
Alibaba Group for comparison.

Alibaba Group

On average, 90% of all stocks move down with the market, and 75% move up.
The wave principle applies to some extent to individual stocks, but counting the waves for them is often confusing and does not have much practical significance. But since the company has a large capitalization, we assume that the state of the shares depends on the psychology of the masses./

November 27, 2018, 10: 29-Media: the head of Alibaba became a member of the Communist Party of China
In 2019, the Chinese government began embedding officials in major technology companies, including Alibaba.
Uighur Surveillance - In December 2020, The New York Times reported that Alibaba had developed and sold facial recognition and surveillance software configured to detect Uighur faces and those of other ethnic minorities in China. Alibaba responded that it was "dismayed to learn" that its subsidiary Alibaba Cloud had developed the feature.
Antitrust Investigation - In November 2020, The Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping personally disrupted Jack Ma's Ant Group IPO . This was followed by a surprise bill published by the Chinese government on November 10, 2020, which gives regulators greater scope to regulate their largest technology enterprises. In December 2020, the State Administration for Market Regulation of China said it had launched an investigation into Alibaba over monopolistic practices. In the country, the central bank , as well as three other regulators, confirmed in a separate statement that the affiliated Ant Group would also be called in to discuss " competition and consumer rights."(In December 2011, Rosneft was again fined in a new antitrust case. / In April 2018, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia issued a warning to Rosneft»)

Shareholders (Shareholders who I found)
SoftBank Group Corp - 24.9%
Ma Family - 2.57%
Apn Ltd. - 1.85%
Norges Bank Investment Management - 1.03%
Chung Tsai - 0.79%
Capital Research & Management Co. (Global Investors) - 0.70%
Capital Research & Management Co. (World Investors) - 0.57%
Fidelity Management & Research Co. LLC - 0.48%
Alibaba Group Holding Limited - 0.48%
APG Asset Management NV - 0.46%

Clippings from presentations-
"Our online and mobile commerce businesses are classified as value-added telecommunication businesses by the PRC government. Current PRC laws, rules and regulations generally restrict foreign ownership in value-added telecommunication services. As a result, we operate our online and mobile commerce businesses and other businesses in which foreign investment is restricted or prohibited through variable interest entities, each of which is owned by PRC citizens or by PRC entities owned by PRC citizens , and holds all licenses associated with these businesses.

The applicable PRC laws, rules and regulations governing value-added telecommunication services may change in the future. We may be required to obtain additional approvals, licenses and permits and to comply with any new regulatory requirements adopted from time to time. Moreover, substantial uncertainties exist with respect to the interpretation and implementation of these PRC laws, rules and regulations.

Regulation of Dividend Distribution The principal laws, rules and regulations governing dividend distribution by foreign-invested enterprises in the PRC are the Company Law of the PRC , as amended, which applies to both PRC domestic companies and foreign-invested companies, and the 2019 PRC Foreign Investment Law and its implementation rules, which apply to foreign-invested companies. Under these laws, rules and regulations, foreigninvested enterprises may pay dividends only out of their accumulated profit, if any, as determined in accordance with PRC accounting standards and regulations. Both PRC domestic companies and wholly-foreign owned PRC enterprises are required to set aside as general reserves at least 10% of their after-tax profit, until the cumulative amount of their reserves reaches 50% of their registered capital. A PRC company is not permitted to distribute any profits until any losses from prior fiscal years have been offset. Profits retained from prior fiscal years may be distributed together with distributable profits from the current fiscal year.

Although we believe that our business practices do not violate anti-monopoly or unfair competition laws, due to our large scale of business and close media attention, there can be no assurance that regulators will not initiate anti-monopoly investigations into specific business practices we have adopted. Any anti-monopoly lawsuit, regulatory investigations or administrative proceedings initiated against us could also result in our being subject to regulatory actions and constraints on our investments and acquisitions, which could include forced termination of any agreements or transactions that may be determined by governmental authorities to be in violation of anti-monopoly laws or the relevant filing requirements, required divestitures, limitations on certain pricing and business practices and/or significant fines. As a result, we may be subject to significant difficulties in pursuing our investment and acquisition strategy. These allegations, claims, actions or proceedings, regardless of their merits, have, and may continue to, cause us to change some of our business practices and hinder our business operations, which could decrease the popularity of our businesses, products and services, cause our revenue and net income to decrease materially, and could lead to additional regulatory inquiries, investigations or actions against us, such as profit disgorgement, heavy fines and various restrictions on our businesses or investment activities. Any of the above circumstances could materially and adversely affect our business, operations, reputation, brand and the trading price of our ADSs and/or Shares."
Well, it fell a little more than I expected but the plan is still in charge.
Elliott WaveFibonacciStocksWave Analysis

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