFORE this move began. I've been very busy with my office remodel. I'll try to keep us updated and discuss what decisions we might make as these Wyckoff Accumulation Events play out. This will be an excellent learning experience for Wyckoff Accumulation Events to occur in the future. It doesn't matter if it's with Crypto or with Stocks.
Have a look at the indicators in this 4-Day TF to see the reason for a Day "Swing" Trade of 25 to 33 percent ($1,250 to $1,650) of the 50 percent ($5,000) set aside for "Swing" Trading the Daily and 2-Day TF's with the 360m (6h) TF used for better entry and exits.

A look at the Daily from 2015 to get a VISUAL PICTURE of a Wyckoff Accumulation Schematic. Why? So, you can see what I mean by Swing Trading the EVENTS from the bottom of the Selling Climax in Phase A to the SPRING in Phase C with the 30 to 50 percent you have set aside specifically for Day Trading with Swings in those events WHILE leaving 50 to 70 percent set aside specifically for INVESTMENT (Long Term Trade) FROM the Wyckoff Spring in Phase C all the way through Phase E to the Buying Climax when it ends at a new All Time High many months or years into the future.

A look at the over all picture from beginning to present to show you what I mean by keeping 50 to 70 percent of your capital your willing to invest in a particular coin pair till Phase C of a Wyckoff Accumulation Schematic WHILE using the remaining percent of your capital for a particular crypto pair for Swing Trading from the Selling Climax in Phase A to the Spring in Phase C.

Godmode 3.1 Mod with LSMA (LTCUSD) has an option in "Format" under the "Inputs" tab for "Multi-Exchange." Which see:

Godmode 3.1 Mod with LSMA (LTCUSD) Source Code will monitor data from four (4) Exchanges within its code in the event you "check" the "Multi-Exchange" box. Those four (4) exchanges are "COINBASE: LTCUSD" "BITFINEX: LTCUSD" "BTCE: LTCUSD" and "BITSTAMP: LTCUSD." Which see on line 11 and 12 of the source code:

The ONLY time you "check" the "Multi-Exchange" box is WHEN you are using this indicator (Godmode 3.1 Mod with LSMA) for "LTCUSD" ONLY. It's STRONGLY RECOMMENDED "NOT" TO CHECK THE "MULTI-EXCHANGE" BOX WHEN USING THIS INDICATOR FOR ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN "LTCUSD."

However, I recommend NEVER checking the "Multi-Exchange" box even when using it for LTCUSD. WHY? Because one of the four (4) exchanges it monitors data is "BTCE." Well, "BTCE" is no longer in existence (dead). Which means you would be monitoring only 3 of the 4 exchanges. If you want, you can COPY the source code and paste it into a new indicator you create and EDIT line 12 of the code by changing "BTCE" to "BINANCE." THEN you could use "Multi-Exchange" for LTCUSD more effectively. However, make sure to UN-CHECK the "Multi-Exchange" box when using your NEW indicator to monitor any other pair other than LTCUSD.
Beyond Technical AnalysisTechnical IndicatorsTrend Analysis

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